I did something very rare the other night, took a break from being in constant communication with my computer whilst half watching the television behind me and actually gave myself two hours to just sit down with no distractions and watch a movie. The movie of course was Blade Runner, a cheap DVD I picked up at the weekend. I promised impressions on this movie and if you don't want to read a long blog then here is my summarised impressions- this film is freaking amazing and may become one of my all time favourite films if watched again. However I also saw transformers 2 the other day so I thought that should be reviewed also.
Transformers 2- Revenge of the Fallen
Transformers 2 is your generic action block buster, huge explosions, lots of running and 'babes'. It totally lacks subtlety, the camera work is awful (some shots are simply unwatchable) and the plot is just a no go zone. I was a fan of Transformers 1 which managed to mix some good and interesting characters, some great humour, some good old fashioned charm and of course good action. Transformers 2 lacks all of that, admitedly there are a few sprinkled laughs but most of the attempts at humour are sigh inducing or just plain embarrasing, stereotypes are pushed to the limit and many races could be offended. There is a screamy pathetic latin computer nerd, two... umm dare I say stereotypically black robots (more of the gangster side of that offensive stereotype, complete with hip hop slang and gold teeth) and women with clothing so skimpy it would make a porn star blush. Now many people won't understand this but those things are not good ideas, it makes for mindless action with no purpose other than to make money. The stereotypes are offensive and the presentation of women is not offensive as such, but rather exploitation- using women to sell a film is not a good thing to do.
So Transformers 2 is awful, it's totally mindless. The script is just lame, there is no other way to describe it, instead of adding character to the robots the only things the robots are allowed to do is explain a very obvious 'plot'- which any viewer with half a mind could work out by themselves- and spout generic fighting talk which comes out as decepticon or autobot bashing or stereotypical slang. The notable dialogue of the film is Optimus Prime claiming he will take them all on, and !!!!spoiler!!!!! dying. However at this point you do not care for optimus, you realise that he will just be brought back to life later and due to the simply awful dialogue no emotinal connection is created, the whole event just screams of pathetic plot device. The human dialogue in the film is not much better, the stars of the show are definately Mr and Mrs Whitwicky, who have more than there fair share of cringe worthy moments but really put themselves into their respective rolls with some quite funny consequences. The dialogue between Sam and Mikela is dreadful, it is limited to them refusing to say they love each other and this piece of irratating useless dialogue is recycled throughout the film to the point that you realise the reason why Sam won't admit he loves Mikela is that she looks so good until she opens her mouth and decides to say something. Megan Fox should not be allowed lines in future films. There is so much other stuff I could bring up about how bad this film is like the many continuation errors and so many aspects which make this film truely awful but there isn't enough time for that. However Agent Simmons return is a welcome addition to an otherwise boring film, he adds some character and quirkiness for a while but soon he becomes a generic action figure as well with about as much motivation as the rocky pyramid he ends up climbing.
The main problem with the film is it's length, 2 and a half hours! This film drags on and at the end you truely don't care how the end battle goes aslong as it finishes soon. It's length is confusing because there is so much that could have been cut. Anyway if you wish to complain about my review of this film, feel free but keep it short and realise that my response will probably be plainly pointing out that your wrong because I've made more than enougth points about this films awfulness! I am not even going to bother summarising the poor excuse for a plot, just know that is is awful.
Verdict- 2/5
do not see this film!
Blade Runner
Blade Runner is a totally different film to Transformers 2, this film has atmosphere, more depth than the deepest pit of hell Michael Bay deserves to go to for releasing Transformers 2 (and that is one deep pit) and a fantastic script complemented by terrefic performances all round.
