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stephenage Blog

Film Review- Moon

The sci-fi genre has changed alot over the years, it's changed from the deep thought provoking sci-fi of the older generation to the CGI explosion fests that mostly grace the silver screen today. The modern sci-fi usually consits of robots punching each other which is of course very intelectually stimulating. Moon is not like this at all and is just simply amazing. It is a iflm which gets just about everything spot on, it may be a film with the feel of the past but it's the kind of film you want to see more of in the future.

The concept of moon is deceptivly simple, it is the future and man kind depends on the moon's resources for their energy needs. This new found energy keeps Earth in a prosperous state but there is a cost, for one man at least. Sam Bell (brilliantly played by Sam Rockwell) is on a three year contract on the moon where he keeps check on all the machinary and apparatus that keeps the energy coming from the moon. The catch here is that Sam Bell is all by himself, alone on the moon for three years. Well not quite alone, he is accompanied by a computer with the voice of Kevin Spacey called GERTY, a computer programmed to service all of Sam's needs. Although sam has GERTY for company he definately suffers deep problems brought about by extreme isolation. His contact with Earth is next to nothing, he cannot establish a signal in order to have a live conversation with Earth but he can send off messages and recieve them back but this is of course limited.

The film relies soley on Sam Rockwell's performance for he plays the only real part in the film, luckily he plays it brilliantly. Every moment of despair, every character flaw and every glimmer of hope is conveyed masterfully making Sam Bell one of the most believable characters in cinema full stop. The film just has a human feel to it which makes this sci-fi moon based film ironically feel very down to Earth....


New Blog!!!

Me and a friend have started setting up a gaming blog, it will contain reviews articles and more. So please keep checking and follow us, become a friend or whatever- we need all the support we can get! Thanks guys, Stephenage

Weekly Report...

I was mentioned in the weekly report! That is rather awesome, apparently myreview of Resident Evil 5 was rather good and got me an emblem and a mention on the previous mentioned page. I am rather chuffed :D

'User Reviews

This week's user reviews were pulled from the users who recently were granted the Top 100 or 500 emblem.

- Dead Space (PC) Cunhao
- Ratchet & Clank Future (PS3) PSFreak1
- Mirror's Edge (PS3) SGTiD1NG0
- Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood (PC) LGTX
- Prototype (X360) topsemag55
- Necrovision (PC) ChristianKiss
- Resident Evil 5 (PS3) stephenage
- Donkey Kong Country (SNES) samusarmada
- Samba de Amigo (Wii) loopy_101
- Shadow of the Colossus (PS2) ebbderelict'

Quick film reviews- Public Enemies and Seven

Now I really can't be bothered to write long reviews for these films even though they deserve the. Apologies, but you can't complain about walls of words this time. So here goes, short reviews:

Public Enemies

Although Jonny Depp does a brilliant bit of character acting, as he always does, there is just too much of him. The film decides to ignore the historical context to this true story which is fascinating, the result of this being, why are the FBI so bothered with catching John Dillenger. Christian Bale's character has nothing really to him purely because all screen time is givven to Depp, Depp's character has some good character progression and this adds interest- sadly nobody else does and overall this film seems empty. The main complaint is that the film seems lost in its own length, the lengthy true story it has to show has no really linear plot which makes a missmatched and repititive movie which just drags. However it is worth a watch because it has some moments of brilliance and mostly is well directed.

the poster sadly sums up the the feel of the

film perfectly, 'why give other characters screen time when we have Jonny Depp?'

Verdict: 3/5- Disapointing, alot of missed potential


Seven is just the perfect example of a well put together thriller. It's compelling, gripping and is sorrounded by fantastic atmosphere. The plot seems basic at first but twists make this film complex and alot more intelligent than you would think. The basic plot is two policemen are hunting down a killer who is murdering people ironically due to one of the seven deadly sins they have commited, can the police stop him before they have seven grotesque corpses on their hands? The film has some shocking imagery but everything is so effective and powerful, there is alot to be read into in this film also and the characters are fantastic. Brad Pitt is not as good as he is in other films (see Fight Club for his best work) but Morgan Freeman is fantastic, Kevin Spacey is not in it as much as you might like but his performance is chilling and spellbinding to watch. This film is masterfully directed and has the feel of a modern day masterpiece. The film needs to be experienced because it's hard to make a short review to encompass how great this is.

you never mess with a man who holds his gun like a gangster!

Verdict: 5/5- the perfect thriller, disturbing but a must see!

