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stevenscott14 Blog

A slightly different review.

 I worked a little more on presentation this time. I was tired of endless paragraphs and decided to completely rework the way I review.

 Make sure to check out my Metroid Prime Hunters review, I think I've played enough of the game (way over 10 hours, in the Californian Sun, and I played multiplayer too) to determine a 9.0 rating. It's a truly amazing game.


Saturday April 15th 2006

 So... hi everybody, how's things?

 My holiday is going along great. I'm going to my cousin's tomorrow for a family meet-up... Easter, you understand. We'll probably hold such things as an Easter Egg tournament and I think me and my cousins are having a bit of a multiplayer GameCube party. It sounds cool, but I only wish there was somebody I could try out the multiplayer Metroid Prime Hunters with.

 Single-player Metroid Prime Hunters is going along great. I'm still a little bit sceptical about the overall design of the campaign, but then again it's the way Metroid Prime has always been. Basically there are four planets in the galaxy (correct me if I'm wrong) and you can travel between each of them, solving complex environmental puzzles and discovering new areas. While finding the solutions and opening up new places is fun, I don't like the idea of finding them after you've obtained a specific weapon or item from a completely different planet or space station. It's a cool approach, and stops the game being so linear, but it's still pretty weird.

 Speaking of DS games, I'm hoping to get Animal Crossing: Wild World and Super Mario 64 DS soon. Maybe today, even. We're all gift-giving tomorrow anyway, so I think I'll see what comes my way then before I go out and spend the remainder of my money on games I'm gonna get hold of anyway.

 Now my attention turns to GameSpot. First off, I'm sure I've complained about this in the past, but the subject I'm going to focus on is Union invites. Call me a hypocrite if I've said otherwise previously, but I really don't see why everybody is going crazy saying "I hate getting Union invites, they get on my nerves."

 They don't bother me too much. They're only messages asking if you would like to join. It's not hate mail or offensive material. And how the hell is a Union meant to grow if nobody sends out the damn invites? I'm sure you'd rather have a stream of Union invites than have GameSpot clogged up with endless AWOL Unions.

 I apologize if I cause any annoyance to people by sending out Union invites to them, but really, they're no real problem. I've had PMs from people in the past telling me to stop sending them invites, no names mentioned, but really, I have Unions to help flourish and I fulfil my duties by doing so.

 But anyway, I'll stop my nonsenical rantings now and I'll just shut up altogether.

 I'm going to post in some Unions and send out some invites.

Time to join the Hunt.

 Let me fill you in...

 Hi to all of you cool people who visit my blog. it's my first full day in California today and I've relished every minute of it, and I'll translate it all into text so you guys get an insight into the matter.

 First off we've been by the pool for a few hours. 11:30am till 2:30am isn't the best time to be out in the blazing California sun, but the water was absolutely freezing yet managed to be refreshing at the same time. :) It was great to spend time with my cousins and I'm hoping the weather isn't rainy tomorrow so we can do the exact same thing. Unfortunately there's a thunderstorm predicted so I think we'll be holed inside all day... :( although we have planned a barbecue. Not sure how that will work... :?

 We also went shopping afterwards, and I finally got Metroid Prime: Hunters for my DS. I have completed the first mission, Celestial Archives, and I'm going to start the second tonight.

 First Impressions:-

 Graphics:- Metroid Prime Hunters is the first game to really show off the DS's graphical muscle. It's undoubtedly the best-looking portable shooter yet, far outstripping the PSP's Coded Arms and any GBA FPS. Cutscenes are brief but amazing. From the viewpoint of Samus' visor, the environments are very detailed, although repetitive; aiming is brilliantly smooth, there's a pulsating and consistent framerate and animation is fluid and precise. Everything is great.

