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stanhigareda Blog

Merry Christmas

Hello, everyone:

Once again, I was gone for a while. I have just decided that one of my New Year's resolution has to be to show myself around here more. I will.

For now, I just want to wish everyone a great Xmas with your loved ones and to enjoy the presents you receive. I wish you the best and have a great time.

Receive a big hug and cheers from your dear Mexican Friend



Joining the Brotherhood

After a long hiatus for being around here... I am back with some info regarding games. I would like to talk about my most recent acquisition. ASSASSIN'S CREED: Brotherhood.

Let's go to the past and remember about the first game ASSASSIN'S CREED. When it was still in previews, I realized it was going to be a gorgeous game so I was expecting an epic game. When I finally got it, I was satisfied with the outcome but I felt the game too repetitive and wasted. By wasted, I mean that it has a great potential to be one of the best games of that year. It was a good game, but due its potential I had to realize it wasn't as good as it could've been.

Anyway, I feel the first game gave us a good history and a great adventure. I got attached with Altair as a great assassin, and after the ending I was just hoping for the sequel: ACII

This was one of the best games I've ever played. The combination of Sandbox/Stealth was as I expected it to be in the previous game. PLus the story, graphics and gameplay imprved) Ezio Auditore is a remarkable character and you actually learn to like him. The story takes a Science Fiction turn and left you expecting for something else at ACIII, but before, they had to give Ezio a better role and BROTHERHOOD came along.

This game is a very interesting one. The improvements made on it makes it more than a "big expansion". I certainly think that the elements for searching products and treasures is good, along with the possibility to train your own assassins. It is not enough to call this game a masterpiece but it is enough to consider that this franchise still has a lot of potential.

I consider this game among the best of the year so far. It is a strong candidate for me to get the GOTY 2010 award. I will be giving more detail about the other four candidates during december, but so far, this game is taking a lot of my time and I can certainly can't wait to finish it and see how this story goes on... and let's see if such ending can leave me waiting for ACIII :)

Have a great DAY

I have become a RPG junkie

I spent a good time playing Mass Effect 2. The game is awesome and superior to the first one in every aspect. The story is great, the interaction with your partners is awesome and the more dynamic combat system doesn't give you a moment to breathe. it was an experience I enjoyed. The last level is one of the most exciting ones I've played. Every decision was crucial to complete the game with all your companions. Awesome, just Awesome.

So I think I have gotten some RPG virus because I am playing a lot of the during the next days. I am still waiting for my copy of FALLOUT: NEW VEGAS and recently I got another bargain getting DRAGON AGE: ORIGINS for a really great price.

I will be playing RPG's during the rest of the month then. I hope I have great time and I hope you will too.

An offer I couldn't refuse

There are times that some offers should not be wasted. and I had the oppòrtunity to have something interesting: THE NEW FALLOUT: NEW VEGAS SPECIAL EDITION.

It is gorgeous. Since I missed the chance to get the Fallout 3, I didn't want to miss the chance to get this one, but unfortunatelly Special Editions are extremelly expensive. I want to put it this way: When I saw in Amazon how much this package cost, I kid you not, It is exactly the same price I would have to pay for just the game here in Mexico. Again, I am not kidding. So you just have to imagine... Based on the current exchange between Peso and American dolar, the price of this special edition is about $140 dollars. Which for me is extremelly expensive.

Now, I had the chance to find someone who will give me the package with only 5 dollars commission which means I will be able to get the Special edition paying what I would've paid for a normal edition at local stores. I know I said I wouldn't get this one until December but definetelly this is an offer I couldn't refuse.

Oh, and I also got Mass Effect 2 for a great price ($30 dlls) YAY!

Hope you guys are ok! :)

Vegas will have to wait, Baby!

The wonderful world of Fallout 3...

During the last couple of weeks, I have returned to this wonderful game and I feel exactly as I did when I played it the first time. It is difficult to avoid the greatness of this game. How everytime you play it, it will never be the same. A lot to do in this huge world, many treasures to find and the expectation that after 100 hrs of game you haven't completed it yet.

I am considering getting the first two games (for PC) so I can get a full overview of how these games are so great. When I heard that it was going to be a MMO related to this universe, I got excited, until I remembered what a MMO is.

