Ladies and gentleman, I wish to talk about the PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale roster. The reason I want to talk about this list is because, frankly, its a bad list. Its too short, it has weird choices and stupid omissions, and mostly because this is as good an excuse as any to theorise about my perfect wacky Sony themed fighting game. So here is the original list:
1. Big Daddy
2. Cole
3. Evil Cole
4. Colonel Radec
5. Dante (New)
6. Fat Princess
7. Heihachi
8. Jak and Daxter
9. Kratos
10. Nariko
11. Nathan Drake
12. PaRappa the Rapper
13. Raiden
14. Ratchet and Clank
15. Sackboy
16. Sir Daniel Fortesque
17. Sly Cooper
18. Spike
19. Sweet Tooth
20. Toro
Lets start at the beginning and work our way down. Big Daddy, what a weird choice! I love Bioshock, I really love it, I think the Big Daddys are awesome, and if I ever play this game then I can see myself picking Big Daddy a lot. Does that mean I think it is a good choice? No, not for this game. If I were to make a fighting game of just games in general, maybe Big Daddy would make it in because Big Daddys are awesome and I like giant drills. This is a Sony fighting game though, and Bioshock does not make me think of Sony, it was a 360 exclusive for a year and is therefore more of a Microsoft game if anything. Its like putting Comander Shepard on the roster, yes he/she has appeared on the Playstation, but he/she is not a Sony character (if anything he/she would be more at home in a Microsoft fighter). So if we have Big Daddy here, I think we should have Shepard, and Tim from Braid would be cool, maybe even Master Chief. In fact if we can have random third party characters which dont make you think of Sony at all but have appeared on their platforms I want Ryu. Its a fighting game, give me Ryu. So in my perfect Sony Smash Bros game Big Daddy is gone and Ryu is in his place.
Cole should be in the game, I want inFamous 1 Cole but I realise that he is no longer relevant and they cant just ignore inFamous 2 (as much as I would want them to). The problem with Cole on the original roster is that he is two characters. You only have 20 dudes on this roster and two of them are Cole. So many great Sony characters didnt make the cut but Cole made it twice. Now what they should have done here is a Zelda/Shiek or a Samus/Zero Suit thing, they have different moves (because good and evil Cole do) but they take up one character slot and you can switch between them in game. Preferably they could work in a morality system into the game, say if you kept beating up poor little Sackboy or PaRappa you would lose Karma and turn into evil Cole. That would be really rad actually, that should be in the game! Sony, take that idea. Now we move onto Colonel Radec who just shouldnt be in the game. AT ALL. He is not iconic in anyway and is here when many iconic Sony figures are not. Out with him I say, if Killzone has to stay because it is still a reasonably relevant Sony franchise that they have to show that they support, just put a generic Helghast in. Or give me a character which is Garza, Sev, Rico and Natko...I totally just named those dudes without looking them up, I apparently have a good memory for TERRIBLE characters. Still I think having them in the game would be hilarious. But seriously why is Killzone here and not Resistance? I mean Resistance has little identity as a franchise, it keeps changing too much, but at least throw in a Chimera. If you are going to put in Killzone you cant just ignore Resistance. I demand a Chimera!
So Dantes time has come. He is out. Now I may be biased here (I dont have any affinity for or connection to Devil May Cry) but this new Dante they are putting in is not a PlayStation character. Original Dante yes (he would be a great choice, I love him in MvC3) I dont care if hes been replaced in his own series the main point of this game for me is a celebration of Sony. New Dante does not fit in here. He is out. Fat Princess can stay though, no explanation needed, shes just a good choice. Heihachi can also stay, if we are doing one character per franchise (apart from inFamous apparently) then Heihach is 100% the correct choice from Tekken. Good job Sony. Jak and Daxter are a no brainer, and they are one character! Not much to say about them. Of course Kratos is a perfect choice - and if I do play this game he will be my go to guy - because he is Kratos and I want to rip up Sackboy ancient Greece style!
