starwarsgeek112's forum posts
To give you a general idea? yes
Is it good and totally accurate? no, it's useless.Nothing beats trying a demo.
I know nothing beats a demo, but not all games have demos/benchmarking tools, so it's good to have an extra alternative.
We do know that Bioware considers KOTOR an action RPG. My issue is people thinking it's a bonafide, hardcore RPG. In all honesty, you must admit there is more action than RPG, and the RPG elements that are there are awfully shallow compared to other games. This is just my opinion, though.
However, those stating elements of KOTORS system and engine to be fact might want to do some more research...or not spew off answers so quickly as I've quickly shot them down. Give me a developers opinion or some logic and I'll listen. (Not trying to be cocky or condescending, just realistic).
We are giving you answers that are things the developers have stated. Also things that are easily noticable when you play the game. You are coming up with no evidence for your argument. How is it not turn based? Round based is the same exact thing, and you seem to think they are different. Please state what a bonafide hardcore RPG is cause I don't see how KOTOR isn't one.
[QUOTE="starwarsgeek112"]From the GS review:
Combat appears to be in real time but actually uses a turn-based system "under the hood" just like Neverwinter Nights, which means that your character's statistics and attributes (and your strategy) make all the difference, and your personal reflexes and hand-eye coordination have no bearing on the outcome. loumt123
Obvious the interviewer doesn't know what he's talking about. Since when did turn-based mean you character's statistics and attributes make all the difference? Turn based simply means combatants take turns with their actions. In KOTOR, you must admit combatants DO attack simultaneously. How is that turn based? It's round based, and again, round based gameplay is not turn based. And where did he get his information on the combat system from? How do we know it's not just an observation.
....Alright well why don't you find the developer's saying otherwise. Also whether or not the combat is turn-based it is still an RPG, it's like Baldur's Gate/Neverwinter Nights with a Star Wars skin.
Combat appears to be in real time but actually uses a turn-based system "under the hood" just like Neverwinter Nights, which means that your character's statistics and attributes (and your strategy) make all the difference, and your personal reflexes and hand-eye coordination have no bearing on the outcome.
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