@Shengali which brawlers had worse controls with better scores? if they are from before the newer ones they don't count, the bar is always being raised when newer games come out with better controls. I don't think I could play another hacker slasher game now that I have played dark souls, that game raised the bar for me and anything with lesser controls will just feel lazy to me now. After playing ninja gaiden dmc etc this game just feels lazy except in the jokes dept.
@Total_mischief @stan_boyd @HipHopBeats no you really aren't fable journey appeals to a totally different type of person than the last of us would, totally different type of games with nothing in common at all.
@diskotheque @stan_boyd i suppose, I did enjoy the humor in the game, my buddy has it and we were laughing our ass off together playing it, but I will wait til I can get it for 10-20 bucks just for the hours of laugher. Same price I would pay for a Jeff Dunham DVD
@Shengali imo control lag isn't a small issue, controls are the driving factor in combo heavy action games, when there are great games like God of War, Devil May Cry, Bayonetta and Ninja Gaiden all in the same genre, it makes this games controls look like a bad joke that didn't deliver.
@HBninjaX the video review of duke nukem also looked fun, then you play it and realize that the guns had no feeling of power, no recoil, the driving mechanics in the driving sections were just awful etc. deadpool while being hilarious has awful controls compared to Ninja Gaiden, Bayonetta or DMC.
@Llednar7 the problem isn't the character, the problem is the non responsive controls and bad camera angles. Its like Duke Nukem forever all over again, fun jokes, cool character, lackluster gameplay.
@Shengali does that matter? is a game review not supposed to be about the gameplay? should a game get a 10 just because it has a famous character, should Thor then be a higher score, how about Green Lantern and all those other license games that suck but have loved characters like Superman
stan_boyd's comments