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stevenscott14 Blog

Random rantings really do get a lot off my chest.

 A quick blog post today, because it's been a heavily boring 24 hours...

 First off is - the forums. I'm becoming more and more riled at them... the Xbox forum, which was once a half-decent place, is now filled with threads like this one, and even worse, this one. Another commendable threadful of absolute regurgitation is this one, which does nothing but complain about Halo haters and Halo lovers. This is why I'm forced to reside inside my great Unions with great people instead of spam-filled forums.

 To keep up my incessant rantings... the glitches hit again. I've been barricated with limp unrefreshing Unions, unresponsive post submissions and a mysterious Level 00 status today... GameSpot is in turmoil and they really need to fix their glitches before my whole account depressurizes.

 And that's all I have to say, really... things have been pretty bleak on my end. :?

 Have a nice day people.

Inspectors, envy, karting, shooting, and progression.

 Hey everyone!

 On my end, things have been pretty mundane today. I'm not sure if I've mentioned it before, but my school is having its yearly inspection all this week :( and now we can no longer resort to eraser fights and pencil throwing whenever we get bored.(only joking) :P It's been uneventful thankfully, only two of my lessons were monitored, both by the same gigantic man who must be at least 2 metres tall and twice that measurement wide.

 One of my friends has been going on all day of how he has enough money to get Elder Scrolls IV for his Xbox 360. No mean feat, saving up £50 of dinner money for a videogame, and I don't think I could put up with that :P . Maybe I should get some sort of part-time job like a paper round, because I've done that before (it resulted in disaster) :( Off the subject now, but I'm pretty envious of the mate in question. I'm going to have to invade his house and storm his Xbox 360 (I have still never played on Microsoft's new sleek masterpiece of a console :? )

 I've covered inspectors and envy, now onto the karting... as may have you might have had precognitions, I'm talking about everyone's favourite plumber-cum-kartmaster, Mario. I've been playing this game quite a bit on DS, and if you'd like a game, then I would appreciate your friend code. I'm not much of a master, and I don't snake, so if you want a nice easy game, you'll know who to challenge.

 And, penultimately, the shooting... I've been playing through the Halo 2 campaign on Legendary difficulty, and I can happily report my progress... erm... there hasn't been any. I'm stuck on the dratted Cairo Station level... :S and I'm happily knocking in my fair share of old school blasting on Quake II and Unreal Tournament. Expect a review of Quake II pretty soon, because I'm near-finished for what must be the umpteenth time. 

 Lastly... the progression... I'm almost halfway through Level 14, and my Union finally reached Level 2 today. Give All-Around Gaming and its members a round of applause, and join while you're at it. You won't regret it. ;)

 Whatever satisfaction you get out of reading my blog posts, I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy writing them. Anyway, see you later guys, I'm off to play Civilization IV! (I knew I couldn't make a blog post without mentioning the game :P)

 See ya round!

I have a lot to say about Sunday, so get comfortable. :P

 It's been a pretty good day today. This positive comment has suddenly flickered into my brain, like most things, and I feel inclined to fill you in.

 If you're interested in what goes on in my life, read on... anyway I knocked in a Halo 2 "tournament" with 3 of my friends today. It was great! One of my mates is a serious sniper :evil: and I was secretly glad he wasn't there :? I think we all know how snipers can ruin a perfectly good game. Our best match was on the Waterworks map, in which case I rampaged around in the Ghost all the time, running foolish people over and shooting down a Banshee every time one of my friends got into it. I haven't played Halo in quite a while, so I was quite surprised at my near unbeatable performance :P

 I'm not much of a football/soccer player, but we also had a half-decent game of street footy, which probably annoyed the neighbours :P I'm not a very good player, but nevertheless I joined in. It didn't last long. :D I made an excuse to do homework and sneaked back in.