The Black Hole of Fresia

The Real Time Strategy genre has never been one of my strongest suits, the reason being a definite lack of strategy. I can think up a strategy or few, a good flanking will be planned but I like to make one huge army and just send them in. There have been many times when I am very aware I should make certain troops attack certain enemies because of balancing and weaknesses, blah blah blah. I can never be bothered to pick out my little troops from my huge army to attack the one turret, no thank you- my large army includes troops that are good against turrets so why not send them all in at once. There is nothing more fun that creating a huge army and just sending them in. I've always loved real time strategy games for this reason, I loved all of the Age of Empires and I played the third one to death, the naval battles were sweet. I would never admit I was good at them though, because I'm terrible. I recently- as I'm sure many of you are aware- played a total war game which ended badly (if you don't know what I mean see previous Blog, 'how to destroy a country...') which I enjoyed but failed at. It isn't really my type of RTS though, it was to be honest, to tactical and strategic and therefore a better game but not for me. I'm definitely more of an AoE guy, however my favourite RTSs are of course the Star Wars ones- simply because I am a massive Star Wars nerd. I loved Galactic Battlegrounds- purely because it had an awesome map editor. Map editors are my favourite part of any RTS, I like creating things, if a game has create-a-character or design a level; I will play it! I simply love that part of gaming, I wasn't a fan of Spore as a game, it was just a mismatch of average little games that slotted together like Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney (couldn't resist a topical gag). But I loved the creation tools, I just love creating things, I suppose you could call me a creationist.

So, why all this talk of real time strategy? Well, I have got back in to the genre by reinstalling what is possibly my favourite RTS of all time- Empire at War! Now the thing that makes this game great is that it has space battles that to me just scream, make a huge army. Making huge armies is all I do in RTSs and Empire at War seems to encourage this when playing as the empire. The point of the empire is that they had a huge unstoppable force, that's how RTSs should be, you don't get attacked until you are fully upgraded then you send your whole army to the enemy base and put it in cinematic mode. There's no point with tactics; there's no way your huge army could lose. Cinematic mode is also a great part of Empire at War, it shows that this game is just designed for select all troops click attack and watch, this mode lets you just watch battles unfold from epic camera angles- the true Star Wars experience. However there is one bit of strategy that I love in Empire at War and that is targeting in space. Big ships and space stations have separate bits on them that you can destroy, you could set all your Tie Fighters to target the guns whilst you send in your heavy star destroyers to take down the shields. Star Destroyers are possibly the best part of the game, that is what makes this my favourite RTS, I can control a large fleet of star destroyers and just let them pull up and barrage anything. It feels so awesome, playing as the Empire is just way too fun.

Empire at War sadly lacks user creation tools, there is a downloadable map editor but I could never get it to work. That is it's only problem, well so I thought- the game is kind of buggy. Now to explain a recent bug I came across I must put the story in context so introduction over, this is the story of:

The Black Hole of Fresia

Empire at War is a game I have played allot of online with my cousin, or just death-matching a computer. I have dabbled with galactic conquest and enjoyed it but never tried the story mode- until last weekend. I decided that I would do the rebel campaign first because it would probably be cannon, like in KotOR where the real ending is the good ending, I have no idea if that is true or not but that's why I chose it. So I dived in and was really enjoying it, I liked storming the empire's shipyards with a few ships and then protecting R2 as he steals some data from the Empire. In fact the fun continued when I stormed an empire base to steal some X-Wings. First time I entered I had limited troops and was forced into a defeat; I surrendered with my pride in tatters. My tail was now firmly between my legs and my bottom was red from an imperial spanking. But I was angry; it was time to play an RTS the only way I know how- huge army. It was time to build, build, build and train, train, train. Soon I was ready, an army of about 50 battalions of troops, there's 4 or 5 troops in each battalion- perhaps more, so I was ready for anything the Empire had. Accompanying my many troops were two groups of tanks which would be on turret duty so I was ready; I once more invaded imperial land and this time there would be no surrender. I left a few troops with some pilots who I couldn't let die whilst my main army took down a power generator which was powering some mega turrety things which the game told me I couldn't kill. So then I marched in victorious for my X-Wings, prepared for- YOU ARE VICTORIOUS!

