Hi everyone. This is my first videoblog. I hope you enjoy it. Please ad comments.
Hi everyone. This is my first videoblog. I hope you enjoy it. Please ad comments.
Well, it's been a lot of fun and things to do on this weekend. I enjoyed this week off but unfortunately, everything is over. Too bad. Tomorrow I will return to normal activities. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. On october 8th I will have vacation :D and will be traveling to Michigan. Why there? Let's say I had a great opportunity and I didn't want to waste it. And I will be able to see the first pre-season game for the Detroit Pistons against Miami Heat. Already bought the ticket. It will be an amazing trip and only three weeks away.
But stop talking about the future. Let's talk about this weekend.
On september 16th we celebrate our Independence Day here in Mexico. We have a ceremony called El grito, that simbolizes the time when Miguel Hidalgo called to arms, climbing at a church tower, ringed the bells and started shouting Viva México. It is a great party. I celebrated it at my parent's house, along with my brother, his wife, my girfriend and her family and my brother's mother in law. We had a good time eating, playing some games, chatting. (They all think I have a problem with gaming :P). We decided not to go downtown because it can get dangerous due to people who drinks too much. Some people takes party too hardcore. I had a good time. We watched some soccer too, but I don't think you care about that.
The next movie I watched by alphabetical order is ALTO IMPACTO, one that you know as CRASH. I bought this movie on sale. I was very curious about why it won the Oscar. I watched it then and watch it now and I think that it is very overrated. It is not as great as other movies, but I must remember, that year was not good for movies. Brokeback MOuntain was good, but... Anyway, that kind of story, I have seen it a lot with González Iñárritu. Probably I won't find it amazing. But at least I was able to see that Matt Dillon can be a good actor.
Next movie on the list: AMNESIA in spanish. In english: MEMENTO by Christopher Nolan.
I just entered to filmspot site. I think I will spend a good time in there. I love movies, and I hope to see you guys in that site too. :D
Games playing and games I might get
I started to play Rainbow Six Vegas again. Not online, but I did for campaign. I really stinked! I need to practice more again. I blame you, Bioshock... :evil:ah, no... :|I cannot be mad about you... You gave me such great moments:D
I am seriously thinking about getting Gears of War. But that would affect my budget for Guitar Hero III. Even though I would need like a month to learn it well, and another month to master it... and maybe forever to be as good as many of you guys. But I think the game worth it. I will let you know what happens.
I will probably be very busy on the week, because things need to be hurried in the plant. I won't be posting too much, but at least I will try. I am working on a video and I still owesome of you a favor so I might not be much around to comment on your blogs or doing mine. But I hope this video, that will be very simple, to be a good one and I needto catch up at work and with every compromise that I have with you. So please, be patient...
Yeah, it is on... let's see what happens. GO NINERS!!! (Cheating Patriots.... :lol: )
Thanks for reading guys. Have a great day.
Today's movie is an amazing one.
300 is a great movie. I really like spartans. Kratos is as cool as Leonidas and I think they both are very great warriors. I really think that this movie has created a new bunch of followers. I am not as involved on Comics as I was before bur I must admit that Fran Miller can give his work a great atmosphere, letting imagination flow... He did it on Sin CIty and he did it again on 300. I think that the main reason why this comic based movies are more succesful that some others is because the movies are faithful to the nature of the comics. They kept the plots untouched... and that's something Frank Miller can be proud about.
300 is just the amazing result of a legendary army of spartans who battle with the persians. They were able to give the Persian King a good fight before sucumbing not before they showed the mortality of a good. Everything in this movie is perfect. The battles, the dramatic sequences, secondary plots (with Leonidas wife and Theron) and characters as Ephialtes betraying their own. It is the kind of movie that can give you excitement for real. It is difficult to find a character so nice and so tought as Leonidas... and an epic that doesn't fo more about drama and stupid heroism. This is what a movie this kind... should be. An amazing piece of work that will be overwhelming everything related to a war.
300 is a great movie. Hands Down. If you love great battles and a cool story, even if it could see a exageration of the truth... Watch it.
