Hahahha I owned an xbox 360 when you were probably still rubbing shit on your face kid lol. I know how it works. You can tell me the stance of xbox one on indie games for the future then? Then tell me what sony is doing for indies? Wait did they let nobodies stand at there E3 show?
@cursealoud @steve4123456789 There both bad but microsoft for sure is the worse evil that much is true. Sony is supporting indie games, they have strong 1st and 3rd party support for there games.
@deathstream @steve4123456789 @cursealoud According to "a well-placed, anonymous source" Maybe it is bullshit then. But still it makes sense if you ask me.
@deathstream @steve4123456789 @cursealoud Who in the holy **** would listen to Machinima? They stopped being cool along time ago they just beg for the likes, and views. I never heard that rumour.
@cursealoud @steve4123456789 Yeah I knew they wanted it. But there was a good a probability they would change it. The statement was still true at the time what's your point?
@cursealoud @steve4123456789 Yes a rumour like the xbox 24 online check in, a rumour like blocked preowned games? How old are you? There's a good chance it's pretty accurate why pull this out of nowhere it serves no purpose.
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