Ok, I'm officially peeved. First there's no more Xiaolin Showdown, and now SciFi are cancelling Stargate. While I'm not so bothered by 'Gate stopping (I don't watch passed Season 7's Lifeboat anyhow), I AM sick of hearing everyone's complaints. Not only for these shows, either.
Static Shock, Beyblade, Gundam Wing... For Pete's sake, people, would you shut up? It's over, finished, done and dusted! I know it's upsetting! Especially in the case of Static Shock, which was essentially a cliffhanger, but if the guys don't want to make any more episodes of these things, then they aren't going to be swayed!
This is, I admit, aimed at any XS and SG1 forum goers on the site. Sorry to drag these other shows into it. I'm just fed up of people wailing about how they can't end a show when it's already jumped the shark (cough SG1 cough) or it hit that magical number 52 (cough XS cough). I mean, it isn't the end of the world! There's this amazing thing called the world, maybe you should go into it sometime and realise that television isn't everything! And if that doesn't float your boat, write some fanfiction and make what you would like to see in the future of the shows instead of crying about it! Geez! Do you know how ANGRY I get when people make 7 freaking topics on the same thing?! At least keep it to one so we can avoid sifting through pages of the same rubbish!
Sorry about that. It could be partly to do with the fact my gran is going on holiday today, so it's kinda hectic around the house...
~Staurophobic out!
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