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stanhigareda Blog

You can't win always...

As you might remember, I had some good opportunities to change my job. One was an interesting choice for something that I would love to do and the other one involved traveling a lot. THose were good options but unforatunately I didn't get any of them.

I think when something like this happens, there is a reason beyond ourselves. THere were a lot of sacrifices to be made: In one of them, my salary would've been reduced and that would have effect on my life style (including gaming) and the other one would require to move to another city that I didn't find very appealing when I visited it. As I said, those were very strong reasons. I didn't reject them, I just didn't get any of them.

The good point is that I am starting to be more optimistic about my future. At least until december, I will stay in my current work expecting new things. I will keep looking and I hope to bring good news in the future.

Have a nice day!

never buy too many games at the same time...

I have done it over and over... I get some games and I end up playing just one of them and forget about the rest... :lol:

Here I am, showing you all the examples that I have. Games that were bought at the same period and some of them were abandoned and even not played anymore :shock: ... Shame on me!

Since I have played Batman: Arkham Asylum, I forgot about Shadow Complex and Madden 10. Madden 10 is not as good as I expected it to be :( Too bad since they were improving a lot in the past. Now... I don't feel like there is something interesting about it. At least the real NFL is almost here and that give me a lot of excitement.

And Shadow Complex is a great game... and I need to finish it! And things get worse from here...

I got started Shadow Complex and stopped playing Prototype... and thanks to this game I havent completed Point Lookout on Fallout 3...

The only game I keep playing frequently is Tiger Woods 10, but that's because it is a relaxing game. And I miss playing great games like Left 4 Dead. I want a round on this game :(

And well, September is here and Rock Band: Beatles is here. I wonder if the game will take me away from Batman.

We'll see.

And I thing this line is going to keep growing and growing :lol:

Have a nice day!

My life with Batman

I am really happy about the game. Eidos and Rocksteady actually did a fine job bringing us one of the best comic based, if not the best, video game ever. There was some comments about how this game was not faithful to THE DARK KNIGH and I think they took their chances and nailed. By the time you read this the game has been beaten in its main sotry and I can say that it has a great balance between the dark mood shown in the comics and the "heroic" style of the cartoons. By saturday, I will give you my full impressions about the game in a new review, and this time I will make sure to make it so you can say what you think about it. For now I would like to talk about how I grew up with Batman.

"Yes... Im Batman..."

As for today, Batman is among my favorite superheroes, no matter which media. EIther comics, movies or cartoons I love his modus operandi. He is cool enough to use physical and mental methods to intimidate you and they beat you. He is a genius and has enough gadgets to blow up anything. He is just the hero everyone would like to be.

"I must say... I was never this cool... you know"

My first contact with Batman, was of course, with TV. I had the opportunity to meet Batman with Robin during the first Hanna Barbera cartoons mainly Super Friends, where Batman got all the charasteristics from the TV show starring Adam West. This Batman was good enough to call my attention. I remember expecting weekely the new episodes from the series which showed Batman as a big brain hero with a very simple behaviour... just like any other person. When I learned about the reason for his origin, it got me thinking "He actually took it pretty well..." This "happy" Batman was my only reference, so during the 80s this was Batman to me.

"Batman for the KIDS!! YAY!"

Unfortunately, Hanna Barbera abused of BatmanĀ“s name... At some moment he appeard in Scooby-Doo and in some sort of stupid cartoon with two teengers and a dog who believed they were heroes. Thats when I said "Thats too much"... and started to not like the comic "Cartoon Batman"... And no matter what you tell me... Robin was annoying.

"Are you f--- kidding me?"

When I read the comic, I got a little confused. Batman was not this always optimistic guy. He had Robin but he was truly creepy. I said WTF and started to learn more about him. New Batman got me even more attached to it. The true nature of the Batman was the one I expected to see in the Movie that was about to come out by the end of the 80s. I was too young to watch it on cinema so I waited for it to be released on video and it completely hooked me. Thats when my love for both the Joker and Batman really took off, and I learned to live without Robin...

"A wonderful movie... if you let me say so..."

This move and Batman Returns were my personal favorite heroe movie (In that time it was Superman) because and got me into Tim Burton. I liked how MIchael Keaton made that "Im Batman" immortal. Jack Nicholson was able to create the balance between simpathy and madness with The Joker, Michelle Pfeiffer was able to bring the glamour to Catwoman and even if The Penguin was way creepier than the TV (Burgess Meredith was probably my favorite villain back then) he was a fenomenal choice. Batman was already my favorite hero and things could only be better.

"Keep the good work... RIP Burgess"

During 90s, even with my love for Batman, I was more like a Marvel fan. But after that bad decision for cartoons, Warner Bros brought us one of my favorite cartoons ever... Batman: The animated series. This was Batman as everyone who is considered a fan should enjoy. His dark nature along with great shows. Mark Hammil as The Joker was the highlight.

