I say that they offer nothing new is because at E3 the basicially showed what was expected nothing new like they don't give a shit. They even bottled out of a press conference.
Mario on NES was the first polished 2d platformer. That revolutionised games into a more tradional level based system, plot and adventure. As opposed to arcade style atari games that were point based at the time in the mid 80s.
Zelda, and mario on N64 showed for the first time what 3d could do.
Final fantasy 7 was the first 3d rpg probably, revolutioned the genre for better or worse. And made it "cool" to play jrpgs before it was cool.
@yavix Dreamcast had loads of games to warrent the buy because I bought one when it came out. A console with no games is a shit console I don't care of your a fanboy, or work at nintendo. I'll tell you how it is if you won't accept it ok. Don't. :)
@abHS4L88 @steve4123456789 Wouldn't say system sellers really pushing it there. Pretty much nothing original except these unamed jrpgs, and that unamed new 1st party nintendo title by the makers of zelda. These games better materialise soon. The game is sliping away slowly.
I know what's going on here let me guess you picked up that piece of shit and your trying to justify the fact that you just wasted your money. And if anyone challenges that reality you freak out at the possiblity it actually might be a huck of dogshit that's failing anywhere but the USA. Denial is a terrible thing.
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