NExt movie: This is where the language can create confussion. Next movie in alphabetical order is "Alto Impacto"... you know this movie as "CRASH"... not the one with the crazy sex... is the one that won an oscar. With Sandra BUllock, Don Cheadle and Brendan Frasier. Well, comments later. Remember that these are movies I own, so some movies won't be here :D
Thanks for reading... Regards
I went to the mall with my brother. We made our mandatory visit to Game Planet, the store where we use to buy our games. It is a good store but lazy about getting the games on time. Anyway, we have a good conversation with this guy who I think was the Assistant manager of the place.
We discussed about the future games availability. (Rock band $350.00... :shock: ) And mostly our kind of games and stuff. But the theme I want to talk about is something I was surprisedabout. Both my brother and this guy started to discuss about discrimination in gaming. I though "Is that possible"? and suddenly I started to analyze that... unfortunately, it is true.
I think one of the main objectives or goals that Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo had when they decided to make online games, was to unite the videogamers under a same flag. (Well, this and making money... $$$$). Or at least is the opportunity that we, as gamplayers, to set an example to world community. Call me idealist if you want. BUt I can't believe that such a behaviour can exist in a great community like gaming.
I hate racism and discrimination. Is one of the lowest attitudes for a human being. I hate when somenone thinks that he is better for what he believes, or what he is. I remembered when ZXV3 told us that this guy discriminated her because a) She was a woman trying to fix a car, and b) because she worked on Gamestop. I find that inconcebible.
Our particular case, comes to the fact that they have been victims of discrimination because they were mexicans playing against americans. I have nothing against americans (If I did, I wouldn't be here in the first place) but I DO have something about people who does that.
I am one of those who claim that online gaming was the perfect way to break a lot of barriers. Everyone is playing for a good reason: Having fun. Is there any fun in mocking someone because they are younger, because they are women... I think it is very sad to talk about that. The main purpose of online gaming for us, should be unite our community. Sure, there would always be competition, but if we forget that the main reason the games exist is to give us entertainment... We are losing the true identity of the videogames. What if I am not an amazing Gears of War player? Why won't you let me play with your team? Because I zuck? I just want to play!! Are you winning something really special?
I think we should make an example as a community. Fortunately, I haven't received any sign of that, and I am happy about how I have been received in this site, with people from around the world. THat's why I say this: We have a main goal... Entertainment. I am playing a Guitar Hero LEague and I am enjoying it... I am not as competitive as some of my friends, but I like to have fun... And I won't let someone who thinks is better than me because he was born northern to spoil that from me.
I still believe that such behavious i shown in few people. This site is great because it is global. Lots of people joining together to learn about more people from other parts. That's one of the exciting things about technology... Why should we use it to make other people feel bad?
If you are going to hate me or someone else, at least until I give you a reason... Don't do it because I am mexican... I am no better, but neither are you. You might be a better player... but not a better person than me...
I think there is something amazing on everyone... We cannont avoid learning...
Well, that's my today's refelxion, I know it sounds a little dramatic, but believe me, videogames can make a great community, and this site can put a great example.
A question: If I hate those who discriminate.... Am I discriminating them???
Thanks for reading
I loved the game. It has inspired me to get a new topic to talk about. I really enjoyed this good experience that was BIoshock. Keep posted about what I want to talk about. I just need to think about how to say it. BUt I can tell you that this will easily be on my top 10 games ever for Xbox 360. :D You can check my review if you want to get details of how do I like it. BIOSHOCK rules! Now that the games is over, I think I will get back to my GH2 practice and my Rainbow Six online gaming. Haven't played both in a long time. Madden 08 is there too. SOmeone wants to play it? Just send me an invitation.
