@RoadStar1602 so um if we are rating a game on comedy alone and not gameplay then is it not a comedy review and not a game review. And since comedy is something you can't really rate since everyone finds different types of jokes funny how would you rate it. Some people think south park is hilarious others think its just juvenile stupidity, some people like monte python some don't.
@Total_mischief @HipHopBeats totally different types of games dude, why do people try and compare apples to lobsters. Thats like saying The Last of Us isn't as good as Dark Souls.
@focuspuller this games controls aren't as good as devil may cry, while devil may cry may have a dumb story and protagonist (thats all opinion I guess as alot of people seem to like dante) devil may cry has great responsive controls where as this game has a better character (imo) but the controls aren't as responsive.
@Uiltetwr @stan_boyd @Poldek87 then go for it. gameplay wise I prefer my ninja gaiden for its wicked awesome controls, I will get this game eventually cause I like deadpool and his jokes, just not enough to make it a priorty
@Uiltetwr @Emerald_Scott my fave game to date this generation is still Too Human, loved the cyber norse theme and coop play but alot of sites gave it poor reviews.
@Emerald_Scott @stan_boyd I think alot of gamers rate on the wrong merits as well, this is a game review and should be rated based on its gameplay mechanics, but alot of people go "this game deserves better score deadpool is so funny" what does humor have to do with gameplay.
@aovannor deadpool has never been serious, the guy is literally insane, he believes his whole life is a comic book (which ironically it is), if other games gave you the impression that he was a serious character than those games failed to deliver deadpools true character.
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