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stevenscott14 Blog

Holy man tiptoed his way across the Ganges.

Just a short, sweet, completely pointless update for today's blog, so soak in all the wonderful information while it lasts, suckers!

First - the video blog I done, Rollercoasters and Civilisations. From you guys it looks like it got mostly positive feedback, which is encouraging. I know it was a little bit long for you all to be staring at my face while I talk about games I've been playing, so I'll make its successors shorter and include some more interesting topics and themes. But expect the same old face, the same old environment, and the same old kickass music! :D

Second - November is upon us, which has made me realise something. If nothing has happened, then my absolute favourite server on Unreal Tournament 2004, the FunHouse Invasion server, is closing, on November 8th. That leaves me and the rest of the regular gang a week to raid it and get as much gameplay as we can from it. I'll also be expecting to hit my 100th hour of gameplay on the server, which will be a righteous place to get to that milestone. So many good memories. The Funhouse Apocalypse is on the doorstep, guys... and it's an unfortunate one.

Third - My mother got a laptop today. Seeing as she's quite bedridden at the moment, what with her whole condition, I guess that'll keep her occupied when she's bored.

That's it for now, catch you guys around.

Rollercoasters and Civilisations - Video Blog


 Enjoy... or not.

 Here's a video blog depicting the four/five games I've been playing most of recently, complete with some awesome music from Radiohead's "Kid A" and some half-decent effects and titles and credits or whatever. Think of it as a dull, generic toy wrapped up in cool sparkly wrapping.

 Leave all comments and feedback in this blog or on the video, and I shall respond.

 Have a nice day.

Who's in a bunker, who's in a bunker?

Alright, so I have a lot to say today (or tonight, which is probably more suiting) - my last blog was pretty low, the most depressing thing I've probably ever written here on this website, possibly because at the time of writing I felt like a wreck and I was probably acting like one to people who were around me then, but I assure you this blog won't be the same. Over the last week the condition of my mother has definitely improved; she's still not fully recovered, obviously, but she's doing a good job of recuperating - in her words, "cancer is a total b**** and it doesn't care who it clings to", and I couldn't agree more... we're also having some company over soon to assist us, but I'm not going to reveal exactly who that is quite yet, you shall know when they arrive, because I will be acting quite differently then. Let's just say the family's spirits are on the rise, and so are mine.

Unfortunately, I've been down off school for the last two days, right before half term ensues. I've had the worst coughing fits I've experienced since a few years ago, not to mention all the phlegm that regurgitates whenever these fits start... but I'm not going into detail about that, because its just not meant for a blog. Yeah, so I've been off school. I've been asleep most of today and yesterday; in fact I'm feeling quite nocturnal, I was in an unconscious state all morning and only did it improve towards late afternoon, by which time I was wide awake and wanted to play t3h gameZ.

And oh yeah, I also, to many gasps, wrote two reviews. The first I've written in a while. The first of these was actually posted a while ago, but I only reveal it now, and the latter I only posted this afternoon. These are two of my first stabs at reviewing music records, and they may or may not be worth a read. Just please take a look and tell me what you think, I would definitely appreciate some feedback on these.

So, where was I? Oh yeah. Tonight, I've been doing some extensive gaming, and I'm going to tell you just what I played and described the events that ensued in both.

The first game I played was some Unreal Tournament 2004 with my good buds Andy (andywilliams24) and Nodham, again raiding the Funhouse server for some maniacal action and redeemer flying. We played this incredible map, one of our collective personal favourites, its this map that resembles everyone's visions of what hell might look like, and its a huge towering map with three stalactites riddled with passages and staircases and drawbridges, often suspended hundreds of feet in the air, while plasma blasts hit and crumble rock and rockets fly in all sorts of directions, coming from everywhere and nowhere all at once and detonating against the walls, tearing chips out of either them or the unfortunate receiving monster. We were just messing about until we eventually pulled ourselves together and started co-ordinating a massacre, destroying wave upon wave of relentless monster with missiles of large blast radius and soaring bombs of whitehot shrapnel - it was only when Nodham accidentally drove his deemer into the floor, when I fell off mine and somersaulted into the magma, and when Andy accidentally stepped into a pool of lava when we lost the game and the monsters roared in their triumph. B******s.

After that, I went to do some reading of a book called Ptolemy's Gate, but thats irrelevant, and I joined in some Half-Life 2: Deathmatch with Andy and Dan (danny204), later to be joined by Ash (painkiller101) which was pretty fun. I'm not a personal fan of HL2 DM - I think HL2 is too methodical and precise a game to be indulging in random firefights; I don't think it works, really, but there you go, it was good clean enjoyment. And I won two games. w00t.