AS you remember today I have a free day too. Last information says that we might be closed for the whole week, and return until next monday. I just try to see the bright side right now. So I will have time to watch Heroes and some other movies. Gaming too. :D
Right now, I am on my Alphabetical movies rampage. Still starting I watched 21 grams by Gonzà lez Iñarritú. It aint the fact that he is mexican, but this is a good movie. His style is claimed and I love it. His pictures are usually those psychollogical puzzles in which you just try to understand what is going on and realize how everyone's life is connected somehow. Sean Penn and Benicio are great on the movie. The story is touching. It might be hard to make such a thing: Editing the movie in an apparently senseless development, but it was very clear when and how every detail was understandable. That is the magic of Gonzalez Iñarritu's movies. You can either watch this or Babel (soon will be on this Alphabetical Movie Rampage).
Next on the list: 300 (This is Sparta) :D
Thanks for reading and Regards
Today I didn't go to work. And neither will I tomorrow or wednesday. An explosion in Veracruz, a state of my country caused a shortage on gas supply that affected a lot of companies around the country. I work for General Motors plant in my state. TOday, the plant has decided that they will shutdown production for three days and probably for the whole weel. I will have a recess and will get full paid for it. Why am I not happy about it?
Don't get e wrong. Even if I have time to rest (and play videogames) there are lots of things to think about. I am not happy because the rest will be over soon... but will the explosions end either. One thing that Mexico has had over the years is a sensation that we are invulnerable to anything that happens in the world. We think that those things only happens to countries that get too involved. We don't do that. Well, I think it is time to start worrying about it. There is evidence that such explosions were deliberatly caused. Terrorism... too bad. But worse, it is the same people who lives in here. Two suspects: Drug dealers and left wing followers. It is very sad that we are doing this ourselves. If these things are going to keep going, our peace might be affected.
I rather like to go work than have to worry about my own safety. There is no price on that. That is a fact. I might not enjoy this resting time. It is time for me to think that our safety is jeopardized and things might be different from now. It is time to wake up to the fact that "it is happening". And it sucks.
But I just hope I'm being paranoid. It is not fair. We worked out a good international relation... to start making these kind of actions to ourselves. It is just not fair.
I hope videogames help me out during this recess that is unexpected and more of it, unwanted. My safety and tranquility instead of a week of rest? Hell yeah!
I will be here a lot of time trying fulfill some pendings. If you want to have some conversation you can contact me to my MSN contact.
On my previous post, I talked about thingsI hated during the first episodes 1, 2, 3 on the Star Wars saga. But NeoJedi remind me of one that I had on mind time ago but I completely forgot about one that was as insulting as the others. Medichloreans.
Why was that term so disastrous: The term took away all the majesty and magical meaning of The Force. It is like saying that Jesus was actually some kind of E.T. and all the miracles were done because he used some chemicals or potions or whatever. One of the things that made the meaning of The Force is that it created a mystical strength on the ones that were able to manage it. Like wizards or gods. Something magic similar to what we can see on Buda or Jesus.
And now, you tell me that it is just a BIOLOGICAL thing? that some kind of cell forms or bacteria is the one that provides the energy that moves the world. This was a way to screw it the same way that science screwed the faith on modern days. I mean, when Qui Gon said that I was "What!?" This was too bad because they just took away the misticism (did I write it right) out of the meaningful identity of The Force.
Thanks for remind me about that, Denis. :D (BTW, this is not as terrible as Jar Jar anyway)
Don't let this title fool you. I love Star Wars. The movies are culture. Period. Amazing movies and history that has grown up. I am not such a great fan, but I really love the series. BUt as anything, you want a perfect product, and it is impossible to get it... And you have to pointout the fact that nothing is completely beautiful. George Lucas made mistakes... Some of the huge. Everyone who likes the movies will agree that the original saga is way better than the second one. Expectation made the second saga more unlikeable. Anyway, there were somethings on the Series that I think could've been avoided and shouldn't have appeared. They were unnecesary an instead of showing originality and creativity, showed other things I cannot name. This is a countdown so... lets begin:
5.- Padme Amidala's change:
On his first appearence, AMidala wasa strong woman. She was trusted by their people as queen. She projected authority and determination. Then came love. and it blew everything. She ended becoming a girl chasing a crazy man and kept crying and sobbing all the third movie. That was awful. Someone expects to see something more according to Leia's character. I mean, you have to compare them. Leia was never so sad that she cannot fight along with their companions. I hated this... a lot. How sad that she ended that bad.
