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stanhigareda Blog

The rest of the best

Number 10

Although this was virtually an improvement on the first game, it game me good hours of fun. The characters are always welcome as part of my childhood... ah, I love when they get to my geeky heart like this,,, :)

Number 9

One of the biggest surprises of the year. When I first played I was surprised of how easy it was to get used to the control. I certainly earned more love to this "sport" based on the game. A good choice if you are looking for a good golf game.

Number 8

The music from the Beatles has a special place in my heart, and so... I got this the edge over GH Metallica considering that Metallica had a great game. It is worth mentioning but The Beatles was simply a better argument. I agree that this might be a betray for my Metal Roots, but we all know that music in our time wouldn't be the same without these guys.


Good game, but certainly couldn't been way better. The action part is hilarious and great. All the characters that were part of this game did a great job... but was that "RTS game mode" really necessary? It looked original at the beginning but it was too damned frustrating. Except for that, the game was awesome. Good graphics, great voices as mentioned, great gameplay, an excellent sound and BGM... This game had it all... But the small detail on the game modes was enough for it for not being part of the top 5.

Number 6

Great graphics, very interesting levels. Full of actio, but let's face it. We have been playing this game for the last 2 years. :) I don't deny it's quality since it is excellent, but we have to take a look at the innovation. Would you give a GOTY award to this game? What about the next release? (There's going to be a new release either at WWII or at MW). Then you can appreciate that it is a good game, but not necessarily the best.


Any game that makes you run like a freaking maniac around the city is worth my attention. Big worlds. Add some guy who can make himself almost invencible and you have Prototype. This is a good game, no matter what people says. I certainly found myself having a lot of fun just running around kicking some rears and killing people in huge numbers. Even though the boss fights were awfully difficult... The game certainly has its moments. That character Alex Mercer is really a cool guy!


When you just finish up a great game like Fallout 3, you keep looking for more. DLC's are good answers but those end too. When you look for another experience, you find out about a game that comes in the same "level" as Fallout 3 and well... I had to watch it. Not being as huge as Fallout 3, the game doesn't dissapoint you. It is a great story with great characters and great character upgrades. The game certainly puts a little bit of adventure in our lives. Taking loot, taking contracts, traveling from here to there, a great arsenal of weapons of all kind, special powers for each character, and being able to play it with other three people. It is such a great experience. Borderlands was certainly a great game that brought a little attention to me. Too bad the top three games were way out of the league.

As you remember, my top three games were mentioned in the previous blog, so there is no point to bring the up here again. This completes the best of 2009. It is time for me to complete another list that I have prepared: The best games of the decade!

That's right! Since the 2000's are done, I though it would be nice to share a list with the best games I played on this decade. I will need to make a deep look on this one but I promise you I will bring that list sooner or later. :D


Best of 009 Blog

Hello, everyone.

After a long abscense I think it is a good time to return to full activity around here. It is difficult not being here :P I certainly hope everyone is ok andduring all your christmas and new year activities you had a great time with your loved ones. :D

Since this was a very good year for gaming... (If a lot of games weren't delayed, this might've been the best year ever!) I though i would like to share with you a lot of lists, starting with today's: THE SPECIAL AWARDS FOR 2009! So I hope you enjoy this. Just remember that I am a XBOX 360 owner so those are all the games you will see here. ANd of course, this are only games that I played...

Special categories

- The "Worth the wait" Award: An award given to the best game not from 2009 that was played on 2009


As possibly the most complete game I ever played, Fallout 3 is just a big jewel. It is a shame I didn't play it when it was released as it would taken the GOTY on 2008. But certainly, the 100+ hours I dedicated to the game and its DLC were worthy.


- The "I wish I had a PS3" Award - Goes for PS3 games that I had the chance to play and made me wish... you know...


Considering the game, it was just a real eye candy. Puzzles, Stealth action, great graphics, storyand voices. Well... This is the kind of game you would love to play over and over. Another good reason to get a PS3... Hope I can get it soon.

