I came to think about this today. I remembered the old times when my father tried to ban the videogames from our life. He was good enough to buy me and my brother a NES and a SNES. But that was it. HE wanted to protect us by putting some limits on our gamings. We barely got any games during the year unless we save for them... and I had other things to do with the money so I wasn't a good money saver. He didn't do it in a bad way... but he had to do it because violent games started to show up.
My brother and myself are good examples that gaming is not as bad as it seems. I don't consider myself either a bad person or a violent being. I have a job, I pay my bills, I spend time with my family and my girlfirend, I considered myself a good student. My father did a good job raising me. BUt I think he misunderstood the situation with videogames. And believe, I cannot blame him. What the hell did he know about games anyway?
Now that we both are grown ups, my brother and me are able to do things that we couldn't on our youth. BUy our own games and spend our free time playing them. I have a passion for VIdeogames which is not a vice or a condition, we just happen to enjoy videogames a lot. This generation, that grew up with NES, SNES, Genesis and such... has a great advantage in this world where gaming is taken so seriously as violent, meaningless and guilty as charge for the problems of our youth: We know how it is. OUr parents didn't have the chance to see what was going on so they acted as they should: Read about it and take decisions about it. If the papers and articles said "Games are bad" they implied it was bad so they forbid them. "Games can make you sick" Eve worse. "Games are violent" We must protect our children. I understand them... That's what is happening right now... still.
BUt older gamers like me, understand exactly what healthy gaming is about. That is our advantage for our sons, nephews, little brothers or anyone. Since we grown up living it, we can be better understanding about how our sons will enjoy videogames. We can be excellent guiders through the perception of games. Maybe technology will chage but we will still have the heart of a gamer and videogames should be a good way to convive with our sons. That's something I really think about: How videogames will get me closer to my future sons... Because I will be able to understand, at their age, what videogames are about. With this experience, proper guidance and open minded criteria that was built as I played over so many years, I can say that I would become a "Gamer dad"... And with that, I think society will be peaceful with videogames... because we know how it is and what's better than that to show how games should be understood. And would be better if you are together with "Gamer mom".
SOme of you probably are already "Gamer dads" (or moms)or have "Gamer dads" (or moms). TO the first I tell you. DOn't force them... they will find the passion on the games very soon, but they need some guidance and they need to share the passion with someone they totally trust. WHo would be better that their own fathers? To the second ones: You are so lucky to have someone who understands how you feel and share it with you.
When younger, the passion I shared with my father was watching soccer games. It was amazing and I remember that a lot. I would be glad if I can share a similar passion with my son (or daughter) pretty soon. I am excited just to think aobut it.
:lol: I am about to share a new passion with my father.... golf :lol:
This was just a small reflexion. Hope you enjoyed it.
Regards. Thanks for reading.
I wat to thank everyone who watched my videoblog. And to everyone who has added me as friend on XBox LIve. You might have noticed that I am not around too much, I've been busy, but please don't erase me, I want to play with you sometime. Maybe with Guitar Hero 3 will do. I don't have Halo 3... so I will have to be busy.
Thanks again. :)
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