However that was not the end of the mission, some pesky little anti-air turrets were keeping me from stealing those X-Wings. Luckily this last part of the mission was not hard with a massive army so soon I had a resounding victory. I returned to the galactic map head held high and Mon Mothma (the rebel leader) was singing my praises. She set me a new mission but I was not finished with Fresia, the planet that my last mission was on. On my galactic map it was still not rebel territory and I wanted it! So ignoring Mon Mothma I sent my finest fleet in with Antilles at the head of it to reclaim Fresia, I watched as the arrows of my fleet entered Fresia on the map. I waited for a warning to come up saying battle imminent, or see that space conquest wasn't needed and see my fleet positioned above Fresia. However my whole fleet disappeared, the whole fleet. Not a sign of any of them- one second flying towards Fresia, the next- nothing. I was now confused, I decided to pump out loads of ships and send them in, every one of them disappeared. I sent in Threepio and Artoo, disappeared. I sent in ground troops, disappeared. I even sent in Mon Mothma, she did not disappear. I deduced from this Mon Mothma is invincible so I sent her to invade a different planet with 2 groups of troops. I clicked auto resolve and it turns out I lost, but Mothma survived- nobody else. Turns out she's useless but invincible, she probably isn't a usable unit or something.

I was losing credits and I had lost my heroes, you can't rebuild them. I hoped it was a graphical glitch and tried to send a fleet to my next mission anyway. It wouldn't let me- it said I needed Y-Wings, I created thousands of them and sent them all in to the next mission. I was told, no, you need Y-Wings. However I knew what this meant, it meant you don't have Antilles in that fleet and you need him for every mission. He is the main character. But he was lost, for good, in the glitchy black hole of Fresia. This glitch was devastating; I hadn't saved since before my rousing ground victory on Fresia and will now have to revert to that. Maybe it's the RTS genre disowning me, only time will tell, as the next game I try will be Red Alert 2. I hope there aren't any black holes in that! However now I know that if you have a black hole, send in the rebellion leader but nobody else!



Movie Reviews- Blade Runner and Transformers 2

I did something very rare the other night, took a break from being in constant communication with my computer whilst half watching the television behind me and actually gave myself two hours to just sit down with no distractions and watch a movie. The movie of course was Blade Runner, a cheap DVD I picked up at the weekend. I promised impressions on this movie and if you don't want to read a long blog then here is my summarised impressions- this film is freaking amazing and may become one of my all time favourite films if watched again. However I also saw transformers 2 the other day so I thought that should be reviewed also.

Transformers 2- Revenge of the Fallen

Transformers 2 is your generic action block buster, huge explosions, lots of running and 'babes'. It totally lacks subtlety, the camera work is awful (some shots are simply unwatchable) and the plot is just a no go zone. I was a fan of Transformers 1 which managed to mix some good and interesting characters, some great humour, some good old fashioned charm and of course good action. Transformers 2 lacks all of that, admitedly there are a few sprinkled laughs but most of the attempts at humour are sigh inducing or just plain embarrasing, stereotypes are pushed to the limit and many races could be offended. There is a screamy pathetic latin computer nerd, two... umm dare I say stereotypically black robots (more of the gangster side of that offensive stereotype, complete with hip hop slang and gold teeth) and women with clothing so skimpy it would make a porn star blush. Now many people won't understand this but those things are not good ideas, it makes for mindless action with no purpose other than to make money. The stereotypes are offensive and the presentation of women is not offensive as such, but rather exploitation- using women to sell a film is not a good thing to do.

So Transformers 2 is awful, it's totally mindless. The script is just lame, there is no other way to describe it, instead of adding character to the robots the only things the robots are allowed to do is explain a very obvious 'plot'- which any viewer with half a mind could work out by themselves- and spout generic fighting talk which comes out as decepticon or autobot bashing or stereotypical slang. The notable dialogue of the film is Optimus Prime claiming he will take them all on, and !!!!spoiler!!!!! dying. However at this point you do not care for optimus, you realise that he will just be brought back to life later and due to the simply awful dialogue no emotinal connection is created, the whole event just screams of pathetic plot device. The human dialogue in the film is not much better, the stars of the show are definately Mr and Mrs Whitwicky, who have more than there fair share of cringe worthy moments but really put themselves into their respective rolls with some quite funny consequences. The dialogue between Sam and Mikela is dreadful, it is limited to them refusing to say they love each other and this piece of irratating useless dialogue is recycled throughout the film to the point that you realise the reason why Sam won't admit he loves Mikela is that she looks so good until she opens her mouth and decides to say something. Megan Fox should not be allowed lines in future films. There is so much other stuff I could bring up about how bad this film is like the many continuation errors and so many aspects which make this film truely awful but there isn't enough time for that. However Agent Simmons return is a welcome addition to an otherwise boring film, he adds some character and quirkiness for a while but soon he becomes a generic action figure as well with about as much motivation as the rocky pyramid he ends up climbing.