RUNNER-UP: Demon's Souls

- The "Thank God I was wrong" Award - This award goes to a game that was completely different to what I said, in a very possitive way.


When Arkham Asylum was about to be released, it was difficult to think about previous efforts for a decent Batman game: Virtually none... ANd I expected a blowout. As it turned out to be, this is one of the best games of the year... SO i am glad I was wrong.

RUNNER-UP: Tiger Woods 10


Worst game of the year


Terrible, terrible, terrible... in all senses. No competition for a game like this :? A big insult for the Cyberpunk fans :(


Most dissapointing game:

My personal opinion about this game is that it was a step back from previous games. The Madden 09 was a fantastic game, but this one took away some good options and certainly it made some mistakes that couldn't be overlooked. A franchise that was among the best couldn't keep the pace. Let's see what Madden 11 will bring.


Most surprisingly good game:


I like golf but certainly this game put more on it. It was simple enough to learn how to play it. This is a good game for fans and no fans. And I can certainly say that this is my favoritesports game of the year. A great addition to my collection.

RUNNER UP: Borderlands


My top 3 games are as this:


Old school will always get me. No matter what people say. For me, Street Fighter IV is the best fighting game ever and I can certainly believe so. It was the best game of the first half of the year and I can say that he got really tough competition. A deserving winner.


When it is about characters, Batman is my personal favorite... ever... being comics, movies, cartoons and whatever. Batman is Número Uno. Finally, he got a game that brings the true nature of Batman... Not only he is a fighting machine... he is the smartest man in the world. Brain and might in one person and certainly this game was able to put it all. Graphics, story, challenges... and we can't forget the use of original voices like Kevin Conroy and Mark Hammill. This was a true masterpiece and now that the sequel has been announced... What can I say... Hype Mode activated.

ANd now... the true winner of all... the GOLD MEDAL WINNER AND GOTY who joins BIOSHOCK and DEAD SPACE as the previous winners is:


When i heard about Assassin's Creed back in 2007, I expected a great game with many chances to kill people. THough it was a great game, it felt very incomplete. In Assassin's Creed 2, I got the game I expected and even more. It wasn't only way better than it's predecessor, it certainly brought this game to a new genre. Since you were able to join Ezio since his youth, you could actually grow with him. The graphics were amazing. Being able to check the Renaissance and its great artistic view was overwhelming. The gameplay was better and all the options to kill your opponents were great. Ezio grew as an assassin and manager... yeah, believe that. There are so many things about the game that was amazing, but the adventure itself was the big winner in the process. Desmond is getting a more defining role and the story is taking different aproaches about what will happen next. It is a truly good game for anyone who loves to be around great scenarios. And its "sandbox" ****just invites you to enjoy it every second. ANd if you start looking for "The truth" there are some interesting puzzles, so this game gives you everything you may like. For these and many other reasons, Assassin's Creed 2 is my game of the year :D

I hope you enjoyed this. Next posting, you will meet the top 10 games of 2009. It will be more like a ten to four since the first thre are already here

Thanks for reading and have a great 2010 :D

stupity always makes you pay a price.

During the past days I received one of the worst news I could receive as a gamer: For a reason that I want to keep untold for now, my XBOX 360 Live AND console were banned. With this, my experience will be limited to local playing which is ok by now, but I certainly hope that things get well soon enough.

What I did was stupid and certainly deserves what I received. I hope you guys can be patient about my disapearence from XBOX live. WHen I have the mood to talk about it I will.

I have though about other possibilities since the only option is getting a new console, but there comes the question: Which one and when? A PS3 or a 360?

Anyway, I hope everyone is doing right and enjoying such a great game as Modern Warfare 2. Due to what happened, I delayed that game from my list along with L4D2 since I wouldn't enjoy its multiplayer advantages making the a "waste of money" but I still can enjoy single player games like Assassin's Creed and The Saboteur for the remaining of the year... I have to see the positive thing about it...

