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stephenage Blog

Metal Gear Solid 5?

The pre-E3 buzz is starting to affect my sanity, what games will be announced. We know of some games like Bioshock 2, a sequel to a game I never played but have much respect for because of the reception it got from trusted friends and of course Assasins Creed 2; the follow up to a game I liked (yeah I liked Assasins Creed, get over it!). So it seems like a good time to be a 2, you can hang with the likes of Mass Effect and probably uncharted and possibly the modern warfare crew. But there are other good numbers, like the number 5. The 5 i am refering to is of the Metal Gear Solid variety. The number 4 has already prooved itself as a fantastic number for gamespot, GTA4 gets a 10.0 and MGS4- it would seem that 4 is the magic number. But a number that is more exciting than 4 is 5, the metal gear team have cracked the formula of what makes a pretty perfect game so surely chuck another in for good measure to keep that lovely PS3 supported on some fleshy Gecko legs.

So now onto the subject of the possible 5, because before I get too excited i must realise it is only a possible 5 but, come on have you seen Kojima's website. A storm, a countdown and a flashing 5! Ok, the 5 may be an S and that may be alot less exciting. Other theories are that the Metal Gear Solid 4 may see an evil twin on the XBOX 360, and if it does I may cry. That game is the pride of the PS3, the fact that it doesn't fit on the XBOX shows the superiority of the PS3 as a machine.

So onto what I presume is Metal Gear Solid 5! Firstly the lightning storm on the teaser, I have heard that that may mean Raiden and that is something I like. Raiden is awesome, I want to play as a cybernetic ninja or just good old classic Raiden. Dammit I just want this game, you could play as a freaking sheep and I would still buy it. Kojima just make it!!

So after all that nonsense I leave you with a single message, MAKE METAL GEAR SOLID 5!!!!

Subtitle this! But do it with precision.

I am currently watching Futurama on my telebox, but for some reason I am watching it with subtitles. Now I am a fan of subtitles, I find them endlessly amusing, I like the random things that it points out in brackets; like in Futurama hardly any of the music was subtitled then randomly (Irish Music). I like the idea of a deaf person formulating their own Irish music in their head to go with the episode and I would like to have heard their version. I am also a huge fan of what could be seen as subtitles for the blind, audio commentary. Now audio commentary is fantastic, I once watched Casino Royale with audio commentary and it made the film even more intense; instead of just looking at Bond staring at Mathis (or whatever his name was) you get "Bond's piercing blue eyes stare at Mathis". I enjoyed this experience so much I went so far as turning on subtitles for hearing impaired and audio commentary to give myself the ultimate film experience. Also it was an experiment into wether blind and deaf people could watch movies if you combined these two features: they can't. So after this amazing scientific experiment I eventually come back to some point in this blog.

The point in this blog, yes it does have one, is that subtitles should be more precise. Deaf people get a raw deal with subtitles, films lose there wit and lose all sense of time, for example somebody in futurama said evening and the subtitle said night. This is the kind of pointless change which would annoy the hell out of me if I was deaf, I know the deaf don't realise but that is no excuse. i expect quality tv with and without subtitles, why do the deaf and hearing imparied have to miss out on somewords in sentances; which are usually the funniest ones. So I believe that the people that do the subtitles should kick themselves up the backside and then put that same backside in gear AND MAKE SOME PRECISE SUBTITLES!

Too conclude, blind and deaf people can't watch films -it's ok they can't read this-, subtitles and hearing impaired audio commentary is awesome but please make sure it's precise and make lots more additions like 'Irish Music'.

Not the best blog of the year, until August at least!

OK this has been bugging me since the beggining of the New Year, and I feel this day is the last day I can call it a new year seeing as tomorrow is February, things that claim that they are the best ... of the year. The first thing which I saw this on was the advertising campaign for The Spirit, the best film of the year: out January 1st, and at this point I laughed. The reason this started to annoy me was I went to see it shortly after it came out. I would have to say at that point it was the best film of the year but my god it was awful I could describe the film in one sentance; Sin City for idiots. I loved Sin City and therefore was intrigued by the lovely black and whiteish stylised shots , but everything I saw in the film just made me think, 'yeah I've seen that better in Sin City'. This was all copable because I still like the style but what made this movie really bad was how unwatchably awful it was. The script was so cheesy it was probably written by a cheese, it was so comic booky they might as well have just slowly filmed a comic book and projected that for the audience to read. That would have avoided me awful acting and 12A womanising!!! How can we get good womanising heroes in a 12A, apart from Bond of course.