Then I guess it was time to unwind and indulge in some Rollercoaster Tycoon 3, of which my addiction is steadily surfacing again. I decided to start the career mode in Soaked! which I guess is quite challenging once you get to the Tycoon-level objectives and even Entrepeneur... so I think that the addiction is going to be consolidated.

And finally, some PC Far Cry, which I haven't made much progress in for a while. Still as enjoyably tactical as ever, with jawdropping visuals, seriously just LOOK at that water, and that palm tree, and that enemy right in front of my face... ah crap, I'm dead.

So thats it for now, I'll catch you guys later!

Enough is enough for now.

Hello GameSpot.

It's been a while since my last proper blog, and thats mainly because I've been quite depressed and feeling low. (Its probably going to be a long while until my next proper blog as well.) Lethargy taking over, you could call it. Thats mainly because my mother is really not well at the moment and is suffering from the effects of a cancer in her liver, and ... well, add things up. I may seem all well and good on Xfire chats and in the few Unreal Tournament 2004 games I've had recently, but really... I'm not. Its just a mask I've been wearing to disguise it all. Games help take my mind off things.

So, I guess you can tell whats coming next. Yup... I'm leaving GameSpot for a short while. I need to be with my family and to support them through this, and for them to support me too. I want to spend time with my friends. I want to be the best person I can be through these turbulent times. I don't really want a website and a stack of messageboards bogging me down right now, I need to be away from it all for a while, and find my footing again. I feel unstable and vulnerable at the moment, and I'm trying my best to cover it up.

As per usual I will probably check in every day, because its become a habit over the weeks and months I've spent here. But just don't expect posts or blog comments or anything like that. I'll just be here.

So long people...

- Scott

Tales From Lilliput


 I'm just going to leave you with my most recent amateurish music video today... don't know why, but I'm really into creating them at the moment, and you can expect more too.

 You can also expect strong violence from the video... :P well, nodham explodes (mmm, bloody) once, and there's gunfire going off everywhere... so shield your children's eyes and make sure you're not scared of blood.

 Music, in case you pay no attention to the intro, is by Radiohead, the song is 2+2=5... a random title for a random song. (nodham's suggestion)

 Enjoy. And oh yeah, it'd probably be better if you went to the videos page if you don't like music videos that skip continually. Trust me, it doesn't sound good when it does.

Indifferent Annihilation and String Amplification


 Yes, I know its not a video blog, but its still a very enjoyable video. Or, at least I hope so. Above you is a random montage of Half-Life 2: Garrys Mod clips set to a tune called Citizen Erased, it was the best song I could find to fit this seven-minute epic of a video. At first it was Radiohead's Paranoid Android, then I thought about Guns N Roses's November Rain, but November Rain is of course too long ;) and Paranoid Android just didn't "fit" as well as Citizen Erased does.

 If you like sick, twisted videos depicting sick, twisted events, then no doubt you will enjoy. And, btw, this video is quite old, so I'm still called the Gmod default name. Meh, I think its a cool name anyway. If you don't know waht it is, then I'm not going to tell you, I would get moderated, but lets just say its a pretty darn funny name for a n00b. :P beats "player" anyway.

 Video blog will be here soon, I assure you. I just need to sort out the appalling quality.


 EDIT: My dad's best friend came to our house today to install a new cooling system in my computer that he'd bought for no reason. And I said "thanks for the cooling system, dude." And then he gave me his guitar. For free. I mean, what a great guy, I get a computer upgrade and a new guitar.

 Teh picz: (Sorry for the appalling picture quality)

 ^^ Thats the guitar I got - a Hohner Telecaster.

 ^^ My new Telecaster together with my copied Fender Stratocaster by a manufacturer called Spider.

 ^^ All three of my guitars. The middle is a Falcon Dreadnought acoustic.


 Cool day, all in all. :P

A first glare of tropical paradise.

Okay, I admit it. Sometimes, when I walk into a games store/store that, er, sells games, I just can't resist finding a good, cheap buy for a critically acclaimed game. A while ago, I found Black and White 2 for £10, and that, my friends, was an awesome bargain. (pity the game didn't work) And then one time, I found Quake II for £1.99, yeah, that was an incredible buy, even though it was probably about the fourth time I'd purchased the game due to copies getting lost over the years. Yesterday, due to my being off school for reasons I'm not going into right now (it would take too long, trust me, I'll get round to it soon, though) I went into ASDA with my dad and sister and immediately shot off to the media section of the supermarket, ignoring any suspicion that could have been thrown my way (i.e. WTF is that kid doing out of school and in ASDA)

And I found a game that yes, I already had in my collection, but no, I didn't know where the hell it was in the depths of my bedroom, I hadn't seen it for months because obviously I was very very stupid and thought game in question could work on my computer. (this computer was, at the time, a 1.6GhZ CPU holding back an aging Radeon 7000 and 512MB RAM) And then in ASDA on that fateful day (yesterday) I found the game again, for a pretty darn good price.