Now time to stop that winning streak, the next character is Nariko from Heavenly Sword. In my All Star line up she is out. Heavenly Sword is basically irrelevant now, Im sure she is great, but we have limited space here. So out with her I say! Nathan Drake is of course a great choice, though if we truly are going to stick to this one character per franchise thing (unlike Sony) I would kick him out. What Uncharted character would I put in? Well Im tempted by Cameraman Jeff just to be a jerk, but the Uncharted character I want in this game is Karl Schafer. Karl would just be hilarious, a his appearance and dialogue in Uncharted 3s online component have bewilderingly shown that, a) he kicks ass (when I play as him of course) and, b) he loves violence (his random snippets of dialogue are genuinely worrying). So in my perfect All Star game, we have Karl Schafer. Hell yes.
PaRappa the rapper, he can stay. Raiden can go. Now I love Raiden, he is super awesome. I loved him in MGS2 because of how his character tied into the story and I loved him more in MGS4 because he kicked arse. However, he is not my MGS character of choice to be in this game, my knee-jerk reaction is Old Snake. Solid Snake is already in Smash Bros and Old Snake is only on PS3 (and iPhone I guess, but shh). Thinking about it more, I want Otacon. Wait a minute, I have a better idea, what I really want is the Metal Gear MkII from MGS4. That would be amazing. Sony please take that idea, please! Now of course Ratchet and Clank can stay, I guess Sackboy can stay and Sir Daniel... Well he is definitely staying. I have played about 40 minutes of MedEvil so Im hardly an expert, but hes a cool character and a nice relatively obscure choice.
Sly Cooper is obviously a great choice, Spike is apparently from Ape Escape and I know nothing about him. Ape Escape is a PlayStation thing though, so I guess he can stay. If any of you have a better character from the franchise then please suggest in the comments and I will amend my roster. Sweet Tooth I am cool with, he can exist in my utopian game roster society, as can Toro, why not. That cat is a Sony mascot, one that may be irrelevant in the West but is Sony enough to stay. So thats their choices analysed. Now onto my additions, this is where the fun begins ladies and gentlemen.
I spent a while looking through lists of exclusives, and thinking of games that make me think PlayStation, in order to compile some characters who would be in my game. So here they are in no particular order. Lets start with Buzz then, why isnt Buzz in the game? He has a stage, but that isnt enough. Im no fan of Buzz, I have nothing against him but Im no fan, but he would be a fun addition and there is the possibility for him to play really well. How would he play? Who knows, Sony work it out. Next on my random list I have written dude from Demons Souls which is terribly specific. Basically I love Demons Souls and it is a Sony exclusive, and a blue phantom character would be rather great, especially in the fluted armour set. Of course being from Demons Souls he would have to have the following mechanics:
· One life only
· Can write messages (why not)
· Can summon other players from the roster to fight with him
· Can invade other random matches, you are playing with your buddies; you pick Dude from Demons Souls and start a match. All your friends are together but you are randomly in another match and another Dude is randomly fighting your friends. Genius!
Next I want to see the main character from Journey. This one isnt a joke at all; he/she/it should really be there and would be fun to play as. My next suggestion is another stupid one though. A car. Now hear me out! Sony has a lot of exclusive racing games, Gran Turismo, Ridge Racer, Modnation, Motorstorm and maybe some others. There should be a car you can play as (an anthropomorphic car) which you can choose between the skins from any of those games. Imagine beating up Sackboy as a Ford Fiesta. Pure hilarity. Cars have been in fighting games before, so this should be in here.
Now back to a serious suggestion. Ethan Mars should be in the roster; of course if you press X he merely says Jason. Failing that... A giant origami crane, in fact I want that more than Ethan. This great addition would also factor in Sonys love of Folding at Home (see what I did there?). So that one turned silly, this one will stay serious. Wander from Shadow of Colossus or Ico and Yorda as one character. I want Wander though, he really should be in the game and Im surprised he isnt. Do you know who else should be in the game? The King of All Cosmos! Or just play as a Katamari and pick up the other fighters, both would be great.
