@Gears_0f_L0ve I can't agree with you that sony will have more in the first year, afterall so far xbox has shown off more than sony this time around. as far as indy games go, xbox 360 had indy games, and most of them sucked.
@Prats1993 well xbox did show off more games at e3 yet you say sony has more value in games, also better games is based on opinion not fact, that is just pure fanboyism when you make up facts
@Gears_0f_L0ve @Dareitus @NickAnguiano @razorfett147 @TrappedInABox91 but they do have games, at e3 they showed more exclusives than sony did so your argument is null and void
@FallenOneX not all of us only have enough for one system, also all the companies have made bad decisions, like when sony announced that ps3 would be backwards compatible, well my ps3 isn't, as far as the digital only gaming PC has been pretty much that way for years, I haven't been able to share my pc games for probably at least a decade since steam doesn't really allow me to lend out my games.
@BPoole96 @stan_boyd no, the witcher you could buy the disc and play offline and it was pc first then ported to xbox. titanfall however is using microsofts cloud for pc and xbox so you are automatically connected to MS whether you like it or not.
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