@newbro i'm grateful for multiple characters, even though san andreas had some cool ideas, for me it was the worst game in the series cause I hate all that ghetto gangbanger retarded crap. if franklin was the main char in this game, I would just skip it altogether, but since there are options I am happy.
@BPoole96 @stan_boyd if microsoft shuts down cloud titanfall goes down, and even if you don't wanna consider it ms exlusive its still xbox and windows exclusive as it excludes everyone else. and last i checked windows is microsoft
@BPoole96 @stan_boydhttp://www.gamesthirst.com/2013/06/06/confirmed-respawns-new-game-called-titan-fall-xbox-one-pc-exclusive/ it excludes sony, nintendo, linux, apple, and any platform that is not run by MS
@jd7904 @stan_boyd moose elk and deer are very common out here, so are bears but not to many people hunt them. Only hunting I do is with a rod and lure.
@jd7904 @stan_boyd in canada we just get license to go hunt animals in the wild, you pay for the license and if you kill something great, if you don't well at least you had fun trying :P
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