Game in question: *drum roll* Far Cry.

Price in question: *drum roll* £9.99.

I mean, how awesome is that? Yeah, I have enough on my plate with gaming at the moment; Star Wars Empire At War, Garry's Mod, UT2004, Animal Crossing, the original Rollercoaster Tycoon... I mean, you can't leave it in the shops when its such a great price as taht.

So yesa, I have installed-a-it, and I have played a fair bit of it too. I was in the mood for a challenge, shall we say, and I set the game on Hard difficulty, and boy was I in for that challenge I wanted. I mean, its almost like Rainbow Six, you get hit three times, you die. Which means lots of taking cover and leaning right to get a splitsecond headshot for taking cover again as a hail of bullets meets metal and richochets off. All in all, not quite what I expected after coming headlong from the explosive Instincts, really, but I didn't say it was a change for the worse. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, but whatever this change in scope and feel is, it sure is different. Its still a free-roaming game of sorts and yes, the setting and even storyline is similar to Instincts, so I guess there is a bit of familiarity in this game, but its an entirely reworked formula.

The graphics in the game - well, I can't properly comment on this for a bevy of complicated reasons. The first time I knew something was wrong was when the AutoDetect master automatically set everything to Low. My graphics card is a cut above the recommended card on the back of the box. The recommended video card is some NVidia card, and then in the ATI section it says Radeon 9500. I have the 9550, which is almost like a rarer version of the same card.

Anyhow, mine is still 256MB, and its more than enough to handle better than Low. Then when I set it to Medium (testing out the waters, I assure you) I play for about half an hour and then the game freezes for half a minute maybe, and then goes to my wonderful desktop with a big bold messages saying "VGU Recover has reset your graphics accelerators as they were no longer responding to the drivers' commands." I read the message, I register what it is saying, and then I brush it away, procrastinating as is my custom. Ordinarily, yes, I should be sorting out the drivers' problem or whatever the hell it is, but hey, Far Cry is still running! And yes, when I start palying the game, its back to normal. About ten minutes later, the exact same thing happens. Thats when I realise there really IS something wrong with my drivers... but again, Far Cry beckons, and I continue my procrastination. Yay me. Well, at least the game looks genuinely nice, if a little bit fuzzy-looking, in the thirty minute periods I can actually play the game without it crashing on me.

Enough talk about Far Cry now, I have a few other things to talk about before I leave.

Well, today I finished The Amber Spyglass for the umpteenth time. For those who don't know, The Amber Spyglass is the third and final volume in Philip Pullman's "His Dark Materials" trilogy, and yes, it is a book. Whats more, its a trilogy I have finished countless times, and I fully believe they are the best three books I have ever read in my life. Even after finishing the trilogy for the millionth time it never gets old, and if you don't know the books, don't own them, or haven't read them, get on teh case, right now, if you have even the slightest interest in fantasy, Oxford, unbelievable writing, or elementary particles, quantum physics, and metaphysical speculation. (yeah, just ignore that last part.) Well, if you don't have the slightest interest in any of the above.

I also have a new Gamespot signature in the works. At the moment I have got five designs I'm finishing up then I'm going to choose one to represent me underneath any message in any forum. I figured that the Link one was getting old. Also if you are a good observer, you may have noticed the absence of Yoda and my blog header at the top of this page, thats because I have a pretty cool blog header in the works that will probably get scrapped and replaced with an idea I just thought up RIGHT NOW.

Also, expect a video blog tomorrow. Thats right. Me. In a video blog. I hear gasps of astonishment. Don't get your hopes up for a GOOD video blog, just know that there will be a video blog, yes there will, you can count on it.

Thats enough typing, I think. Thank you for reading, and goodnight.

Star Wars Empire At War : first glimpse

(Note: I'm not in school today, and I'm bored, so here goes a pointless piece of writing, I guess. Get over teh block!)