So, you might be guessing that the next game coming FALLOUT: NEW VEGAS will be a day one buying. MY answer is no. And here is the reason: I'd love to play this game without any temptations. I have at least 3 games I will playing during october, november: Assassin's Creed (Already Preordered), Mass Effect 2 and ROCK BAND 3.

When I get this game, I want to be sure that my sessions won't be interrupted by the hype for some other game. That's why, I think I might get this game until December. If I buy it during the week of release, I would probably not enjoy it considering that I have those games, because I always have a great time playing Fallout. I am currently playing the FALLOUT 3 version as a good guy (Good Karma) and got the last DLC mission that I had pending (Mothership Zeta). SO i will be busy on that too.

Anyway, I hope I don't get many spoilers from all you who will get this game on day one. And I hope you find it as enjoyable as I do.

Have a great time!

MP elements: Is it a good idea?

I have read some blogs related and I would like to talk about it considering it.


Three of my all time favorite games had or will have a sequel that will contain a Multiplayer element. ASSASSIN'S CREED, BIOSHOCK and DEAD SPACE.

My first perception was to think that such think is necessary in games. Do they really need the Multiplayer element? My answer: Of course not.

Multiplayer is essential in many kind of games. Sport games, shooting games and (sometimes) Music games have their base on this. It is their main goal. Games like Halo, Call of Duty and Gears Of War survive forever due to this aspect. But those are games meant to work that way. Sometimes games are made for it. In some cases, the Multiplayer element is the only option (Left 4 Dead comes as a good example) but I agree with a lot of people who have said that some games are just fine the way they are. Single Player gaming.

I find hard to understand how a game like Dead Space can get a MP option? When I saw the trailer, I realized that they will try to copy the VS game on L4D where some players use the engineers (heroes) and some others use the necromorphs. I certainly don't find that as appealing as it might sound.

Recently, I watched the MP element for Assassin's Creed and I didn't found it appealing only... I didn't understand it at all. WOuld you be searching for you rival and kill him? Wow... that was original.

I don't want to sound pesimistic, but at first glance none of these games have a very interesting way to play as MP. THey were unique and succesful in their own style. MY biggest fear is that some games that were single player that obtained a MP element on the sequel, wasted too much on the MP that they forgot about the Single Player mode and we had an horrific game for six hours that has the "plus" of the MultiPlayer. I certainly hope that this is not the case for these two games (It is too late for Bioshock).

Anyway, let's see what the future brings for these games... Probably I might find out that both have a very interesting gameplay and soon I will have James (JBul) telling me that I "should eat my words then" and have a wonderful time with these MP. But something MsCortana said was true. If you have the right company, every MP is great. I am not closing my options... But I don't expect to be "hooked" by these.

Have a wonderful time :)

The wonderful West

If you have taken a look at my Gamertag recently, YOu must've noticed that I have been doing some playing with certain game. A game called RED DEAD REDEMPTION. And I must say just one thing. One of the greatest games I've played. I am not joking.

This game has got me totally. I certainlly can say that Sandbox games are my favorite kind of games. I am the kind of person who likes to make a lot of things in a game. I am not into linear games where you just have to do something and don't have many choices. If you see, some of my favorites XBOX games, are not exactly linear games (FALLOUT, Assassin's Creed, GTA IV) and I think this one is as good as the previous list.

John Marston is the kind of guy you'd love to have as friend and fear as an enemy. He is a very interesting character. I would nominate him as the best new character of the year. He is fun, badass and tender when he has to be. And it is impossible not to like him immediatly.

I love the story of the game. Some characters are extremelly stereotyped and well, I am not really happy about how they portray Mexico in the game... Unfortunally they are not very far about how things were back then. I haven't play a single mission that is bored. And you can do all those things that you watched in Western Movies. Save the girl in distress, SHootings, Train robberies, Duels, MOunt horses and domesticate them, hunting... and I can keep going and going. It will be certainly a game that I want to squeeze as much as possible. Everything that is been done around this world is great.

I certainlly will keep this game as a treasure since I am loving every moment I've been around.

The only thing I haven't checked is the Multiplayer. I would like to know how is it.

Any way I hope you enjoyed this reading. If you love Western, sandbox games or something original, you should check this game :)

Do we have a sleeper here?

I have seen a lot of games lately. Some of them are obvious that will be successful, some of them give me great expectations due to the big names involved, some of them will definitely be terrible. But there is always one game that comes as a black horse. An enigma. In my case, Enslaved: Odyssey to the West is this game.

