@panicpanic i agree with aajep I didn't lose my virginity til I was 21, but then again I was to busy with studying and rugby to even date when I was in school and when I lost it finally there were no fireworks, noone really cared that I got laid, its just something that happens when it happens.
@the_big_doggg you're right, but like the guy in the video said only some people become fanboys who will defend what they buy to their dying breath, and others just buy it cause they just want that particular product and don't really care who its made by as long as it does what its designed to do.
@panicpanic @galactic88 i'm prob going xbox first as I prefer forza to gran turismo and my roommates daughter loves playing the kinect dance games which I bought just for her when she comes over on the weekends. she is like a little niece to me. But I will get a sony as well cause I like naughty dog games.
@the_big_doggg its both, without the good clothes they would have low self esteem as they base their self worth on the amount of money they wear on thier back.
@the_big_doggg @stan_boyd or they feel that its having the fine clothes that makes them better than everyone else, and if they had cheap clothes they would feel worthless.
@the_big_doggg is it? why do girls spend 500$ on a purse when they could buy a cheap knock off that looks the same for 50$ why do people spend 500$ on designer jeans when they could spend 15$ on levis at walmart? I think consumerism and self esteem is a very logical explanation
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