xbone please bring back the digital gaming and family shared plan please, I know people raged and complained about it but to some of us it doesn't matter cause we play online anyways and I wanna share my digital copies with 10 friends. Those who raged over the drm still aren't gonna buy your system anyways so you might as well go through with the original plan. I want that damn family plan so that I can buy Forza, my mate can buy NHL and my other mate can buy something else and then we just swap them around even though we live in other parts of the country. and 2 of us can play together using one digital copy. coop gaming without worrying about whether your friend bought the same game or not is sweet.
@EL_Bomberdor @stan_boyd well people yelled and screamed and voted with their wallet saying please xbone get rid of this drm, then they did and now they are saying, well even though you did as I asked I still am not buying one, but thanks for listening anyways but really it was a waste of your time to bother.
@EL_Bomberdor @stan_boyd good think Bioware didn't bother to redo the ending for ME3, people still would have been pissed and it would have been a waste of money on their part.
@EL_Bomberdor @stan_boyd sure, but all this says to me is if people are gonna rage at you for making a mistake, might as well continue with the mistake since making changes isn't gonna do anything. Once the gamers hate you nothing you do will please them so just keep up with the shit since and ignore the gamers since they will ignore you know matter whether you listen or not.
@Mendax2013 @stan_boyd @Hozzyboy yup, but I think its gonna be pretty much the same as last time, one system will out sell the other but both will still make enough money to be considered successful. I plan on getting both systems cause I need my naughty dog games but I also need my Forza
@FULGOREY2K well apparently you have to log onto the internet the first time you play the xbox so you can download a patch that gets rid of the drm system.
stan_boyd's comments