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I want to be a gamer dad

I came to think about this today. I remembered the old times when my father tried to ban the videogames from our life. He was good enough to buy me and my brother a NES and a SNES. But that was it. HE wanted to protect us by putting some limits on our gamings. We barely got any games during the year unless we save for them... and I had other things to do with the money so I wasn't a good money saver. He didn't do it in a bad way... but he had to do it because violent games started to show up.

My brother and myself are good examples that gaming is not as bad as it seems. I don't consider myself either a bad person or a violent being. I have a job, I pay my bills, I spend time with my family and my girlfirend, I considered myself a good student. My father did a good job raising me. BUt I think he misunderstood the situation with videogames. And believe, I cannot blame him. What the hell did he know about games anyway?

Now that we both are grown ups, my brother and me are able to do things that we couldn't on our youth. BUy our own games and spend our free time playing them. I have a passion for VIdeogames which is not a vice or a condition, we just happen to enjoy videogames a lot. This generation, that grew up with NES, SNES, Genesis and such... has a great advantage in this world where gaming is taken so seriously as violent, meaningless and guilty as charge for the problems of our youth: We know how it is. OUr parents didn't have the chance to see what was going on so they acted as they should: Read about it and take decisions about it. If the papers and articles said "Games are bad" they implied it was bad so they forbid them. "Games can make you sick" Eve worse. "Games are violent" We must protect our children. I understand them... That's what is happening right now... still.

BUt older gamers like me, understand exactly what healthy gaming is about. That is our advantage for our sons, nephews, little brothers or anyone. Since we grown up living it, we can be better understanding about how our sons will enjoy videogames. We can be excellent guiders through the perception of games. Maybe technology will chage but we will still have the heart of a gamer and videogames should be a good way to convive with our sons. That's something I really think about: How videogames will get me closer to my future sons... Because I will be able to understand, at their age, what videogames are about. With this experience, proper guidance and open minded criteria that was built as I played over so many years, I can say that I would become a "Gamer dad"... And with that, I think society will be peaceful with videogames... because we know how it is and what's better than that to show how games should be understood. And would be better if you are together with "Gamer mom".

SOme of you probably are already "Gamer dads" (or moms)or have "Gamer dads" (or moms). TO the first I tell you. DOn't force them... they will find the passion on the games very soon, but they need some guidance and they need to share the passion with someone they totally trust. WHo would be better that their own fathers? To the second ones: You are so lucky to have someone who understands how you feel and share it with you.

When younger, the passion I shared with my father was watching soccer games. It was amazing and I remember that a lot. I would be glad if I can share a similar passion with my son (or daughter) pretty soon. I am excited just to think aobut it.

:lol: I am about to share a new passion with my father.... golf :lol:

This was just a small reflexion. Hope you enjoyed it.

Regards. Thanks for reading.


I wat to thank everyone who watched my videoblog. And to everyone who has added me as friend on XBox LIve. You might have noticed that I am not around too much, I've been busy, but please don't erase me, I want to play with you sometime. Maybe with Guitar Hero 3 will do. I don't have Halo 3... so I will have to be busy.

Thanks again. :)

The path that I choose Part 3.


Welcome to the third chapter of THE PATH THAT I CHOOSE. It won't be my best but here it is.

I talk about two "HEROES" related stuff... A series and a game :P

And... I was hungry...

Please add your comments, questions, opinions, bashing, poems, or whatever you can write...

Thanks for watching and have a great time

Played two demos...

This week was not as good as I wanted. I had some troubles on one of the plants my company supplies and well, you can imagine. But now it is friday and I can take a rest.

Anyway, I was able to play a couple of Demo games on teh XBOX, and I would like to comment about them

FIFA 08 and Spiderman: Friend or foe.


I played this soccer game and well, I have to say that I didn't notice anything different from previous games for this franchise. I felt like playing exactly the same game... AGAIN. How good is that? That would depend on how you liked the games. Me? I am more a Pro Evolution Fan so I expected this to be a great soccer game... and I think they are still vey far from that. I don't care if the game has the Mexican League on it. It is not my favorite soccer game.

