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stanhigareda Blog

Heroes... Heroes Everywhere...

After a long time I had the chance to play a new game:

I got it borrowed from a friend and I can say that I am really satisfied with it. The game is similar to the previous one, but there is a lot to check out to make it a very good experience.I think the fact that you can arrange the teams and upgrades as you want, gives it a more strategic approach. Unfortunately, it is not as deep and it doesn't really affect the gameplay as much as you might want. It was so close to be just another "BUtton smasher game". But there are a lot of things that are worthy... I already finished it and there is still a lot of upgrades and stuff to find. I already got all available heroes and went through the Anti-Registration.

I may have a better observation about the game later, but I just found great to see that two comic related games (Batman: AA and this one) got me hooked so fast so quick. When you realize that COmics are starting to bring some sort of new life, it reminds you of those old times when you were a kid and watched the series for these heroes.

In fact, I just think I will have one of those "My life with..." Blogs in the near future. So expect a new release titled:

"My life with Marvel" Stay tuned!

Answering questions


After a long time of not being around here, I now will have the time to answer the questions that you all made:

Here we Go!!!!


How'd you choose your username?

My Gamespot username is my actual name: Stan Higareda

Silent Hill or Resident Evil?

I liked Silent Hill a lot more, I was never captive by Resident Evil

Chris Redfield or Leon Kennedy?

Chris Redfield

Ernie Hudson or Rick Moranis?

Rick Moranis. I liked him in GhostBusters

Ghostbusters I or II?

The first one. Way better


Captian Kirk or captian Picard?

I am not really a Star Trek fan. But since I like Patrick Stewart more than Shatner, I would go with Piccard... I think...


If you were forced to watch any bad animated movie (2D animated), what would it be?

I can't say about a bad 2D animated movie that I didn't like. I can tell you a lot for 3D animated bad movies. Madagascar was terrible IMHO and there were a couple more so bad I didn't even remember its name.


Do you have any secret identity besides being the sombrero man?

Being the Sombrero Man is a full time job so... no :P


Co-op or competitive?

Co-Op - Less frustrating, funnier and people who cheat actually makes a benefit for you :P

Prefer to kill Nazi's, Terrorists, Aliens or Zambies! Speaking of which....

Whatever moves and screams BRAINSS!!!! is fun to kill

You ever gonna make a Zambie Annhi-LA-tion Squad?

Yeah, I think I will in a next blog


Steak or Pizza?

Pizza... you know it!

Xbox 360 or Nintendo NES ?

NES. Old School Forever :D

Contra or Castlevania?

Ugh. Tough One... Castlevania by an inch.

Black or Blue?


Football or Soccer?

Duh! Football!

Rock Band or GH?

Rock Band. Has more songs I like

Live or Dead?

Live... I think

Zombies or Terrorists?

Zombies... MORE BRAINS!!!

Jason or Freddy?

Freddy. Mind games rule!!!

DeNiro or Pacino?

You are kidding right? De Niro

Yes or No?



Lord of the Rings or Star Wars?

Star Wars. May the Force be With you!


Do you really think that, in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make?

I really think that I am loved as much as I love, yeah :D


If you could travel to any planet in the solar system... which one and why?

Neptune. Because is far away and I like being alone sometimes. Plus such planet is chilling :P


Next game you will buy?

Borderlans and Brutal legend :D


Best Movie Ever?

Apocalypse Now by Francis For Coppola. A great movie.


What do you do for a living ?

Quality Field Engineer

What kinda car do you drive ?

I have a small car called Matiz from Pontiac

What's your favorite game types ? Racing, sports, shooters, ect ?

I like almost every kind except for Racing games... Shooters, RPG's and Sports might be my top 3

Is your girlfriend hot ?

Yes, my wife is hot :P


Who's your favourite actor/actress?

Robert DeNiro but as for today it might be Johnny Depp...

Thanks for your questions and see you later everyone!

Nothing to write about so...

Since I have nothing interesting to say as I haven't during the week, I decided to make one of those blogs in which you ask questions and I will answer them later...

So... Ask whatever you want and as much questions as you want.

I will answer them during the week.

See you later, guys!