"The lightning was a lucky coincidence" "Only Ledger was creepier than this guy!"

Batman was on the top of the TV time for me, meanwhile, a guy named Joel Schumacher made a big joke of the name Batman in the movies. For everyone who has seen both Batman Forever and Batman & Robin should say that they are the worst movies ever. The movies are not only bad... they are ridiculous: Bring the happy side of Batman to and insult to the fans. Just terrible... But that were the 90s

"The most stupid thing ever to appear on a Batman Movie. Nuff Said"

My time with video games with Batman was not that big. I only played two games with Batman:

Those were ****cs and very good games. I didnt play any other games because ussually they got bad reviews. I actually made a review from both of them so If you want to check them out, please do it

Batman (NES)


Those were the 90s and I got into a Batman relaxed time. My life changed and I kept watching BATMAN on TV and that new series BATMAN BEYOND which was pretty decent. Suddenly, things started to show off again and Christopher Nolan (who I really knew really well thanks to Memento) was about to bring BATMAN movies back from the grave. I got optimistic when I heard that Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Liam Neeson, Morgan Freeman and Gary Oldman would be there. But then I remembered that Tomy Lee Jones was casted once upon a time and he became the worst villain ever for a Batman movie (Yes, even worst than Schwarzenneger or Carrey or Thurman, and that is just because he made Two Face look like some sort of combination between The Joker and some hyper active 6 year old kid with a lot of caffeine...). This got my feet in the earth and I just expected BATMAN BEGINS as any other movie.

The movie was fantastic. Nolan brought back a great Batman without the artistic perception that Burton made about it. It was a very urban Batman. Truly well made. Batman was still showing great things and a sequel was on the work. When I heard that Heath Ledger was casted as the Joker... I had my doubts... and how truly wrong I was! He was a great Joker and suddenly THE DARK KNIGHT became the greatest super hero movie ever. (According to IMDB)

After the big success of the movie, a game called ARKHAM ASYLUM was on the work too. Many people got worried that the game might tank since it wouldnt exploit the big name that the movie created. When they described the game, it showed that it had a lot of things that were more attached to the name of Batman: Stealth moves, A great combat system, Gadgets, Puzzles, Mind games... Total Badass Batman. It quickly became one of my more expected games. I must admit that this game looked great but never expected it to be sensational... and it is. And now, I live in the time when Batman reached the best in TV, Movies and Video Games (Comics are a big mistery :P)

I might not be a truly fan since I dont have too many comics of Batman, but the character is just to big to avoid it. He is just a human who created everything than he is. Thats his true nature and thats why Batman is loved by so many people. ANd... Thats it... What will the future will bring? A third Batman movie with Nolan? A sequel to Arkham asylum? A new TV series along from The Batman? Who knows... I am just so happy to see that such a great name is getting the respect that he deserves. As Gary Oldman on his Jim Gordon character said: "He is a silent guardian, a watchful protector... A Dark Knight"

Dont miss my final review for BATMAN: ARKHAM ASYLUM for next Saturday!

Have a great night! :D

A visit from my niece

Today I received a visit. My little niece came to the house with my wife as she returned. The idea was to go to the movies and so we did. I had a pretty interesting time :) We went to see this movie:

Basically it was the only children movie at the time. It was an ok movie. It is not terrible but certainly there were a lot of things that I just couldn't stand. Every time I see a movie like this I feel like a changed man, let me tell you. Some time ago, I would've never even considered watching it, but now I am a family man and I need to consider them. The most interesting part is that I am enjoying some of them. First "The proposal" and then "G.I. Joe"... Why suddenly I started feeling fine on movies I would consider "Ć¼tter-garbage". I am changing... a lot :lol:

I can say that I think that I am becoming a more positive person. Oh, my God! Probably I even found the "girl" inside of me :shock: AAHHHHH!! Forget I said that.

ANd just to let you know... I still have something to say about Batman on this blog:

When my niece got home, I was playing Batman Arkham Asylum and when she got to the TV she said: "BATMAN!" :) I must say I feel happy about a 6-year old girl still recognizes a great icon. Batman lives for generations!!! Yay!

Have a great day!

I'm Batman!

Wow! What a completely non original way to start talking about a Batman related game. I apologize since I am so tired that my creativity (If any) is short at the moment.

As you might've guessed, I have my copy of Batman: Arkham Asylum and I am just getting started... The game certainly looks great and plays even better. If you had to choose a Batman game considering his nature, this is it. Both fighting and stealth are prett awesome. There is a small moment when you feel that it gets repetitive and... snap!... something different happens.

I can't say too much since I am just starting it, but the first couple of hours I played were pretty satisfying. I will get you with more about the game in the future.

Oh, yeah!

That's rain let me tell you...