SPIDERMAN: Friend or foe

I decided to play this game because I like Spiderman. Even if the previous game Spiderman 3 zucked, I took the time to play it. The game is just OK. Basically, as far as I was concerned, you will team up with Spiderman's villains this time. It is a beat em up in a pure Marvel Style. If you played Marvel Alliance or let's say Maximum Carnage (That was a good game) you will see that the game is pretty much similar. As you are playing, the AI will use the other character or you can team up with someone else. If you are playing alone, you can change character that is used anytime you want. As I said, the game is just OK but I don't think I would get it. I am not getting carried by Merchandising anymore. :P

Well, that's it. There is nothing else I can say right now. Except that I am stocked as many of you on my current level. I should be level 13 by now. Anyway, I am just starting to feel the wind of change after Halo aftermath. It is starting to feel a new hype anyway, and I like it... oh yeah.... It's the Guitar Hero 3 hype... MY HYPE :P

Tomorrow I will add my third chapter for my new VIDEOBLOG "The path that I choose". Hope you can watch it ;)

Regards and enjoy the weekend. Keep the good gaming. And please...Would you kindly finish the fight already? :lol:

Are you happy now?... :)

That is great!!

The day have come and everyone here is playing Halo or bashing Halo. Whatever is your taste... Enjoy the game. It seems very cool and I have received comments that "It is the greatest game ever". Wow... I will get the game sooner or later... but right now, I am happy with my current games and my future games (Check the videoblog below this one to check which games are)

It was predictablem but it didn't avoid to amaze that on one momento I saw 12 people online... playing Halo. It was amazing and fun. My list of friends from Xbox 360 was filled with people playing Halo. I think that will never happen again. I think this day will be kept forever in the memory of a lot of us. Some that lived it and some of us who were witnesses.

Today is the day we all Finished the Fight.

Enjoy your games my friends, and I'll catch up with you someday to play this great game... Somewhere in time.

The path that I choose Chapter 2


Well, At this moment a lot of people will be playing Halo 3... Hope you have the time to watch my video blog :P

BTW, While you played HALO 3 This is what I did on this night... The picture is not recent but at least it gives you an idea

Yeah, Well... Please add comments and enjoy your new game... and let me know how good it is so you can make me feel bad about not geting it on its release day... :|

See you soon

How Nintendo dissapointed me... and fixed it...

What I am talking about probably is a similar situation for some of you. I remembered the time when I got my NES. That was almost 20 years ago. I already had an Intellevision. I spent a long time playing it, but it was the NES who definetily took me to one of my greatest passions: Videogames.

It was Nintendo's golden age. NES was the system that made it happen. It was one of the greatest consoles ever. Everyone had a Nintendo. If you had a SEGA, you were on the wrong track. Nintendo became the most powerful force in the business. Videogamers like me were loyal to Nintendo for three consoles. NES, SNES, N64, I had the all... But Nintendo had a great mistake that felt like a disapointmen to me.

Systems change and so does people. Nintendo alwyas managed to have great games over great systems. Nintendo 64 was the last dominant system for Nintendo. A lot of gamers were already older when the system came out. Systems changed, people changed... Games didn't. When I got the N64 i was looking for new experiences. I kept waiting for too long... I decided to get rid of it and look for some excitement on PC gaming, which nowadays I don't even care.

NINTENDO kept his childish style, trying to get the new generation to the system. But they forgot completely about us, the golden generation, the one that kept NES and SNES as great. N64 was a cool system but the games didn't stand for older public like us. It is not about violence or blood, it was that the games looked like newer versions of old games, and it is not the same feeling. Even though there were good games, you have to admit that, as growing up, you can't be as excited as before.

Nintendo forgot about us, and looking for other options, we turn around and there was this new system called PS. What a difference! Games for mature people... hard games with great histories. I think that is the main reason why Nintendo lost the top of gaming... Because they didn't follow up the generation that brought them there, they just wanted to keep youn people and so, PS did what Nintendo didin't and you know the rest.

Today, Nintendo is clearly fixing this by taking the lesson to the top. When you have a system like this, even people who hasn't play ever, is doing it now. THat is a way to fix the mistake they did on the past. I really think that the Wii is innovative but I am not really fond of it.

ANyways, I am now a XBox fan because I think it is the system that gives me more options. It was a hard time on the past, but now, everyone has options for whatever they want, and each console has an identity of its own. Now, it is not fair to compare them, they are just options for every kind of player.