The main problem with the film is it's length, 2 and a half hours! This film drags on and at the end you truely don't care how the end battle goes aslong as it finishes soon. It's length is confusing because there is so much that could have been cut. Anyway if you wish to complain about my review of this film, feel free but keep it short and realise that my response will probably be plainly pointing out that your wrong because I've made more than enougth points about this films awfulness! I am not even going to bother summarising the poor excuse for a plot, just know that is is awful.

Verdict- 2/5

do not see this film!

Blade Runner

Blade Runner is a totally different film to Transformers 2, this film has atmosphere, more depth than the deepest pit of hell Michael Bay deserves to go to for releasing Transformers 2 (and that is one deep pit) and a fantastic script complemented by terrefic performances all round.

Blade Runner is a much older film than Transformers, it came out way back in 1982 but it has aged fantastically. Ridley Scott's vision of the future still looks stunning in all of its dystopian glory. The sets are really the best part of blade runner seeing as they set the mood perfectly, this is definately not a feel good film, the city oozes with desperation and is teeming with the dregs of society. This is of course not supposed to be a positive future- this is no utopia, this is a dystopia- and the sets in the film reflect a sense of hoplessness which creates a truely fantastic atmosphere. The film totally relies on this atmosphere and it is fully delivered, when you are making a sci-fi such as this which is a prediction of a future world your film lives and dies by its sets, if that is so these fantastic visual pieces have granted this film immortality.

The desperate mood of Blade Runner is not only derived from city but from the characters, the main character of the film is Deckard, played by Harrison Ford. Deckard is a retired Blade Runner and the film is about him returning to the job, but what is a blade runner? A blade runner is a special police officer charged with retiring replicants, and the retiring of replicants is what Deckard as to do. To be exact he has to retire 4 replicants. This however will promote further questions, whats a replicant and why is he retiring them? Un-suprisingly this job is not as innocent as it sounds, retiring is the word for executing when it comes to replicants, replicants are man made organisms that are identical to humans but with improved strength, intelligence and more. However they lack emotions, the type of replicants Deckard ahs to retire are the Nexus 6 models, ones which have turned violent and are developping emotions, they are banned on Earth but have managed to find there way home by murdering some space ship crews all in order to meet there maker and to prolong their lifespan. The lifespan is limited to 4 years to stop them from developping emotins and to make them controlable.

This is the plot of the film, its not much but it is handled superbly, all four of the replicants are fantastic characters and bring up deep issues of what is humanity and whether a replicant is human or not. Ideas such as these are scattered throughout the film as Deckard becomes corrupted by the case and develops personal interests which put him in severe danger. The sense of danger lurks every corner of this dark film but only truely rears its head towards the end in the final showdown of man and replicant. The pacing is excellent and the film manages to fit alot in in th duration of two hours whilst making it feel like little has happened, events flow perfectly but the viewer can end up easily confused if you do not watch it very carefully. You have to remember that every detail is for a reason, maybe not a plot based reason but the film is dripping in analogy and symbolism, there are biblical references to name but one part of the symbolism. The arguably main replicant mirrors the character of Lucifer, the fallen angel, the reject of his kind (humanity in the films instance) come back to reap his revenge on his master who cursed him with a such a fleeting existance. The following events toy with the themes of survival of the fittest and the inferiority of man. The film is definately not one for somebody who just wants action. This is a thriller but the action is not that frequent, there are arguably many action scenes but nothing on the scale of your average hollywood 'epic' of nowadays. Violence is infrequent but very strong when it occurs.

The film contains some of the most shocking imagery I have seen in a film and pushes the boundries of an English 15 rating. However the violence is never believable as such and is carried out in such a way that nobody could immatate it, a replicant is stronger than a normal man so we cannot recreate there actions. This film is nota violent film and when there is violence it is there for a reason, it is not like the disgusting horror films we experience today where brutal violence is just there for no reason, this violence is perfectly fitted into the context of the film and is needed to progress the story.

I was truely amazed by this film, everything is superb. the characters all show a side of society, and usually a side we don't want to see. The film manages to represent an entire world of people with only a small main cast, everything from the highest intellectuals to the absolute bottoms of society is depicted via a character. This film is one which will raise many questions about society, mortality and many other philsophical thoughts. Blade Runner carries a huge recommendation from me but it is not for everybody, if you are a deep thinker and can handle a bit of confusion this is a film you will love. However be prepared to do a little research on symbolism afterwards to truely appreciate the master piece that is Blade Runner. Ridley Scott is a genius.