Have a great day!

I keep playing BOrderlands and I think I have another game for the GOTY running. I would call it "FallOut 3's small brother"... Yeah, it is that good! :D

More details in a further blog.

QUick question: WOuld you mind if I make one of those "My life with..." blogs about Metal... because Brutal Legend certainly inspired me! :D

That was surely a long time

Hello, everyone:

After coming back to the site I realized there has been a long time since my last post... A little over two weeks. That's how busy I was around doing a lot of stuff. And I think is fair for all of you to know what happened to me.

Work has been a busy stuff. I have been working on saturdays (Today I will too, but later) but that means good stuff. I am trying to leave things running well, since my boss is coming to the plant to see how am I doing, I hope that visit brings positive things after all that happened. SO there you go... busy at work.

My personal life is really good. Enjoying married life, doing some home stuff, visiting people ussually I dont care about and sometimes going to parties. I went to a Halloween Party dressed like Batman :lol: it was fun since we performed a Rock Band Song all disguised. I will get a couple of pictures when I have the chance- Also, I am preparing to make my end of the year cleaning... I really like to do this because at the end, the house looks great :D

Gaming world have gotten better, I must say. I got two games recently: BRUTAL LEGEND and BORDERLANDS and I have been playing them a lot. I have my comments about both this games but I think that would be a better topic for another blog, but I can let you know that I certainly liked both games and one of them is a serious candidate for my personal GOTY award (Yeah, almost as good as Batman: Arkham Asylum)

Now that november has arrived, the last games I want will arrive: Modern Warfare 2, Assassin's Creed 2, L4D 2, Dragon Age and The Saboteur.

These five games are on my list and I might probably get only two of them. Dragon Age is definetely one that can wait since it is a long RPG and certainly those can wait, especially when I have Oblivion and Borderlands to finish :)... and probable The Saboteur will be a game I will get until later for the same reason... L4D2 is a must since it represents a great game to play with people and I absolutely loved the first one... Plus, Modern Warfare and Assassin's Creed were among my favorite games during their first release.

So there you have it... That's what I have done and that's what I will get. But as you see, it is not as simple, because by January, Mass Effect 2 and Bayonetta will be around... and if I delay those games too... February will have Splinter Cell: Conviction... and March will see Bioshock 2... and who knows what other games will get my attention after that!!!!

I am in serious trouble. :lol:

I will just go and check some of your blogs to catch up with you all guys

Hope you have a great weekend. And I will try to stay step by more often!

What will I do... so many games... so little time...

Holy... I never expected this time to be as great as it is right now.

A lot of games that I expected are getting great scores.

Batman Arkham Asylum... 9.0

Brutal Legend... 8.5

Borderlands... 8.5

FIFA 10 ... 9.0

Rock Band Beatles... 9.0

And I could keep going and going...

And you know what? I am pretty sure that we haven't seen the best yet... There is still a lot to come for this year:

And the worst part is that I still have some old games that need to be played!

What will I do???

Some other marvel Universe games.

There has been a lot of games with Marvel Characters... most of them based on movies based on the comics... ugh... but I can say that I have played some great ones. As for Batman, there weren't many of them, but I certainly got quite some good games. Here it is.

My first ever videogame related to a Marvel Character didn't appear on either Atari or NES. It was for the Gameboy

And it was a really hard and unsatisfying game. Slow, boring and kind of... hard. Pretty dissapointing considering my age.

After this, I don't remember getting anything else until later. The great showing for good games came with the SNES. Now, there were some good games :D

This game was beyond awesome. I never got tired about it and played it over and over. This is how a good old SNES game should've been in the first place. THat's why Capcom showed how to do it.

Kicking some sentinel's butt!

Hell yeah!

After some considerable time I got a SPider Man Game. A new one that was interesting due to the Comic series. Spider Man Maximum Carnage.

