@Tiberius2009 so it deserves a higher score cause deadpool is funny? I thought this was a game review where you rate the gameplay, not comedy central funny comedian review.
@EL_Bomberdor @stan_boyd meh I like TLOU but I didn't think it was AMAZING, it was great but the stealth AI, "puzzles" and overall Manhunt type gameplay didn't amaze me, just the story telling and graphics were amazing gameplay was meh.
@tomkat69pc @hehe101 I like the xbox punisher game as well, also like marvel ultimate alliance too. as for xmen legends I preferred the second one over the first.
@SirSka unfortunately fan service doesn't earn scores since its something that only a deadpool fan would understand and anyone who bought the game just looking for a new beat em up fix til the next dmc or bayonetta won't get it. Instead they will get unresponsive controls and some bad camera work.
Well gamespot gave it a 5.5 and Ign gave it a 6.0 so I guess all the fanboys are now gonna be EGM fans who gave it an 8.0 because thats what you do right, hate any site that disagrees with you and find one that agrees, then switch when they suddenly don't enjoy a different game than you did?
Me personally I love the deadpool character and will get this game when its cheap, but if the buttons aren't as responsive as games like DMC or Bayonetta and if I gotta constantly fight the camera then it doesn't deserve a high score.
@dragon32889 @stan_boyd @W00kie_Smuggler well umm they are playing it and grading it on their player experience, As far as graphics and story I don't count those in games scores as graphics mean nothing to me, I am an avid Minecraft player and that games graphics are crap, and story is hard to rate as that can only be done on a personal lvl, after all titanic is "rated" as a fantastic story, yet I thought it was a snooze fest. Transformers has been rated by many as a crap story with tons of special effects, but I did enjoy the story.
@dragon32889 @stan_boyd @W00kie_Smuggler um if it has unresponsive controls in a combo based brawler that is a HUGE problem not a small one. Thats the kind of problem that can make you fail multiple times because of a single flaw. As far as the GS score for the last of us I think it was fair. yes it took graphics and storytelling to a new lvl, but as far as I am concerned it was just a clone of manhunt in the gameplay dept.
stan_boyd's comments