 Gameplay:- The game is pretty linear so far, but then I've only played half an hour. The controls are awkward and can cause some awful discomfort, jumping puzzles are dull and infuriating, and there's some bewilderment in where to go seeing as the environments are very repetitive, a bit like Halo. But, despite these problems, Metroid Prime Hunters is an intense shooting experience, with a surprising amount of depth with the scan visor and a decent amount of work gone into backstory and detail. Aiming is amazingly fluid with the touch screen, despite some uncomfortable control problems; it's best described as either Quake or Unreal Tournament at the point of a stylus. And even with this intense and adrenaline-pumping action, the real golden point in the game is the atmosphere, which is spooky and ethereal, and has been captured well from the renowned GameCube games. Metroid Prime Hunters is an amazing formula that any future DS shooters should follow, and despite these little niggles, I'm very impressed.

 Sound:- The music is very good, providing hummable tunes that strike a perfect balance with the nicely done atmosphere and spooky themes. Any assorted sound effects don't add much to the experience, but needless to say, are pretty good. The footsteps of Samus Aran and tiny movements in the quieter environments can chill your spine in the dark. Everything is well captured on the DS.

 I just realized there's enough there to account for a full review, but that will come in a few days if I have time. I can't comment on multiplayer at all. But even at such an early stage it's an instantly playable game and recommendable to anybody with a DS. GameSpot have underrated this game slightly, and it's a must-have at the moment. I'll keep you posted on my thoughts.

 Anyway, I'm going to go continue Hunters and eat a slightly late dinner. I'll see you guys tomorrow, I'm so glad I can access GameSpot here. 

 Signing out.  

Californication... :P

 I'm here...

 The flight was 11 hours, and I got bored. Of course I did.

 But the thing is, it doesn't matter, because I'm here now... haven't done anything much yet except play some basketball with my cousins and... erm... watched some basketball.

 I apologise to all the Unions I'm in, I won't be on GS much, but still, I'll be posting a little to keep up with things.

 ... I'm severely jetlagged so I'll see you guys tomorrow.

And so I leave Britain behind.

 A short post today, to your relief...

 In just a few hours I'll be leaving for the airport to go to California for 18 days. 18 days of pure bliss.

 So next time I talk to you guys will be in a few days, from the comfort of a Californian residence...

 So I'll see you round, and please keep posting in AAG in my absence!

Monday 10 April 2006

 Another lengthy blog post...

 So, the weekend is now over, and I hope you all had a good one. I know I did.

 It's a bit early; today's blog post, I mean. It's 1:16 and I'm already bored out of my mind, feeling the anticipation brew for when I leave for California tomorrow... staying with relatives for the next 18 days should be a blast, I haven't seen them in years. The only thing standing in the way is a painstakingly long flight. I can never get to sleep on planes either.

 As you can see, my profile's had a bit of an overhaul. I now have a new banner, which is better than it was, I think... I also have a decent header image now, depicting the Skaarj from Unreal Tournament... it's hella cool, and I also have the boxart of 2k4 as my About Me image. It reflects what game I'm loving at the moment, and it's sad that I have to leave the thing behind when I leave tomorrow. 

 The good thing is, I'll have my DS. It's charging as we speak, and I'm hoping to buy Metroid Prime: Hunters and Animal Crossing: Wild World while on holiday in Cali... it's gonna be great. Chilling out by the pool with a copy of Metroid Prime in my hands will sure beat sitting in a stifled English lesson. I'm still playing old favourite Mario Kart DS and reprising my role as Yoshi, and it's going to be my saviour on the flight, not to mention the 4 CDs I've mentioned in a previous blog post.

 I leveled up today... I completely skipped Magician Lord and went right onto Minus World. I know a few people have had this glitch, but I see it as more of a gift than a glitch. I feel like I've really progressed since I registered 4 months and 5 days ago, and what a 4 months it's been. I've made friends with 91 cool people, wrote over 40 reviews, and I'm hoping to hit 1500 posts today. I'm not boasting, of course, just stating what things I've done since I've been here.