Thanks for reading


FLASH: Halo has been reviewed... 9.5... :roll: I think everyone can rest easy now

Game Planet Chronicles: Things you see and hear on a Video Game Store

I went today to the mall and took my time to do somethings. One of them was entering Game Planet: One of the three stores in my city. I like it because I know more people here, but unfortunately, no friends today. I decided to make a kind of journal about what I see and hear on the store. I got inspired by a comment I heard from some guys in there. I decided: Why not come here some days when there is nothing to do, and write a blog according to what I see and what I hear... and what I talk about. So here begins... THE GAME PLANET CHRONICLES.

So... here is the first one:

I basically went to get a game: GEARS OF WAR. I finally bought it and was able to play it after almost 6 months since the last time I play it. I felt it like a new game and tried to use some sort of cmbinations of Rainbow Six and Bioshock. I am going to need a LOT of time to learn how to play it properly. I really liked the game and now that I replay it, I am liking it even more. I think I may have problems getting other games, but is ok... I wont buy anything until next November.

Anyway, during my staying I found out that Assassin's Creed is almost available for pre-order. I will be first online to get that game. I am really looking forward to get my hands on it. If I had to choose between Mass Effect and this, I would go for ASSASSIN'S CREED with no questions.

Looking around I found out that the most expensive game for XBOX 360 is STRANGLEHOLD... :shock: At US curreny it is about $90 dollars or $999 pesos. After reading NeoJedi's review (I strongly recommend it) I decided not to even think about playing it. I might rent it.

One interesting thing that I overheard was a conversation betweentwo guys. I heard a comment. Which I like to share, because I found it funny:

GUY 1: (Grabs BioShock): Hey, look!

GUy 2: WHat is that? "BIoShock"

Guy 1: It is the game that is supposed to competewith Halo 3

Guy 2: (laughs) *Mexican expression which better translation would be·": No s***

Guy 1: (Leaving the box) Yeah, I read it on a magazine.

BOth guys left. Stan was staring at them with pity.

I would like to know about the magazine that said that. "Bioshock competing against Halo 3" Can someone explain me how?

I would'nt cared so much if I didn't hear that it was from an official source. But... "Bioshock competing against Halo 3"

I love Bioshock, but that comment made me think about howmissinformation can affect perception. There is no way that Bioshock could be made to compete with Halo 3. FIrst, and maybe strongest point. NO ONLINE PLAYING!!!! You cannot compete with Halo if you don't have online gaming. That's ridiculous! How can a magazine say that???

Well, that was it. I paid for my brand new game and a new controller (I owe one to my brother) and got out of there, just thinking about that comment.

Thanks for reading. Please comment.

Regards :D

Thanks for everything... and that Alphabetical thing I am

Hi, everyone:

Well, as the title says I like to thank some people that has been around helping me.

First I want to thank my friend STKR for helping me doing the cover picture for my blog. You might be seeing it right now. I think it is great. It is simple but extremely well done, it simplifies what I like about 360... and I won't add anything else since it will commemorate my first favorite games. Thanks STKR.

I like to thank everyone for watching my videos. I never though it would be that good. I accepted all kinds of comments and crticism (Possitive criticism). I really enjoyed watching it. It made me consider doing it in a normal basis. I hope I can come with other good ideas.

I like to thank NeoJedi for helping me take more advantage on video blogging.

I like to thank NeonNinja for the confidence (He knows what I am talking about)

And everone who has taken time to read my blog and share thoughs with me. I wish I could thank you all but I am afraid I would forget someone if I try to add you all. So, you know who you are... and I thank you very much.

So well, I am glad to be part of this community (Yeah, I have said this a lot but... )


Next movie was Memento, which in spanish is called AMNESIA.If you have seen this movie, you probably know that it is great. It is hard totalk about it without spoiling, but it talks about a manwho lost his short term memory and is looking forthe man who killed his wife andcaused his condition. This is a greatmovie because it shows you that no matter how much youthink you have control, itis not enough. Thisguy uses tatoos and pictures as his memory... and something thatsi great is that you see the end of the story first and the movie goes backwards and the ending (That shows the beginning) isa great one. I think you will never guess it. Guy Pearce is amazing and Carrie Anne Moss does a great job too. (It will be hard not to see her as Trinity):lol:

Well, watch the movie. It is a very different approach to ascreenplay.

Next Movie on the list: Amores Perros (Original title)... by González Iñárritu. Again :P

Thanks for reading and keep gaming... See you later

Videoblog reworked


I decided to change my previous videoblog due to the comments I received about sound and image. Please make comments on this one... again :P

Regards and thank you for watching