(I hope to bring better things later)

My life with the Beatles

This band has been around for 50 years... That is an amazing ammount of time. And been around means that are still heard and enjoyed. And they can be a big hit... As the game showed us. I think everyone has a little story with this band, which is considered by many as one of the best if not the best ever. I want, of course, to share mine since I have enjoyed the game a lot.

My first memory about the game was when I was really young. Starting the 80's and it wasn't anything about music or watching them on TV. It was on a trivia game that I had the chance to be around when my parents played it. I was listeninf to all questions and one of them was: "Which of the BEatles was murdered". The obvious answer was John Lennon. I started to be curious about the name... Beatles, but since I was 7 years old, I forgot about them quickly.

Then there comes elementary school. and there was English **** Ah, the lovely people that back in the day was 30 years old and the memories of the Beatles were still fresh. They had to put them on to learn english. I still can remember how we sang "Yesterday" "Do you want to know a secret?" "Love me do" among many others. As the lyrics were simple, they used it to help us learn pronuntiation. I started to be more curious about The Beatles.

This period of learning arrived to High School. For some reason, every teacher in my english education was convinced that we would be able to learn english with the Beatles. I must say that such activities kept their musica alive, considering that Guns N' Roses, Metallica and some other bands were beating during the 90's.

After a long time, I was able to listen to more music from the Beatles. My aunt had a big collection from them... and one time I lsten to all of it. I never knew about that collection until I mentioned it to her and she shoed it to me. I really liked songs like "We can Work it out" "Help!" "All my loving" "Hard day's night" "Ticket to Ride" and many more.

When I moved out, I lost contact with the band. But some good fellas were able to hook me up again. I had a lot of reunions and parties where we only kept drinking beer listening to The Beatles. Good times... That unfortunately ended up in a very bad way but that's another story.

And the tale goes on... Learning about great stories that i could play like Ed Sullivan and The Shea stadium concert, along witht their last showing on the rooftop of Apple building at 3 Saville Rd, and John Lennon's shooting.

As you see, my life with the Beatles was not really as fanatic as it might've showed. I love their music but never got into it to call me a fan. IN fact, I am more attached to The Who... ANyways, I could recognize songs and enjoy them, but it was not like I played them a lot, not until now. And I have to say that the game helped a lot. I can say that such combination helped me to truly apreciate it more. I guess that will be a topic for another blog...

And just to finish up, here is my top 10 list for songs of The Beatles. I can say that this was already made before the game and thus, it didn't have a lot to do. They are not in any particular order and it was really hard to make!

a) Yesterday

b) We can Work it out

c) Ticket to Ride

d) Come together

e) Dig a Pony

f) Helter Skelter

g) WIth a little help from my friends

h) Hard Day's night

i) Yellow Submarine

j) Here comes the Sun

And my favorite album is Abbey Road...

Their music is so complete that all of them is just enjoyable. A perfect combination of talent and creativity. Some people claim that they are "too simple"... But they must remember that they are almost 50 years old... and most important: Music wouldn't be the way it is now if it wasn't for them. Just remember that.

What are some good memories from the Beatles that you can share?

The best, the worst, the surprising, the dissapoinment until september!

Hello, everyone!

I think it is time to check once again how things have been upgraded on this month. As you might remember I made a blog like this on june. Now, almostr three months later, I have a new perception of this and well... here it is! (Please forgive me if some pictures are missing :( )


Here, I put a game that I expected a lot and ended up being a dissapointing one. It doesn't mean it is a bad game, but it is not as good as I would've expected it to be:


I have loved Madden in his 08 and 09 versions. They were great. I see this game as a very important step back. I don't hate it but after Madden 09 I expected something else. So far a big dissapointment.


Don't get me wrong. It is a good game but it lacks something that I find special on FPS. It really never got me immersed enough to keep it playing. It is a good game though, but certainly didn't filled my expectations.



The game is just amazing. It has definetelly beaten Madden as my sports game of the year. It has given me good relaxing times. When I got it I never expected it to be this good and it has been a great surprise.

RUNNER UP: Shadow Complex.

One of the best games ever from XBLA


No changes here.

This game had the right elements. Good history, interesting atmosphere, cyberpunk written all around. They had to blew it by making it too simple and annoying to control. It looks uglier in person that in pictures. ugh! Worst so far... by a lot.