 My Union got its Active Duty emblem back, and I hope it won't lose it while I'm chilling out by the pool with a copy of Metroid Prime in my hands. :P Only joking, I wouldn't abandon you guys. :)

 I also started a new FreeWebs account, which means I've got a cheapo website on the way... I'm hoping to work on it in Cali for a while when I'm not chilling out by the pool with a copy of Metroid Prime in my hands. :D

 I'll be saying my final British farewell to you guys tomorrow, and next time I'll speak to you after that will be in the comfort of a Californian residence.

 Happy gaming, everyone, and have a nice day. :)

Sunday 09 April 2006


Sunday. A day where you're meant to relax on the sofa and do absolutely nothing but watch a lot of TV, and/or sleep. But guess what? I'm not normal, so I do totally the opposite. And I also type relatively quickly, so stay tuned for a loooong blog post to get some things off of my chest...

 I'm not normal, as in, I've devoted too many hours to Unreal Tournament 2004. Yeah, Sundays are really meant to be peaceful and elegant, devoid of all dark issues and depression... blah, blah, blah, blah. But it's not my fault I have CPU bots and real people alike at the receiving end of the barrel of my gun. Usually, that's a really safe place to be. :P

 So, if you don't play/have no interest in Unreal Tournament 2004, look away now and go watch a lot of TV/and or sleep just like you're meant to on your typical Sunday night.

 And as for the ones who are fearlessly delving further into my blog, then keep on reading through my now self-concerning comments.

 I'm pretty far into single-player now, and my team is improving with the teammates I keep winning. So far I've bagged Mokara and Corrosion to join my solid line-up of Jakob, Torch and BlackJack. Double Domination, widely known as the most deplorable sport in gaming, is now over and done with (thank the heavens) and I'm at the final of Capture the Flag against Xan's team The Corrupt.

 On the online front, I've been improving. Pretty well, actually. It's just a shame that now I'm hitting my stride, I'm off on holiday with relatives that don't have a computer powerful enough to install and play the game without the thing spontaneously depressurizing.

 I joined in a game of Onslaught, and after a few consecutive wins, I was greeted by none other than LegendKiller (NeoJedi) and we then launched into a game on the map Severance. Us two were top of the team by a mile, especially NJ... his clan are lucky. Very very lucky. It's got to be said, though, that was one hell of a match and the other team played brilliantly.

 So, now, I move on to a subject that doesn't involve Unreal Tournament 2004. Now it's time to focus attention on GameSpot.

 One of the disappearing emblems (Neighborly, Convivial, Popular) has returned. That's the second time it's evaporated... and now its back again. Now I have that nice pretty butterfly again that claims that I'm popular. Yay, it's about time my colourful invertebrae made its magical appearance...

 A new review too. In light of Moe's Tavern incorporating the databank idea, this one based on the Simpsons, I decided to review the awful Simpsons Wrestling. I recommend reading it just so you know how depressingly bad the game is. I try to be funny - so desperately try to be funny - but I end up sounding like a failed comedian. :lol:

 Are you STILL reading?!? You deserve a new GameSpot emblem saying "Endlessly Patient User." Well, you're in luck, desperado, because I ain't got nothing more to say. So take care people, and I'll see you tomorrow for the last time before I pack up to go to America... and then I'll contact you all using the Internet there... you can never escape the wrath of Showbiz...

Music is my radar

 Music is my radar - that's the title in today's rather... um... musical... blog post. Mainly because my head is buzzing with tracks from all my favourite bands - I haven't stopped Media Player since this morning... I have literally not moved from my bedroom all day (except for when I went out this afternoon for about an hour). I've been packing my things for America for when I leave on Wednesday, I've been playing a lot of Unreal Tournament 2004 single-player, and a bit of ToCA 3. Weather has been disgusting (hailstones galore) so there's my excuse.

 I did find the time to buy 4 new CD's when I went out this afternoon that were missing from my quickly-growing collection. They are now all on my mp3 player ready to go to America -

 Muse - Origin of Symmetry & Absolution - I bought them both. They might be a little weird to some people, and some people will hate the frontman Matthew Bellamy's voice, but to me they are a seriously awesome band. If you haven't yet heard them then you should check out this Google video, which is their amazing song Stockholm Syndrome performed Live at the Rock Am Ring. Awe-inspiring from beginning to end.