HOWEVER!! If you are going to watch this film make sure to get the directors cut because that is the proper version, the version I have is the definative edition which is the directors cut. The normal version has a terrible voice over and an ending made from left overs from the shining. These were never supposed to be in the film and were put in because the ending wasn't happy enough for America and they thought that the film was to clever and therefore explanation was needed. Harrison Ford disagreed and did the laziest voice over ever, which has no effort in at all and is a hinderance to what is a truely great film.

Verdict- 5/5

A must see for those who can handle it

Something I did today

I'm taking a break from my usual article style blogs to just comment on something I did today. I bought Blade Runner on DVD, im pretty late to the party and am very much looking forward to seeing it. I will blog with my impressions soooon :D

How not to handle a hostage situation...

The dirty Harry approach is probably not the best approach to a hostage situation. However sometimes when your playing counterstrike and you have four hostages to save you have to show your serious. Sometimes one of them isn't lucky and it's total chance, your the fourth hostage I found and I have bullets left in my shot gun. To understand the counterstrike terrorist you need to become him, get in his state of mind and proove you are serious. That's my excuse anyway. By now you may have realised this is another blog about my bad experiences playing games truely awfully, it was just a few weeks ago when I realised I might be the worst counterstrike player ever! I do not like to play it in the specified way, saving hostages get boring and I'm an awful shot; atleast I get some kills that way. But I do have some plus points to bring back from my experiment with counter strike, here are some pointers on how not to handle a hostage situation:

1. Your hostages are not part of a complex cover system- at one point during my time playing counterstrike I actually managed to save all hostages. However instead of sneaking round ot save them I lead them all out into the open where the terrorist (singular) was hiding. In a moment of panic I forgot that my friend had done some cheating to get me a very powerful machine gun and ran for the nearest piece of cover. This piece of cover turned out to be a hostage, every hostage seemed totally unaware of the situation and just stood still providing some excellent cover. So far everything seemed good but apparently the aim of the game is to save these hostages. Sadly my cover died rather quickly meaning meaning I had no hostages and no cover; this eventually ended in my death. So tip for sorting out a hostage situation, letting your hostages soak up terrorist bullets is not a good way to save them!

2. Shooting hostages does not help you financially- money is important in counter strike, the game has an economy and therefore the more money you have the better you can play. Some people of course like to show off with knives and the like but buying a nice sniper rifle or massive shot gun is always fun. So if you want the chance to get this money do not shoot your hostages, I made that mistake. At first I thought it would be fun to shoot some hostages but then I noticed money going down, this meant that after the first failure I was left only with pretty rubbish weapons, making it even easier for the terrorists to take me down. So if you are hostage saving for financial reasons, a reward or something similar, don't shoot the hostages!

3. Hostages don't count as kills- this is a simple one really, my friend had more kills than me so I thought that if I shot 4 hostages every turn I could get more kills than him. Turns out they don't count, if your in a hostage situation and want to show yourself to be an expert gunsmen, shoot the terrorists. Apparently shooting hostages makes you a terrorist and not a hero in anyway.

4. Hostages are rubbish at taking bullets- apparently one shot with a shotgun will kill a hostage, they would never survive in COG! If you feel you have to shoot a hostage, shoot them in the leg and not with a shotgun, I learnt this one from experience.

5. At least try and save all the hostages- apparently it helps if you save every hostage. Whilst playing I saved 3 hostages then announced out loud to the 4th that it wasn't his lucky day and shot him in the head. It turns out that this makes you some kind of monster. If your in the hostage rescue buisness for heroics then its not wise to purposely exercise your authority by showing them that ultimatly you have the power of who lives or dies; you look a bit mean.

6. Hostages are occasionally guarded- counter strike may not always provide an accurate simulation of a hostage situation. Usually the hostages are standing in a room by themselves with terrorists waiting outside to kill you! Why don't the hostages just walk round, they could quite easily. Sometimes they deserve a good shooting. However just because a terrorist has been outside the last few games doesn't mean he will be there again, do not just waltz in a room without looking around and head gaily to hostages without a care in the world. Sometimes, just sometimes there is a terrorist in the corner with a large weapon who will shoot you repeatedly which is way harsh! So obey the green cross code of hostage saving, look left, look right and then enter.