THis one was pretty decent for the time. I liked his comic stylish graphics. But ti was too damn hard too :lol: Arguibly a good game. Beat' em up. One of the first to use the helping hero concept. And the sequel sucked so... I won't talk about it.

Girls can kick you too, Spidey!

Choose wisely.

And probably the most known game from these guys:

Oh, yea... Fond memories of one of the hardest games ever made. I can possibly think that many of us played the game pretty excited about how we were using a lot of great heroes and suddenly... dissapointment. The game was not that bad, it was just that it felt... like a big steal. In fact, in order to finish it, I had to team up with my brother because I was unable to complete the Spiderman's section. Never got used to his mobility. And Spidey's mobility was not the worst part for the game. :lol: What about Rhyno's battle... :P ... What about the annoying climbing scenes with WOlverine, the rails with Cyclops, the draining energy enemies from Gambit levels... and of course, the cherry on the top... Storm's water levels.

We finished the game, but it took a lot of our time and effort. Compared with the previous two games, this was a terrible thing to do :lol: What a punishment, no wonder Capcom ended up with the best game.

Have fun, Wolvie...!!!

Yeah, you keep jumping around...

This was a quick blog, I know. I hope to come with something bigger and better... see ya!

I just received something good...

Yeah, I wish I could say something like "Brutal legend" or something... but that has not been released here... I heard good things about it. It is good to know that a lot of expected games are not disapointing anyone...

Anyway, what I received was a great classic game:

Last time I played it was rented. I can tell you that this was a complete steal :D I love clasics when they are so cheap... Now there is still one piece missing for my all time ****c games collection... If only I could find it...

You have no idea how hard is to find this game used... they just fly... "Ill get it again when it gets cheaper"... yea right!

Ok, I hope to see you guys later. I hope to get Brutal Legend during the weekend :D

My life with Marvel Universe

After playing a lot of Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 I can say that it is a really good game. It will not stand as a great of all time, but it was good enough to keep me busy and entertained. The sensation of playing with so many great characters was really satisfying.

The game is worth to get by anyone who loves Marvel Universe. Probably that's the main reason why I liked it so much. Creating teams that you might see on the comics but barely happens is... quite intriguing.

Batman: Arkham Asylum is a much better game considerign both, but Marvel gives you some interesting aproaches that inspired me to write this new "My life with..." blog.

Even if Batman is my personal favorite comic book character, my approach to Marvel was bigger and wider than it was with DC, in the times where both of them were the biggest companies. I had such knowledge of what happened in the Marvel universe that I was considered a nerd... (Well, that actually keeps coming nowadays) I was never a comic buff, but my life approached me to the Universe of Marvel and it was difficult to keep losing track.

My first approach to Marvel Superheroes was very similar to Batman's: I watched all cartoons that many of you might remember. The first animations with Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Iron Man and Namor hooked me to keep learning about the mighty superheroes.

It looked so cool back in the day!! :D

After these, some series kept coming... I saw new characters like The Fantastic Four and Spider Woman.

40 years and still awesome!!!

"She looks hot... considering is a 60's drawing... :lol: "

You can check them out in You Tube: If they had a cartoon, take for granted that I watched. But there was one character among all, with its respective series that caught me more than any other:

There was something interesting about Spiderman that got me and made him my favorite Marvel Character Ever (And it is still there). the animation on the series was lame, even for that time (I think), but Spiderman's charisma was difficult to ignore. The intro to the series was so awesome. Now, we in Mexico didn't know the original theme. We had our own. If you care, take a look at the link below and check out the spanish Intro for the series. You might notice that it is very different to the original theme which we ignored until the times of the internet.

Intro in Spanish to Spiderman 60's series

Even with my love for Spìderman I was never a comic buyer. I bought one or two comics occasionally, but never too frequently to say that I could become an expert. My knowledge was based on cartoons. Another series that got me even more interested in Marvel was this one:

It ruled!!! This was better since I was able to meet a lot of characters that I ignored that existed. You know, there was no internet and I was not frequently on the comic book store. I was aware of basic characters as mentioned before, but the two guys Spiderman's side were a mistery to me.