 Blur - Greatest Hits - Some of you will know Blur as the band who did the "Whoo-hoo" song. Some of you won't even know them at all, in which case you should check out the live performance of Song 2 (yes, the Whoo-hoo song)

 And... Gorillaz- Demon Days. I usually despise hip-hop music, but this is one slick electronica album from one great animated band. Haven't heard them? :roll: check out Clint Eastwood, arguably their best song yet.

 Now you must be fed up of all these videos (if you actually took the time to watch the damn things, and if you didn't, at least check out the awesome Stockholm Syndrome) I suppose I'll shut up and go listen to my mp3 player.

 Thanks for tuning in to this largely pointless blog post.

School's out!

 And not a day too soon.

 Now I have the glory of no school until the 2nd of May... I'm off to America on the 12th through 30th, then we have the business of May Day. So I have a glorious holiday of nearly a month to do absolutely nothing. Isn't that great?

 Yet I have a few days to kill until that fateful Wednesday... so I think it's time to say a nice lengthy goodbye to Unreal Tournament 2004. It's an absolutely fantastic game, and I was just getting good at it... but still, I suppose I'll have to work at it when I get back.

 And don't think you guys are stevenscott14-free for 18 days... oh no... I'll be on GameSpot a little to see how my Union is going and maybe post in a few other Unions... and of course write a blog post... but I'll be too busy surfing and swimming and riding rollercoasters to stay on for more time than I need.

 Oh well, that's all I have to say... I'll see you guys tomorrow...

A relieving break is in order, methinks.

 Tomorrow is the day I've been waiting for for months. The last day of this school term, and the beginning of the Easter holidays. This isn't just any Easter holiday though - on April 12th (6 days from now) I'll be leaving for America for 3 weeks. It's gonna be great.

 But, while the mediocrity of school lasts, tomorrow I have a final Maths assessment I'm pretty confident about, given my last 90% result... so a bit of revision is in order right after I've written this blog post.

 On the gaming front, I've been playing Unreal Tournament 2004 all day. Most of it has been single-player; for the record, it's mostly been improving my squad by challenging other teams' for their members. I got Mokara from the FireStorm team (look away now if you're not interested in 2k4) which improved our overall accuracy score... which was desperately needed, seeing as the rest of my team can't aim. It would be so cool if you could take your squad online and pit them against other people's squads... :D

 On the GameSpot front, it's been the same old same old... I've been trying to get the Active Duty badge back for All-Around Gaming, but so far, my efforts have been for naught. I did, however, promote two great people to Officer rank today; NeoJedi and insinuendo, who have both been dedicated to the Union for a while now, and I'm confident they'll do well in their new positions. Kudos to you guys.

 And where the hell are these re-designed reviewer badges?!? They better be more rewarding this time, because if they're done by numbers again I'll think I'll have to make sixteen blog posts raving about them. (Only kidding lol ;) ) Not sure if they'll be based on recommendations, but I think that's still a bit of a dodgy idea... I dunno, maybe they'll just get rid of them altogether.

 In my Music class, we got to randomly play our own instruments, so I grabbed my guitar (Fender copy :( ) went on the computers got onto Ultimate Guitar, and printed out the Halo 2 theme tablature. I learnt it there, for an hour and a half, focused on my guitar and nothing else, not even the gangsta music somebody had felt inclined to blare out of the CD player. (I hate gangsta rap, just to let you know)

 At this point, I could go on and on. But that's enough selflessly talking about myself, so I'm just going to shut up, drop my faithful guitar I'm aimlessly playing Black Sabbath's Iron Man on, and go and do some good old revision for my Maths assessment tomorrow. Wish me luck, guys.


 And oh yeah, I changed my avatar. It's pretty nice.