I first took a look at it at the Stage DEMO from E3. it gained my attention as a God Of War kind of game. Ater taking a a deeper look to it, I found it interesting. I am not a real fan of games where you have to take care of a character that ussually looks ways to get in trouble. But I think that in this case, both characters seem to complement each other.

I am an adventure game junkie (As you probably know) so this one caught my attention. It has great graphics and a very interesting combat mode along with some puzzles along the road. I love the atmosphere they put in there. It is the most beautiful post apocalyptic scene I have ever seen.

I will, of course, check what the "experts" and "critics" say and then consider getting it when the price is low enough to be reasonable, but I really think that this could be a Sleeper and come with a great game visually and technically.

What do you think? WHat is your sleeper for this season? :)


Love to wait

After all the time I was gone, I needed to get in touch with everything that Might come up in the future. As I have already told you, gaming is expensive in this country. It is a rich's people entertainment :( But I have been able to consider some good games that will come up starting this month. They might not be a lot, but I will take a look at them and in some cases, they are an imperative buy. The games are in no particular order


SOmething that you may find out on this list is that some of the games are sequels to some of my all time favorite games for the XBOX 360 games. One of them, is this one. Visually, it looks like a great game. Maybe my only fear is that new aspect where the game will be more Action oriented than a survival horror kind. As long as they keep scaring me, I'm fine with that. I was not a fan of the SH genre but this game really got me. It was a master piece. I hope the sequel to be as good as the first one.


For this one I already have my special edition ordered. (I have a weakness for JACK IN THE BOX stuff :P ) As a big fan that I am for the series, I am happy to see that the versions improve the assassinations and fighting modes. Brotherhood seems to be a more dinamic play. IT looks great and it is already Pre-ordered. Yay,


If you have been around this blog for some time, you must know that FALLOUT 3 was a game that changed my life. So it is obvious that the next one is a must buy to me. I am ot sure is everything that made FALLOUT 3 will be back, like the KARMA feature or the VATS system (I think this second one is returning but haven't seen a trailer mentioning it) but that come second if the story and the huge size of the game are as good as the previous one. Another one that I shall get as soon as it is released.


I have a weakness for these games. They are fun and you can play them with many people. Good times. Now, I think that some of the material included in the game is... not as good as previous ones, but well... we can work it out. The piano thing is going to be interesting but doesn't call my attention as much as to get it right now. Maybe in the future... Let's stick to the good old guitar :)


I really loved the demo they played in the E3. The games seems like a great strategic action game. Since I loved Rainbow Six and UbiSoft knows how to do this kind of games, I certainly think this one is going to be a blast. MY top pick so far on this list.

THose are my main choices. YOu might find out that there are some big names missing form a standard point of view. Gears of War 3, Fable 3 and Black Ops... I might get into this in a fuiture blog.

Cheers :)

A wonderful time

Yeah, once again I dissapeared, but if you have been around XBox Live you had an idea of what I've been doing. Recently I asked you to recommend me some good games and I decided to go for some, but first things first.

I decided to finish Assassin's Creed II again. I really loved this game last year and since all my saved games are gone, I decided to take a time with it. I unlocked some achievements that were remaining and enjoyed once again this Masterpiece. But the story of the Assassin's Creed games is not over here.

After that, another big name called my attention. This was ALAN WAKE. I got the game recently and I can say it is a good one. I am not into this kind of games, but the main feature that got me interested on it, was the story... Which is good but nothing fantastic. I think the developers had 4 years to make it... I think the landscape and environments are excellent but I think the game could have a better development... I will talk later about my full impressions of the game (I already finished it BTW)

Then I decided to grab another old jewel. MASS EFFECT. As mentioned before, all my games are gone and I found out that whatever you do on this game will affect some situations in MASS EFFECT 2 so I decided to finish the game (Already done about 3 hours ago) so let's see what happens when I get the sequel.

I've been playing ROck Band 2. Never get tired of this game, specially with all the great songs I've missed.

What will the future bring? I will give you a clue:

I have great expectations for this game. So, I hope I can spend more time on this game that I would like too.

Since I will be on vacation this week (YAY :D ) I will write blogs more often. Tomorrow I will let you know 10 games that I am looking forward to between September 10 until Mid 2011 :)

See you then!!!