you could try or you could simply google refurbished xbox 360 parts. i am sure you can find something, i dont think ebay is a great place because i tried to order the wireless networking adapter for my 360 andit took 2 months until i got it, that may just have been bad luck on my part but from now on i am going to try to stay clear of ebay.
steve2592's forum posts
go to the previews section under xbox 360 on gamespot
socialism is the same econimic system as communism the only difference is that socialists beelieve that it should be a gradual change from capitalism to socialism unlike communism where they beilive it should be done forcfully in a "revolution".
as of right now the american economy is a mixture of socialism and capitalism. the socialist aspect is that we have to pay taxes on things that we buy and land that we own. the capitalist aspect is that we have the freedom to own our own buisness and run it to make a profit. also we have the freedom to buy whatever we want unlike socialism where everything is done for"the good of the community".
in a socialist or even communist world everyone would have only what they needed to live comfortable and anything excess would be given to a less- fortunate family or person. also everyone would contribute what they could to the economy. in otherwordsthe [person bagging groceries would have the same comforts as a brain surgeon. this would not work because the much harder working people would want a more easy job, so there would be no more people like brain surgeons.
as stated in earlier posts capitalism is the only system to work thus far, many places have tried to be socialist and communist but they all failed. the famous quote made by Karl Marx (the first person to come up with the idea of communism) states "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs." this means that every person would do what they can for the commmunityand get only what they needed.
the president of the United States Barack Obama has been considered a socialist ofr many reasons. one is because he passed the stimulus bill and he bailed out the car companies, in a capitalist world they would have just let GM go bankrupt and pave the way for a new car company. this is the way it has been for all of time except in places where communism and sociaism were.
i believ that the american way of combining socialist and capitalist ideas is the best way to run a country because we pay taxes to help people in need but we also have the right to own luxuries such as a fancy car or a fancy house or video game systems. i believe that this is the only way an economy will work the best because in a purely capitalist world there would be only the rich and the poor there would not be much of a middle class.
another famous quote by the communist Karl Marx was: "The theory of Communism may be summed up in one sentence: Abolish all private property." he believes that the central government should own everything and then loan it out to people as the government deemed it as a necessity. i believe that as history has shown us, communism, socialism, and capitalism in their purest forms will never work, the only way to make it work is to combine 2 of them.
because of the new price drop of the xbox 360 elite i was planning on geting it, but i was just wondering if they are dropping the price to make way for a new system. plz tell me if i should just get the 360 now or if a new system is coming out soon should i just wait to get that.
i use pens only unless i have to use a pencil i just like how pens write and they dont rub off on my hand because i am left handed
I think that a lot of people on here are being naive about cheating. According to statistics, it is fairly common. Cheating does not mean that you no longer care about/love your partner. It can be a mistake (a very terrible one, but it can be a one time mistake). I am not saying that it should be forgiven, just that it does not mean you no longer love the person. Also, the "options" available to you has great effect: A fat, ugly, poor guy is going to be a lot less tempted/have less oportunities to cheat than Tom Brady. Furthermore, emotional affairs that many people have online or at work can be just as bad/if not worse than physical ones.rawsavon
actually i have to agree with him i posted that i wouldnt be in that situation because i wouldnt cheat but i am just saying that because that is how i feel right now, sometime later in life i may find myself in a situation where i will be tempted to cheat
i personally dont think that i would ever be in this situation because i would never cheat on someone, but if i were to end up in this situation and i really wanted to get back with the woman i cheated on then yes i would do that. if someone were to cheat on me i may or may not take them back even if they held up a sign saying i cheated it would depend on the circumstances of which they cheated.
MAN UP AND JUST ASK HER!! the worst thing she can say to you is no and its your senior year your probably never going to see her again after this so it is you only chance
Ever since the girl ive had a crush on since the 9th grade got a boyfriend its been really hard on me. Im trying to get over it, i really am, but everytime i make progress in getting over her she posts something on myspace or facebook bragging about how great he is and it pushes me back to liking her again! What should I do?
i have been in a very similar situation at around the same age. i went out with this girl at the end or 9th grade, but we broke up i still had feelings for her at that point so i decided to just remain friends with her and see what would happen, i felt that i would rather have her in my life even if it is just as a friend than to not have her in my life at all. she just recently started going out with one of my best friends :( and i still do have feelings for her but i just feel that she should be happy with who she wants to date and even if it is not me than at least i am still her friend and can talk to her and hangout with ehr whenever i want
many fat people that i see i don't pitty them for any reason because how do you let yourself go like that. i understand if it is your genes that make you overweight, but i just dont see how someone that was born moderatly skinny can just let themselves go until they are 300+ pounds. how do they not notice themselves gaining weight. i hope this doesnt sound mean but i just dont pitty fat people unless it is a genetic issue or they just cant help it.
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