Now I think we should give the PSP some love and have a tribe of (or just one) Patapon. Ive seen them in a stage but I would prefer to play as one of them, especially if I had to put in Patta Patta Patta Pon inputs in order to move forwards and attack. That would be really annoying, but also super cool. I also have Kaz Hirai on this list, Im just going to say if you pick the Ridge Racer variant of the car, it transforms in to Kaz Hirai. Which is the best idea ever! Talking of great ideas that may only appeal to me, Ive been playing a lot of Tokyo Jungle recently (because its brilliant) and therefore the Pomeranian dog which you start off as in that game should be a contestant. That thing is a stone cold killer and would fit with the likes of Kratos and Sweet Tooth on the roster (and Karl Schafer of course).
Now for some ones that might have some licensing problems, but I still want them. I dont really like Final Fantasy, but Final Fantasy VII is a playstation thing right? Put Sephiroth in the game, or Cloud, or aChocobo. I will say Sephiroth because people seem to like him a lot. I also want Crash and Spyro, but it seems they have moved away from Sonys clutches. But Big Daddy was never really in Sonys clutches, so get Crash and Spyro dammit! While you are getting them, put Jimmy Hopkins from Bully in the game, Bully was originally a PS2 exclusive and for me is still a PS2 game. The same is true for Amaterasu; you could have Issun as well! Okami was a PS2 game to begin with and Amaterasu works in fighting games (well, shes been in one, I wouldnt say she works as such (that spammy wolf!!)). While we are on the PS2, I want somebody from SSX (that was originally a PlayStation franchise). A snowboard could be a weapon and a cool way to get around the stage, and it brings the kind of lunacy I want in this game. I also want Sergeant Cortez from Timesplitters, he can replace Radec as our token First-Person Shooter guy. Two more serious requests, firstly Lara Croft (not specifically a PlayStation character but she is a big reason for the success of the PS1). I also want Tony Hawk in the game, the first Pro-skater was originally a PlayStation game only and having Tony Hawk in a fighting game would be really fun and super funny.
Who else do I want? Well Im near the end now but I have some gems left here. First of all that guy Gabriel Logan from Syphon Filter, a PlayStation franchise! My reasoning here is purely I want to taser people until they set on fire. I also want the family from Incredible Crisis as one character, Mr Domino and Pepsiman. These all need to happen. And finally I want somebody from Resident Evil, because that started out on the PlayStation. I have thought long and hard about this and my pick is... Barry Burton. He could have moves like the Jill Sandwhich and the master of unlocking, Im not even sure what they would do, but they would both involve him creepily summoning Jill to do his bidding... I still want him in the game.
So I have fixed this roster! We have the original at the top and now we have my vastly improved gang of true all-stars:
1. Cole (Good and Evil)
2. Garza, Sev, Rico and Natko
3. Chimera
4. Old Dante
5. Fat Princess
6. Heihachi
7. Jak and Daxter
8. Kratos
9. Karl Schafer
10. PaRappa the Rapper
11. Metal Gear MkII
12. Ratchet and Clank
13. Sackboy
14. Sir Daniel Fortisque
15. Sly Cooper
16. Spike
17. Sweet Tooth
18. Toro
19. Buzz
20. Dude from Demons Souls
21. Protagonist from Journey
22. A Car
23. Giant Origami Crane
24. Wander
25. The King of All Cosmos
26. Patapons
27. Pomerian Dog
28. Sephiroth
29. Crash Bandicoot
30. Spyro
31. Amaterasu and Issun
32. SSX Snowboarder
33. Sergeant Cortez
34. Lara Croft
35. Tony Hawk
36. Gabriel Logan
37. The Family from Incredible Crisis
38. Mr Domino
39. Pepsiman
40. Barry Burton
40 is a better number than 20. Im taking pre-orders for Stephenages Sony Smash Bros now.
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