If you've paid any attention to my Now Playing list recently, you'll have noticed that one particular game has been re-added to the list after months of drifting about unused. That game, folks, is Star Wars: Empire At War, a game that I bought one day, played for about three days, realised I couldn't get into the game's groove, and then abandoned at the bottom of my cluttered cupboard of PC games. And then last night, after about half an hour unsuccessfully looking for my copy of Civilization IV (in my eyes, one of the greatest games of all time) and then wondering how the hell I let such a great game get lost in the corners of my bedroom, I realized I needed something different to play. Something other than the usual rounds of Garry's Mod and Unreal Tournament 2004... and then after five minutes of hard thinking, I picked not just Star Wars: Empire At War, but the original Rollercoaster Tycoon (which is every bit as good as when i first played it, about four years ago maybe) and when they were both installed, I of course played the latter, for the sake of revisiting old memories.

But eventually I had my fill of retro goodness (Well, RCT isn't exactly retro, but its kinda old anyway) and I decided to give Empire At War another go. After downloading the update, and adjusting the graphics settings (not on maximum, but pretty damn close) I went straight to teh tutorial for a quick (or not) refresher course on how the game works.

Now before I start, I'm really not a good RTS player. I am good at turn based strategy, for example the aforementioned Civilization IV, and even Advance Wars on the DS I am a great player too. But when it comes to realtime strategy I am very inexperienced, in fact I don't think I'd ever played one until earlier this year when I bought this game and the average Lord of the Rings: War of the Ring. Yup, shocking, huh? Well actually, I'm quite enjoying this game right now, even if I'm only wedged halfway through the reasonably lengthy tutorial.

The first thing the game introduces you to is the land battles - I have heard mixed opinions about these from various websites, some reviews will brand the land battles as average but other reviews will brand them as enjoyable and taxing. I guess my first impressions of them were quite positive as well, at least my first glimpse at the gameplay mechanics were. The tutorial mission takes you through a realtively minor battle on the surface of Kashyyyk, the wookiee home planet, and as is custom, you take control of teh good guys, the rebels. Taking advantage of the battlefield in the land battle mode is pretty basic, actually, you click on units, you right click to designate the position they move to, blah blah blah... if you find an enemy, right click on them to open fire and send them into oblivion - doesn't take a genius to work things out. But yeah, this is a basic tutorial, right? Right. Then you'll be taken into slightly more complex waters, including taking control of reinforcement points, the take cover control, and how to build stations and installations to assist you in the thick of battle wehn all your men are fighting their asses off on the frontlines against overwhelming odds. And finally, a key that I'll most likely be pressing a hell of a lot - the retreat! command! Yeah, I'm going to act stupid in this game, not on purpose, I assure you, but it will happen, and I'm going to need to retreat a lot, so I don't lose the bulk of my forces.

So thats the first land battle done. The second part of the tutorial teaches you about Galactic mode, which allows you to manage your forces, oversee planets, and basically gives you a detailed overview on waht's going on in this helpless campaign of yours. This part of the tutorial is unbearably boring, I mean this is Star Wars, not some jumped-up management simulator. I expect Spore to be one thousand times as entertaining, please! Bascially all you do in this chapter of the tutorial is... thats right, manage. Geez. Where are my battles?! Sure, you'll surmass your forces in this part of the tutorial, but when do I get to implement them? Recruiting smugglers is no fun, dammit.

And the last section of the tutorial I could be bothered doing is the one I was arguably looking forward most to, is the space battles. The tutorial mission is a pretty basic battle where you'll change sides and take control of the infinitely more powerful and wealthy empire, and you'll get some pretty good firepower to blast away the rebels with. But honestly, even with four Acclamator starships under my control, the space battle honestly wasn't that fun. I mean, the mechanics are way too basic, these are meant to be tactical battles, not "lets just fire on anything in sight." And also, the backdrop - a few stars, galaxies, supernovas, and nebulae dotted across a deep blue canvas with a few asteroid fields and clouds of charged gas... I expect more. This is 2006. But the cinematic view was much better, things actually looked generally a lot nicer and it felt like you were watching one of Star Wars' space battles, just with much less chatter and much more action and fury. So far, I don't really enjoy the space battles... but oh well, the cinematic view was cool.

Yeah, thats it for now, and you may say that I can't give a proper opinion seeing as I've only played three tutorial missions. Such a n00b I am, but thats what I am thinking so far. And just to bore you, I think I'll write some more Empire At War-based blogs for you when I've delved deeper into the game's depths. Ciao for now, I'm going back to bed.

Keeping the Block at Bay

Well, its been a while since my last blog - and there's a reason for that. I actually have a video blog here, filmed and edited, ready for upload - but as is standard GameSpot fare, I can't get it to upload onto the pages of my profile to end the drought of videos. Hopefully I can get it up sometime this weekend or wahtever, when I have a bit more time for things like that, but right now, things just aren't working and I don't feel like dedicating time to getting to the bottom of waht the hell is going wrong.