The rain has finally arrived at my place at its usual levels... Big long lasting rains with thunders and lightnings... floods and some devastation including trees and Light posts. What a wonderful time to live in my place... I know that the time has been hot but that much rain is... to much :P

I went to a small trip for the weekend. We went to visit some of my wife's friends. I must say I had a good time. It was long time since my wife and myself had a trip for the weekend and I must say it relaxed me to the point that I woke up too late both saturday and sunday.

On saturday we went to an amusement park (Sp?) which was build to commemorate that our country is almost 200 years old of being free. THat would be another story. It has some pools, some attractions, some historical buildings made small... We had a good time. One of the attractions actually got me totally wet! And it was raining... Damn!

That's why you didn't see me either around here or XBL.

I think I must take the chance during this week to play some Shadow COmplex and Tiger Woods. And of course... BATMAN... but that will have to wait until later... probably today :shock:

In the bad news section, my speakers just stop working. A weird smell from them makes me think that it was a short circuit or something like that.

Wel... I hope to see you all around and have a great time! See ya!

Holy good looking game, Batman!

I haven't gotten Batman yet. (Bummer!) but I certainly had the chance to take a look at it by going to my brother's house. He played it for a while and I must say it is quite an amazing looking game. I never though I would see a real Batman game like that, and by real I mean a game that shows the true nature of Batman as a hero. Great fighting moves, puzzles, stealth action, gadget use and a great interaction with characters. The last time I was so impressed about atmosphere was with Dead Space. The graphics are flawless and it is the kind of game you just want to spend some time playing just to take a look at it. Just by looking at it, it is hard to give an impression, but I can tell you that it is one of the most beutiful sights I've ever had with a game. Nothing feels better than a hero game that actually captures the hero's scense (SP?) and its greatness. I didn't have chance to play it because it was a quick visit, but as soon as I get it, I will give you full impressions. Something that came up to our mind (My brother and me) is that a game with this line in GOtham City would be awesome (Something like... take a guess... GTA IV or Prototype). Consider it... Gotham City is the perfect scenario for a game like this, and you can prevent minor crimes as side quests and fight against the big guys in the main story. I hope this game was an experiment and such thing is being considered.

After that Batman awesomeness, I tried to return at home to deal with its abscence :D by playing Shadow COmplex. I am really getting into this game. After watching Batman I see this game like its younger brother :lol: good game

I went to watch a movie yesterday:

I was curious about this movie "The Hangover" and I can say I had a good time. It has this sarcastic view about how far can we take things when partying. It is a very great comedy that has its moments and doesn't use disgusting issues too much and stutpidity as necessary as it is, is well balanced to be fun and not pathetic...

It remind me about some other things in my youth... I think most people always had that kind of nights where they don't remember anything... and suddenly the pictures show what exactly happened.

It is difficult to show something as let down in this movie since everything was made to make you laugh. It's entertaining if you are not a "Finesse movie analyst"

I can say I give it an 8/10

And that might be all for today! :D Cheers!

Zombies everywhere...

As alwyas, I just can experience the quality of a game by watching that everyone is playing it. BATMAN: ARKHAM ASYLUM is not mine yet and probably will have to wait until next saturday. I have improved my patience since that event with Assassin's Creed so I will be patient and wait for the game. I have received so many comments on regards how good it is and it doesn't make it easier but... I will hang in there :lol:

What I did yesterday was to play COD: WAW after a really long time. I downloaded some map packs and started playing Nazi ZOmbies and I must say it is quite fan. Harder than I would've expected. It is great to see that some games never get old if you know how to take advantage of them.

Anyway, that is what I have to say for today :lol:

Not much but... I hope I have something better to say.

In the darkness... Shall rule all!

I downloaded Shadow Complex. My initial perception:

What a good game it is. I certainly enjoyed the first couple of hours I have played it (some people said that I already took so long :lol:) but when the main point of a game is to explore, believe me, I will do it.

The graphics are pretty good considering that it is a XBLA game, and the atmosphere seems so special considering the kind of game this is. I certainly enjoy a game that involves "get this to go thereĀ·. Simphony of the Night is a very good example and I liked that game... but never finished it :P. THis game keep it simple and is extremely fun. There are many things to do and not only one way to kill the enemies. As always, in some cases you can go stealth or just rampage your way shooting.

My only concer so far is that the fact that it is a 2D game in a 3D world, sometimes I have no idea where is possible to climb and the aiming is kind of hard to control. But those are problems that you can live with.

So if you like the kind of game that makes you explore and find out solutions... Or if you enjoyed Metroid or Castlevania post-Symphony games... you won't be dissapointed about this game.

And speaking about atmosphere, exploration and investigation... Batman is close!

So, there will be more darkness... :D and I think this is the third blog straight I talk about it :P but I don't care...What a wonderful week to be a gamer! I hope to get my Batman copy by tomorrow and give you my thoughs... in the fourth Batman: AA related blog. :D

Just take a look at it:


I hope you have a good day!