Blade Runner is a much older film than Transformers, it came out way back in 1982 but it has aged fantastically. Ridley Scott's vision of the future still looks stunning in all of its dystopian glory. The sets are really the best part of blade runner seeing as they set the mood perfectly, this is definately not a feel good film, the city oozes with desperation and is teeming with the dregs of society. This is of course not supposed to be a positive future- this is no utopia, this is a dystopia- and the sets in the film reflect a sense of hoplessness which creates a truely fantastic atmosphere. The film totally relies on this atmosphere and it is fully delivered, when you are making a sci-fi such as this which is a prediction of a future world your film lives and dies by its sets, if that is so these fantastic visual pieces have granted this film immortality.
The desperate mood of Blade Runner is not only derived from city but from the characters, the main character of the film is Deckard, played by Harrison Ford. Deckard is a retired Blade Runner and the film is about him returning to the job, but what is a blade runner? A blade runner is a special police officer charged with retiring replicants, and the retiring of replicants is what Deckard as to do. To be exact he has to retire 4 replicants. This however will promote further questions, whats a replicant and why is he retiring them? Un-suprisingly this job is not as innocent as it sounds, retiring is the word for executing when it comes to replicants, replicants are man made organisms that are identical to humans but with improved strength, intelligence and more. However they lack emotions, the type of replicants Deckard ahs to retire are the Nexus 6 models, ones which have turned violent and are developping emotions, they are banned on Earth but have managed to find there way home by murdering some space ship crews all in order to meet there maker and to prolong their lifespan. The lifespan is limited to 4 years to stop them from developping emotins and to make them controlable.
This is the plot of the film, its not much but it is handled superbly, all four of the replicants are fantastic characters and bring up deep issues of what is humanity and whether a replicant is human or not. Ideas such as these are scattered throughout the film as Deckard becomes corrupted by the case and develops personal interests which put him in severe danger. The sense of danger lurks every corner of this dark film but only truely rears its head towards the end in the final showdown of man and replicant. The pacing is excellent and the film manages to fit alot in in th duration of two hours whilst making it feel like little has happened, events flow perfectly but the viewer can end up easily confused if you do not watch it very carefully. You have to remember that every detail is for a reason, maybe not a plot based reason but the film is dripping in analogy and symbolism, there are biblical references to name but one part of the symbolism. The arguably main replicant mirrors the character of Lucifer, the fallen angel, the reject of his kind (humanity in the films instance) come back to reap his revenge on his master who cursed him with a such a fleeting existance. The following events toy with the themes of survival of the fittest and the inferiority of man. The film is definately not one for somebody who just wants action. This is a thriller but the action is not that frequent, there are arguably many action scenes but nothing on the scale of your average hollywood 'epic' of nowadays. Violence is infrequent but very strong when it occurs.
The film contains some of the most shocking imagery I have seen in a film and pushes the boundries of an English 15 rating. However the violence is never believable as such and is carried out in such a way that nobody could immatate it, a replicant is stronger than a normal man so we cannot recreate there actions. This film is nota violent film and when there is violence it is there for a reason, it is not like the disgusting horror films we experience today where brutal violence is just there for no reason, this violence is perfectly fitted into the context of the film and is needed to progress the story.
I was truely amazed by this film, everything is superb. the characters all show a side of society, and usually a side we don't want to see. The film manages to represent an entire world of people with only a small main cast, everything from the highest intellectuals to the absolute bottoms of society is depicted via a character. This film is one which will raise many questions about society, mortality and many other philsophical thoughts. Blade Runner carries a huge recommendation from me but it is not for everybody, if you are a deep thinker and can handle a bit of confusion this is a film you will love. However be prepared to do a little research on symbolism afterwards to truely appreciate the master piece that is Blade Runner. Ridley Scott is a genius.
HOWEVER!! If you are going to watch this film make sure to get the directors cut because that is the proper version, the version I have is the definative edition which is the directors cut. The normal version has a terrible voice over and an ending made from left overs from the shining. These were never supposed to be in the film and were put in because the ending wasn't happy enough for America and they thought that the film was to clever and therefore explanation was needed. Harrison Ford disagreed and did the laziest voice over ever, which has no effort in at all and is a hinderance to what is a truely great film.
Verdict- 5/5
A must see for those who can handle it
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