@TheExxorcist I have to agree a bit. Nintendo is in a console limbo. They've made their own generation time schedule. If they make a new console too soon, the people that bought a Wii U will be upset that no games were released on it. If they don't then they'll fall way behind. Nintendo should have just waited and made a powerhouse console that would release this month or wait and put both the X1 and PS4 to shame.
@Diegoctba @steve_esquire You can play with keys and a mouse on the couch as well. It's requires a set up but a lot of people do it. Check out the article about the Xbox One possibly using it, I was surprised too how many people said they'd actually do it and play pc games on the couch streaming to a TV.
So do keyboards and mice, so on that note get a pc or possibly an X1. Also I'd rather be bad at a game and have a selection than be good at one and have it my only game to play. The X1 has a much better game selection even past the launch and can run 1080p. Greatness Awaits on Nov 22.
They wouldn't make sense, it's a different world.. What would be the point of a game that was exactly like Bioshock 1 but in the sky? Why would mechanics need to be the same as rapture? That's like saying Mario should be able to float in every game because he was in Galaxy. They wanted to separate the games, and both felt unique in their own ways.
I still think it was an amazing game, just not one you can replay over and over. It's tough to find a game that delivers an awesome story but allows you to keep enough interest in the gameplay to encourage multiple playthroughs. That's why games like Mass Effect and The Walking Dead are so successful, gameplay that gets the job done, great stories, and multiple choices that effect the story.
Especially with the ability to make, literally, and city work. Out of billions of possibilities, they chose to go back and forth between 2. But I would like to go through rapture before its demise, so it's got some pros and cons.
Truth is, reviews are just opinions. Everyone on here is looking at this that have season passes and are then going to go in thinking it's crap (which in some cases could be good). The thing is, bioshock is looked at very strongly and has a bit of a reputation. Personally, I think both 1 and infinite were nothing short of works of art and I even like the combat (which people constantly hate on). All-in-all, go in with an open mind, and if you already payed for it, then just try to enjoy the experience.
Seems like they're trying to make a name for themselves. Or trying to feed trolls so they can make a feedbackula (which is just people trying way too hard to be funny). Definitely becoming a troll website and nothing more. Seems like reputation drives every decision here, which is why I now go to multiple gaming sites.
Yeah it seems like everyone is either butthurt about Infinite not being like the first one or amazed by both stories. While I do think it's risky to release this dlc, and it could really be bad, it's one of those things that needs multiple reviews to get a feel for it.
Steve_Esquire's comments