@Leivve @stan_boyd @UncleDirtbag @BPoole96 I didn't say all pc gaming is microsoft, but Halo for example, was published by Microsoft on Xbox and PC so therefore its a MS exclusive game.
@Nzilla @VeeArSick ground breaking? it was a nes with better graphics. yes it had awesome games but it didn't really do anything new, it was still mostly mario zelda and square turn based rpgs with prettier graphics.
@Nzilla @stan_boyd well in that case nintendo sucks since its games are made for 6yr olds. JK i love nintendo, but I am not just talking graphically, Dreamcast had so much potential, they just never got the game support for it, noone seemed able to make games for it. If it had some more time to develop it could have been great, sorta like how PS3 started off slow but then picked up once the devs figured out how to maximize its potential.
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