@crazygreekgeek @ranbla pay to win does suck, but there are few games out there where free works, mechwarrior online, world of tanks, world of warplanes, team fortress and war thunder are all good games that cost nothing, so is champions online and dc universe
@crazygreekgeek I played this game for a couple weeks, the foundry is pretty cool, making your own quests and playing quests others have made is cool, but other than that the game is pretty crappy, for the first while tanks couldn't hold aggro and so your healer became your tank and control wizards were so OP in pvp is was retarded.
@__Metallica @stan_boyd i dunno yet I reserve the right to wait til its out to make my judgement, afterall I thought dragon age 2 and duke nukem forever were going to be great sequels that would up the epicness of the older games, and boy was I wrong :P
@DiscGuru101 i liked the bowling and darts in IV but what made IV far superior to me, was the ability to finally take cover instead of strafing and hoping the 20 enemies firing at you miss more than hit.
@Mozelleple112 @stan_boyd oh yeah I forgot that iv didn't have me tapping x as fast as I can on a treadmill, now that I really think back on san andreas most of the crap everyone loves was the same stuff that annoyed me cause it was boring and mostly pointless, yeah I could work out and get big muscles so I could punch stuff, OR I could not work out and just kill stuff with my AK no muscles needed.
what was so wrong with GTA IV? is it cause it wasn't in the ghetto, with ballers? what did san andreas do so differently (besides a lack of cover system forcing you to strafe fire constantly) that makes it amazing and IV crap?
@GetafixOz @Liquid_ @stanknuggetz12 I haven't played neither game so I will say neither is better, but so far from what I have seen of watch dogs, it doesn't look that special, just another 3rd person sand box game where you can steal cars and shoot bad guys, sorta like gta but it also has smart phones.
@tightwad34 @stan_boyd ok, yes I am racist to any, white, black, brown, purple yellow, blue, green person who wears his pants around his ankles, has grills, wears bling and says "know wha i'm sayin" in every sentence
@MegaMannaMageM @stan_boyd @newbro by stupid people maybe, I didn't say I hate black people, I said I hate the ghetto gangbanger retarded crap like Lil Wayne. Where as I don't hate black people in general like Bill Cosby or Wesley Snipes.
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