So other than that, there hasn't been any reason to update this dying blog of mine - I haven't had anything to talk about or any imagination to take a stab at an editorial or anything like that. My writing probably seems a little rushed and slurred today, I think I've got some sort of writer's block, I had the same sort of problems and lack of creativity in the summer, and it really sucks having a conscience saying "nyah nyah nyah, you can't write..." so I have to keep it at bay with lots of gaming. Namely, Unreal Tournament 2004, Animal Crossing Wild World, and also a surprise - I have reinstalled the original Rollercoaster Tycoon, one of my most played games of all time. Unfortunately last time I didn't quite finish the game even after some insane length of time playing it, so I intend to finish it before the end of the year. Every single scenario completed is quite an achievement if you ask me, and some of 'em are fiendishily difficult. Seeing as i can't be bothered buying any new games, I'm going back and finishing some old ones, methinks.

Anyway, thats it for now, very short, sweet, concise, to-the-point blog today. Heaven knows I can't write anything else.

Tabbed Browsing Is Fun: random thoughts about GameSpot

 What? It really is fun! You should try it sometime.

 Meh, there's my lame title for the day, no song lyric excerpts or typically topic-describing headers - just the pure fact that tabbed browsing is fun. Whether the fact appeals to you or not, its undeniable, right?

 Well, today's blog is going to be centred around one theme... for once, I'm not going to endlessly rant on about the nuances of my day or whatever, because I know I bore you with that. I don't have an interesting life, I'm afraid.

So today, I'm going to talk about gamespot. Thats right, this very website, whats good about it, what isn't, why I am still here, how I discovered this site, and all that random junk... all chucked into a blog. Sounds like good reading? If you think this blog sounds like good reading, press 1. If you think this blog is going to be crap, press 2. If you like apples, press 3.

 If you pressed 1, please read on.
 If you pressed 2, go find another blog.
 If you pressed 3, you clearly have your priorities right. Now go and eat an apple, and enjoy it!

 Actually I think I've done a blog about this sort of issue once, but it was quite vague and I only outlined the pluses about gamespot and not the list of downsides I have in store for you today. Tahts right, the problems with Gamespot are there, glaringly obvious, there for all to see.

 Well, its quite common these days for users to refer to GameSpot as GlitchSpot. Quite a fitting name, I must admit. Wherever you look on the site, there will always be a flaw, no matter the size. Forum posting can be slow and messages can be delayed in their appearance, blogs can mysteriously vanish only to appear two hours later... its like a haunted house, you never know when a floorboard is going to creak eerily (or in this case, somebody turning Level 1 momentarily before materializing properly as if nothing had happened)

 Sometimes the glitches can really get on my nerves (and other people's too) but I think we all live with it, and I don't know anybody who has suddenly left gamespot because they're fed up of these error pages and glitches. Well, thats probably because there are an overriding list of good things on this wonderful site!

 Blogs, for me, are one of these things, one of the best. I always like cutting about half an hour out of my day just to write in this very journal of mine, whether its droning on about life in general or rare, one-off themed blogs like this one (which i really need to do more of, admittedly) I just like writing, simple as that... which leads me to reviews. I've been absent from the reviewing scene for too long, but i guess, judging by the lengthy list you can view by clicking on the "All My Reviews" hyperlink on the bottom of this page, y'know I really like expressing my opinion on games. Its just hit me that I should do more expressing of opinions in this blog too, but thats another story.

 Posting in unions and forums is also very addictive - unions personally for me. Face it, debating with strangers isn't as fun as discussing with users you know well to varying degrees, there's always a sense of "this feels like home" in unions you're familiar with. Forums are just dark places full of random fanboys who like nothing more tahn shouting "NINTENDO ROCK" in their signatures and doing three-word lines in every post. Unions are much more relaxed, mature, and lots of other adjectives that all generally mean "great."

 So I guess those three things are the main reasons why stevenscott14 is still in your neighbourhood, however frequently he visits and however much he wavers in his enthusiasm for this site, he will never leave.

 I'm talking in the third person again. *slaps self*

 So how did stevenscott - wait - I come to be in this neighbourhood? Well, that leads back to me randomly browsing for opinions on the game... Pariah, as it stands. I found one review that agreed with me harshly, and that was gamespot's. IGN gave it an 8, which was ridiculous, but Gamespot gave it the mediocre score it deserved, adn I respected that. So I joined, started writing reviews myself, the occasional blog or forum post, and here I am. what a brief but intriguing story.

 And now it is getting late, and my hands are starting to scream with fatigue. I'll continue this train of thought tomorrow, maybe, or I'll just leave it at that. You see, your blog is truly YOURS, and I like that. I really do.

 Thanks for reading, 
 - scott, signing out.