Runner UP: Turtles in Time (XBOX Live Arcade): What a way to make a GREAT CLASIC game fail!


Until september '09 the best game is:

I think this is a no brainer. I have said a lot about this game. It doesn't need more explanation.

2nd Place:

I still love the game. Old school :).

3rd place:

A very incredible game which just needed a little bit of working! So close to be the best of the year!

This is my current list.- What will december bring? Who knows????

How does you list look so far?

Bats, Monkeys, Shadows, birdies and a Walrus... all in one week!

I definatelly need to rest more during weeks. I barely enjoyed my time off for independence party. I wasn't even able to wear my Sombrero! But that was it. I fell asleep to early! Job is taking the best of me :P

But anyway, I have some interesting stuff to talk about during this week in the videogame world:

I finished Batman's full medal for Predator Challenges. I must say it was difficult to do it, but after looking and looking it was satisfying to beat them all. (Silent Knight Extreme had the hardest ones... three explosions at the same time? Wow!) SO I got that achievement and I feel good about it... Now I need to work out on the Combat Challenges... I need 8 medals overall... but that will really be a challenge :?

Now, on XBOX Live I finally finished two games: The Secret Of Monkey Island and Shadow Complex. About the first one I can say it was great to see all those moments again. I love Guybrush Threepwood ( Too bad it was beaten by Wander in the Heroes showdown. (But you can't argue against someone who kicked 16 colossi... right?) and he is really charismatic. I was surprised that I was able to remember everything that needed to be done. Even after almost 10 years :shock: But I didn't remember it had 2 different finals because I got one I never got before. I will make a full review of this game :D so keep in touch.

Shadow Complex was a great experience but it was one of those games that left you wanting for more. The final battle was really intense considering the phase the game was going. Now I am working on getting 100% of the items which won't be as easy as finding all the question marks. Overall. I can say it has one big flaw... The story... It was too... well, I don't know a word right now. Of course, I will be reviewing this game later on :D

I am playing Beatles: Rock Band and I love it. I have read some comments that GH: 5 is outselling it. I think that is normal considering that only older gamers might enjoy this game. But returning to Beatles, I need to say that the game woke up that little Beatle Worm I had. I keep singing some songs during the day... too loud in some cases :P I need to play more venues and check out the possible albums that will be DLC. :)

ANd to get some relax, a couple of golf games :) Tiger Woods is a fantastic game. So good that it is actually beating Madden 10 as my favorite sports game of the year. I must say i don't like this Madden as much as 09. I still feel it as a step back. I hope I can learn to love it. Anyway, if you see me playing Tiger and want to play just let me know

Well, that's all guys. Tomorrow is friday and I couldn't be happier. It will be the first saturday in a long time that I won't work so I will be relaxed...

Have a great day!

Celebrating independence

Well, tomorrow is the official independence day here and we start celebrating tonight. Food! And I will be wearing a sombrero all night long. Try not to miss me!

How convenient... You fight like a cow

I remember when I got this game. I was really young and didn't really appreciate it. But after getting the hold of it, it became a very satisfying experience. My first Graphic Adventure game... and one of the best games ever.

I got this game on XBOX LIVE ARCADE and I am re-playing it. I will give you a full length blog later... For now I am kind of tired :P

First impression: The new graphics are fine... but old school is always better... :)

When two worlds collide...

When I was single... things were simplier... I was able to balance all my time and activities in a way that I were able to complete them in a very satisfying way. Now that I am married, some people might suppose that things changed... and it wasn't really difficult to keep up a good balance. My wife is forgiving enough to give some time to play video games and most of my free time I read books. BUt now, the biggest challenge has come for my marriage...

FOOTBALL SEASON has started. For 20 years my september to january sundays have been devoted to watch football games, either NFL or ONEFA or NCAA or whatever show that is dedicated to my favorite sport. When my wife was just my girlfirend, I was able to get away with it, waiting for the games to be over and hang with her for a while and then going home to watch Sunday Night Football, and Monday Nights were the same.

Now, I live with her and things will be a little bit difficult. :( Sundays are the times where we spend a lot of time together and she actually hates football... so I hope I can watch at least one game per week :lol:

Anyway, I will watch some games today and I hope, if you love NFL, your team has a good season. I know mine will not... :P Freaking 49's....

Thanks for reading...