4.- Darth Vader shouting "NOOOOO"
What the hell was that? Do you know a picture called "Troll 2" Do you remember a kid that shouts "oh, My Gooooood" I remembered that guy when he did that. The moment should've been more dramatic but not lame dramatic. Intensity was lost and Vader seemed like a broken man without a job. Even the Joker took it in a better way... Fortunately, Vader became the bad ass he was on later approaches.
3.- C-3PO and R2 D2's appearence on the three first chapters.
I agree that they werepopular characters on the first saga. BUt why they have to be included on this one? Maybe R2D2 was wel included... but 3PO seems so stupid. I didn't even cared that he was there. He only went to a stupid act on the battle in te Arena... that was so lame I got angry about it. Trying to be fun, Lucas? why don't you allow people that create garbage like Epic Movie and that kind of stuff do it. DO not do it on your job. You don't piss on your own floor.... right? Anyway, these two should've been taken away, instead of forcing their appearence in such nonsense way. Ah, and how they solved everything... DElete the droids memory. Duh?
2.- Hayden Chrsitensen on the end of Return of the Jedi.
Ok, this was so ridiculous I even shout it. That was so out of place... People get older!!!! who would've cared if you keep the original guy. I don't remember his name. Lucas, when something is not broken, you don't fix it! What was he thinking? That was so disrespectful for the original fans that I wanted to kick his money filled ass. In that take, he Anakin doesn't even looked as big as he was. I repeat... People get older!!!!
1.- The biggest mistake ever.
Is not the fact that he was annoying as a mosquito sound amplified, it was not the fact that he was so stupid an get away with it. It is not the inconcebible fact that he was named commander or whatever. Is not the fact that he couldn't understand him. Is not the fact that he was the responsable of giving full power to the emperor giving the iniciative for that and screwing the galaxy forever (Way to go, Padme)... Is the fact that we never saw him DEAD!!!! Jar Jar Binks is the most insultant character EVER in the history of cinema. I think that would be it.
These are the facts that I didn't like about Star Wars. Soon, I will put the things that I love. Goodie, those are the most.
The alphabetical movie Rampage
Well, I have started with my alphabetical movie rampage. First one was 2001: A space odyssey. This movie, made by Stanley Kubrick, written by Arthur C. Clarke, made on 1968, it is a piece of art. When I first saw, about 13 years ago, I was excited to see a Sci Fi movie since I was hyped by Star Wars. I was expecting battles, great characters, action... and I saw this and I got dissapointed. BUt after wathing it a couple more times later, I was completely wrong. This is Sci Fi on its purest. It is the SCIENCE that was great. Philosophical issues surrounded by human feelings on a machine. This is amazing. Considering the time, this was a very good visual movie. The history is slow but solid. We enter from the Monolith's mistery to the Starchildren mysterous meaning. HAL is such a great character that it became one of my all time characters.
The main thing that I love is the philosophical approach. It is so good paced on the meaning of evolution on the earth. We don't have a direct approach but we know that is the meaning. The movie takes us to a human approach, as they found the Monolith on the moon. Suddenly, the mission to Jupiter becomes the main issue, letting us forget but think about the meaning of it. As we return, we find out the meaning of the Monolith as we like it.
I won't keep talking since I don't want to spoil anything. Let's just say, again, that this movie represents what Sci Fi stands for. Give it a chance. It is so great.
Next on the list... 21 gramos (21 grams) by Alejandro GOnzalez Iñarritu. Good movie. :D Made by a mexican :D
I received my Season 1 of Heroes. Man I loved this series until I wasn't able to see it due to schedule conflicts. I will talk about it as soon as I finish it.
Regards everyone
Irony works in misterious ways. When I was watching The Matrix with my girlfriend, she didn't really enjoy it. I personally love the movie. I has a lot of philosophical and social meaning. Interesting movie to analize (I even made a project about that for college... but that is another story). Anyway, when I asked her why she didn't like it she said: Because I don't like movies that shows realities that I can't understand. The answer got me thinking... What's the irony? She said the reason why she hates Sci-Fi movies... I realized on that moment ... That's the reason why I love it.