So now you know what not to do in a hostage situation so remember: don't cover behind hostages, generally don't shoot them because of there lack of bullet taking ability; financial implications and of course they don't count as kills, don't kill hostages just to show that you are better than them and finally always check before blindly going in a room. Now you can all go and effectively save hostages!



How to destroy a country...

Game Over, the sign that no gamer wants to see- an indication of failure. A sign that usually comes with death or slight humility. Now in many games a game over is no big deal, infact it usually is not the appropriate term; the game is not usually over. Mostly you are given the chance to start from a save point or a check point or simply just continue, usually the reason for a game over is some simple mistake- a slight reactions mess up or a just one silly decision. Every now and then a game over is just that, that game is over- you have ruined it; there is no way you made a mistake and you are being deservedly punished. This happened to me recently whilst enjoying a quick bout of Empire: Total War. This quick bout did not end up in the failure that is the usual game over, the one that leaves you with slight humiliation; the one I experienced was of the epic variety.

Epic failure does not end up in your run of the mill humiliation, it ends in total and utter humiliation; a kind which is almost impossible. I am the only person I know to have got a game over in a total war game, to get this game over you need to pretty much destroy your country and that is hard. Very hard. To do that you need to be a total idiot with no common sense at all or somebody who finds it very amusing to wage war on everybody whilst crippling your own country, needless to say I was the latter. The game started with a simple conquest of France, I had a small army which was basically non existant so I decided to take France for the hell of it. The first step was to capture there port and then move onto Paris. My battle plan was thus...

Invade Paris from space. Unfortunately that was impossible in the game I was playing so I went the more conventional route, start at the top and work down. Unfortunately apparently that takes time, you cant just invade straight away, there's some turn based nonsense which meant France has a turn as well and France were not happy. In my turn I had blockaded the French port with my limited number of ships and the French attacked them, which was way harsh! After that point it was downhill all the way, my ships were just cowards, you get a few cannonballs in you and decide to run away- this is war. Admitedly my naval tactics were awful, every ship attack that small one. Sadly the French had more ships than me so their big ships just destroyed mine. Actually that's a lie- they were about to destroy mine so my ships ran away, bad times! So with loss at sea leaving me fuming victory on land was needed.

Something everybody should know, invading Paris is harder than it looks. A few men with muskets can never win against large guns and horses, Paris would never be mine. This left me angry so I took out my anger on my citizens, I taxed them to hell, tax on all cla**es to full. This was not enough for me, I started sacking my cabinet and when the government became unpopular due to rediculous tax I held an election and made it so that the new government carried on the tax. However it turns out Ireland doesn't like tax, they started to complain so I decided to torch all there buldings, these buldings were of course mine because I own Ireland. My next mistake was succumbing to pyromania, burning stuff is fun, really fun. I torched pretty much all my buildings, bad move when you are at war with France. Wait did I only mention France, apparently France has alot of allies and Spain doesnt like me attacking it. Also Austria gets annoyed when there leaders start disapearing mysteriously- don't you love secret assassinations! But I felt a bit unfufilled because Austria didn't know it was me, I then realised I could declare war with any country I wanted without actually attacking them, also I could threaten them all through the wonder of politics. Yes, I declared war on almost every country on the map. This was silly of me, I had no way of making troops thanks to my pyromania with every building and also, my troops were very limited due to continued quests for Paris.

It was at this point that my country decided to revolt against the government, here is what it must have looked like...

It was at the point of revolution that I made another awufl decision, side with the government or the rebels. I thought let's take down the oppressive death star that is my leadership and ally myself with the rebels (a rebel alliance so to speak). Siding with the rebels ment attacking my own troops, the few trips I had left, my only defence from every country in the world who hated me. The rebels won and I was victorious but I now had no troops and no facilities to build them, there was only one way to sort this out. Continued taxation would be a bad choice because that is what caused the revolution but, I did need money. Taxation needed to stay at full. This angered Ireland. I accidently recreated history and Ireland declared there own independance, even my own countries were against me. At this point failure still looked unlikely for me, I could claw this back if I played sensibly, then I remembered I had troops in Austria. I decided to take Austria, I failed. Then people started to attack me, my ships were being destroyed all the time and in the end my last ship decided to turn to the pirate life. There was nothing left but to take back Ireland! Sadly whilst taking back Ireland I suffered another revolution, this time I sided with the government and I was crushed. Defeated by my own citizens and faced with game over. I think you oculd never call this game over accidental, a slight mistake. There was definate intent and the game over was final, I have been sufficiently mocked and told to never lead a country. So if you ever want to know how to destroy a country, don't hesitate to ask.

