@19James89 @steve4123456789 When this gen is finally over it might. People will buy the xbox one sell there xbox 360's. Feel like they want to live the old days then buy an xbox 360 down the line probably.
@19James89 @steve4123456789 It might do tho afterall the playstation 2 has been around alot longer. Plus the console breaking so much would boost sales lol.
@quicksilver_03 @19James89 @steve4123456789 Hahahaha the head guy from microsoft who just got fired was talking about it. Looked like a wild party or something was happening. That's very strange.
@19James89 @steve4123456789 Can you remember a few weeks ago microsoft was celebrating there sales figures of xbox 360. Could of swear they said it was going to take over ps2 sales in like afew days. Do you remember an article like that?
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