I started to think about my favorite Sci Fi movies: Star Wars, Matrix, Blade Runner, Brazil, 2001: Space Odyssey... And then it got me. Sci Fi gives you the opportunity to see another perception of this or another worlds. In some way, you are learning about sociology and History, and all those subjects you may want to see. I was able, as mentioned before, to create a class about THE MATRIX movie. When you start analyzing all that is involved, you start using your imagination to understand everything and creat your own perception of the universe, and you make it your own sometimes...
When I see a Sci Fi picture, I find really interesting to understand the culture of what I am watching. Understand politics, believes, customs, traditions, rules. A good example: STAR WARS. Why is it so interesting? You have to get involved in the culture of THE FORCE. Understand its meaning, then it comes the Jedi, The empire... Everything. Trying to understand all the situations created by the author... it is so annoying for some people, but it is the main reason why I love Sci Fi movies... THEY MAKE ME THINK AND ANALYZE. They make my brain work!
Watching a Sci Fi Movie is learning. At least is the way I see it. That's the main point that makes us get immerse on it. YOu have to understand a different society and universe, create a better perception, open your mind and learn... I never saw it that way... Until my girlfriend said that. Irony works in misterious ways... The reason why she hates Sci Fi... Is the reason why I love it. I can open my mind for another cultures... and creativity is always a main way to do that...
Look at all the games that we have. There are lots of games that changed and were loved because of the creativity involved. WHat about Shadow Of the collosus, God of War, Bioshock... A lot of environments that got us hooked. Did someone started to learn more about greek mithology after playing God of War? I did... :P
SCI FI rules... Maybe the hardest film genre to acomplish good stories.
But, what if all that we see was in reality? I think I need to talk about the one of the best series ever... HEROES... but I will let that for another blog post.
I had an idea days ago... I have my DVD collection arranged by alphabetical order (I am not compulsive)... :twisted: and I decided to start watching them in that order. All of them.
Starting from 2001: Space Odissey to finish with X Men. I will let you know each one I see. I don't even know how many DVD's I own... but I will let you know every movie I get. Oh, By the way... Some pictures have their titles translated to spanish, so you may see that some pictures won't be in alphabetical english, just in case you see Carlito's way before Babel. (For example) don't think that I am illiterate. lol
Thanks for reading. have a nice day.
I am really glad about this site. I havebeen enjoyinga lot of good company and great people. BUt there is one thing among all that really caught my attention. It is amazing how gaming can unite a lot of peple together. I am glad to say that I haver read a lot of great reviews, blogs, comments... everything. I have received good criticism and support from a lot of you guys. One thing that amazes even more: Some of you are 13 years old or even younge. It is amazing to see how younger and older people can be so connected through videogames. I know that this is not a specific case for games (Music can do it too), but I am glad I am finally part of something like that.
When I was a teacher, I had the opportunity to deal and talk with younger people, but obviously there was always that teacher image that couldn't let them be real on their thoughts. Now, I can understand how you think and how you feel through gaming. The ages are no border in the gaming world. And I am happy about. We may have different lifes and priorities, but we can have a good conversation between us.
And some of them are good conversations. Who said that VGs were unhealthy for development? I have found amazing blogs and reviews from people who have not finished junior school!!! I know people OLDER than me that are a bunch of .... well, you know... And even considering that I am from another country, it makes things more valuable.
It is interesting too how you can get your a++ kicked by a boy who can be your son. lol I remember playing RS:V with an eight year old... What a beating was that.
One rule I always told to many people: Never underestimate young people. Never believe you are better than them. Never relate completely maturity and age. You can get a lot of surprises. It will always be better to learn from them. They can always teach you.
For the young gamers, whoso love for the games can put us together with the old fashioned like me.
ANd thanks for being like that everyone. This is a great site.
ON another things. IRON MAIDEN will have a HUGE!!!!! tour. Check the site about it. They might come to Mexico AGAIN!!!
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