On these series I learned about Ice man and Starfire (Note: In Mexico, Ice Man was confused with Silver Surfer so that's how they called him in the series... :lol: ) members of:

I think you get the idea of who are these guys :lol:

The Xmen became a revolution back in my times. This particular group of heroes become more popular than the League of Justice and The Avengers.

The main reasons: There were a lot of social issues around them that called our attention. After this, I decided to learn more about these and the rest of the heroes around. But it was around 1992 and there was not internet and money was not an option to get too many comic books... What other option I had...

Marvel Trading Cards 1992!

This is by far, the only trading cards collection I owned and completed. I read them all and learned so much about many heroes, villains, origins and milestones. I am not pretty sure where is this collection but I was able to complete it. But once I needed money and I had to sell the limited edition holograms that it had... Bummer...

Marvel turned out to be a spectacular moment for my friends an me. I started reading more comics but never really got into that. I kept waiting for reruns of old cartoons.

There were many milestones that I witnessed like that fight between Marvel and DC where you had to vote for 5 battles to get the winner:

- Storm vs. Wonderwoman

- Hulk vs. Superman

- Wolverine vs. LOBO

- Superboy vs. Spiderman (WTF??)

- Batman vs. Captain America

I voted on all for Marvel except for one... guess which one :P...

ANother one was the origins of Gambit and Wolverine (Weapon X)... The Fatal Attraction Saga when Wolverine lost its adamantium and Maximum Carnage, where Carnage, a huge villain of Spiderman, makes a mayhem of New York.

Comics were part of my life and it kept regular. Years later, FOX brought back to our lives cartoons of our heroes, specially one for the X Men (Finally)... They were good shows and kept us busy for some time :D.

"Yeah! the 90's were awesome!!!"

Unfortunatelly, everything that has a beginning has an end. My passion for comics finished and I only watched carttons once in a while. There are only two other things that keep me interested about Comic Books characters: MOVIES AND VIDEOGAMES!!!

But that my friends... will be another part. Check out for the second part of this "Marvel Autobiography" I hope you enjoyed it. Second Part: Marvel in the Movies!!!


Three years... and counting

Well, well... Today I am three years old in this site. How quick does time go? That means that there is a lot of people from the site that I know from there.

I remember when I started coming to this site. My passion for videogames was not as big as now, but it was interesting to learn what was going on with such new consoles like the XBOX 360 and PS3... and Wiim yeah.

It took me a long time before joining and starting writing blogs... Since I didn't have anything interesting to say. But after starting writing stuff, I found out people interesting to know and some of them are still great friends of mine. And all that group kep growing and growing and there are still people to meet and games to learn.

As always, the site hasn't been perfect. All that Jeff's issue and a lot of people who quit, and some friends that just dissapeared... Not everything is as good as we want, but at least is good enough to keep coming and enjoy some good reading (Between blogs and articles)

I think I can say that even if I had not been here as much as I would've wanted, every time I step over here, it has been a great time. Can you imagine been out of here after that much time?

So, now I can consider an all time veteran, and for all of you guys who have been around for all the time around (I wont' mention particular names because you always forget someone unfortunately!) thanks for everything and I hope to be around many more years.

Tomorrow: I will have a very special blog called: "My life with Marvel!"

I must say that "Marvel ultimate Alliance 2" is a very good game. :) More about it later!

Thanks and have a great friday! Weekend is coming!

What will october bring for me?

Either buying them, renting them or borrowin them... My expected games for this month are

and probably...

And well, it is a shame that another game that was going to be released this month has been delayed for next year :(

But if you consider it, that makes next year a great one for gaming too... Great!!!

October is going to be a great month!!!

What are you waiting for this month?