Many people would say that it is great that it is so faithful to the comic book style, but that's not what I want in a film, imagine The Dark Knight filmed like a comic book which would just end up with Christian Bale offering up Robin to the Joker saying, 'If you kill this man I will let you ruin my city!' If i wanted a comic book I would read a comic book, some people can pull this off, see Adam West (GENIUS!), but this is 2009, if only slightly. Rubber sharks are a thing of the past we want dark damaged people as our super heroes. And The Spirit tried this but I found it hard to care, he can't die because he's already dead; please let me at him, after every injury I was thinking please die this time, please die this time.

Ok the film was hilarious but only because it was really awful and cheesier than a French mans kitchen! Samuel L Jackson was a shining light of the film but the random Nazi scene was a what the hell moment, and a definite no from me! So because of the awfulness of this film I wish to create a law that applies ot everything, you cannot claim your the best thing of the year until the year is either over or might as well be, (or atleast August). Please people of the world, odnt let me be sucked into rubbishness like the Spirit again, help the world become a better place and stop this stupid and always incorrect advertising!

Halo 1 is still the greatest sci-fi shooter ever made!

I recently downloaded the Halo free trial off this very website because I have fond memories of playing the same demo when the game first came out on PC. To be honest I was not expecting much seeing as that the sci-fi fps genre has moved on so much since Halo's release but I was expecting a fair ammount of fun. The level on the trial is the Silent Cartopgrapher which I remember my XBOX friends talking highly of when the game was released alongside the console and right fully so; how awesome is that level? It has everything: shootable marines, Aliens who hurl abusive comments at you, a rocket launcher, invisable enemies, a stealth section and times where you just got to pull out your plasma based weapon and shoot some alien buggers to hell. But of course there are other games that have this what about Halo 2 and Halo 3? The main problems in both of these games was the hype and the expectation and let downs in originality and story line; of course each game futhered the already great online multiplayer element but this aspect has been outclassed by so many FPS's, CoD4 still showing the way for great multiplayer but Resistance 2 showing where the sci-fi shooter should be. Many would consider Gears of War to be a better game than Halo, both are great original ideas, the best aspect of halo, and both brought new angles to how we see the FPS, hitting aliens with our guns or chainsawing them simply because we can! However Gears of War lacks the magic of Halo and Halo is sunny :D, if I wanted to play a good shooter and had to pick between Gears and halo it would be Halo everytime because it is so much fun. Yes it's not technically as good as any of the other FPS's but it's simple shoot aliens or squash them with vehicules is better than gritty serious violence. I play a game to enjoy myself and Halo is the most enjoyable game of its genre. I also prefer the Halo multi player, the torture of bleedout on Gears is more than I can handle, your in deaths grip and there's nothing you can do, you just wait bleeding for your excecutionar to finish you off, WHICH THEY REFUSE TO DO!! This isn't fun in any way this is cruel, I prefer randomly chucking grenades, jumping way too much and spinning around shooting madly; all three you get in Halo. So there you go Halo is better than Gears but why is it the best Sci-Fi shooter, well it has the merit of being great for its time, truely original, different, a great story line amd sjeer heart punding fun. When Halo first came out it was just astounding, this was a time when the XBOX wasn't stuffed with shooters it had Dead or Alive, the great Project Gotham, Oddworld: Munch's oddessy and Amped; games which I still have alot of respect for. My point is Halo was the true shining light of the XBOX, arguably the game that kept it going, and the reason it was so great, so popular and has spawned two disapointing sequels is because it is simply the greatest sci-fi shooter ever made! Ohh yeah Metal Gear doesn't count!