 I actually did have homework to do, and I shot through it while chatting to Denis (NeoJedi) on MSN (you mentioned me in your blog, so I mentioned you :P) I also knocked in a Star Wars: Episode III review and I'd like comments and feedback for it, please. It's reasonably long, but nothing on some of my reviews.

 In other news... my Union should reach Level 2 tomorrow! If you're a regular visitor to my Union, I have thanks to give you for contributing, and if you haven't yet started participating, I'd appreciate it if you did... it's basically a multiformat union where you can discuss games from any console. Name of All-Around Gaming and I must say I'm pleased at how well the Union has turned out. I never expected it to get this far. :D

 This has been me, for today, and now I'm going to sign off... hope you all had a great weekend, and I'll see you guys tomorrow.

And Saturday draws to a close.

 Today's been pretty good, all in all... no school, no homework... 8)

 I got to stay in bed until like 11am... that must be a minor record for me because I usually wake up about 8 and can't resist the urge to play some good old CivIV :P Went out with mates for a bit... erm... played some more Unreal Tournament, and here I am again, at GameSpot.

 On this fickle website today... erm... nothing has happened. I started writing a review for Sonic Mega Collection Plus, but then the Internet disconnected :evil: and I've been posting a lot in my resident Unions. I'm over 1000 posts now, didn't think I could get that many when I first registered... but...

 How time flies.

 Another game I was playing today is Quake II. Old-school blasting to the core... great stuff, it is. I feel a review coming on in the coming days... but for now, it's a comfortable and gory trip down memory lane. :P

 Anyway, everyone have a great weekend (the remainder of it anyway) and I'll see you all tomorrow.

And here comes the weekend...

  Hi people... pretty boring blog today (Actually, the correct word is pointless)

So, it's Friday night. I'm happy at the prospect of lazing around in bed for a while tomorrow morning, rather than getting up for school at 8am.

 Again, a pretty uneventful day today. It's done nothing for me except further my hatred of school, and increase my pile of homework.

 On the games front, nothing much has changed. In PC aspects, I've started playing the disappointing 2003 for no reason whatosever... and I'm still hooked on Civilization IV (of course) I've also started playing ToCA 3 quite a bit, and following my review of the game, I'm addicted to Outrun2. To cap it all, I'm gelling back into Advance Wars Dual Strike.

 So that's been me. Nothing has happened. Nothing will happen. So, to everyone, have a great weekend and I'll see you all tomorrow.

 (And thanks goes out to MrCHUP0N for posting my Outrun2 review on :D

OutRun 2 OutLined

 In light of the new Coast 2 Coast, I've wrote a fairly short review for Outrun 2. Not sure how it holds up against my other reviews, but I think it's pretty good for such a quick one (by my standards, anyway)

 Second blog post today... :roll:

Brewing anticipation, quick reflexes, and civilization building

 I've been hooked on PC gaming at the moment, and this is the main subject of my blog today. I seem to have neglected my Xbox, my DS, and my sister's PS2 (kidnapped by me :P) over the past few days, in favour of a mouse and keyboard. Don't get me wrong, I've still been playing Mario Kart here and there, and I'm polishing off my recently purchased copy of MGS3 (not Subsistence, I'm a bit behind on PS2) but my main gaming has been in front of a computer monitor.

 The brewing anticipation

 For those who regularly read my "messianic daily documents :P" (thanks you guys) you'd already have guessed that the brewing anticipation is for Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion. I'm 95% sure my rig will run it now... and just look at those screenshots! If you haven't already seen them (where've you been?) you really need to look at them! And the game looks hugely immersive... I'm guessing a few million hours packed in there. It looks like my next gaming fixation, apart from my ever-flowing love for the mighty Civilization IV!

 The quick reflexes

 For no reason at all, I've decided to start playing the original Unreal Tournament. Sure, graphically it's not too impressive nowadays, but still, you can't beat the old formula. Again, I rated this game with insanely good comments and a 9.6, a score that I rarely give to games, and I'm happy to say that this is still a brilliant shooter. Maybe it's to get me back in the feel to play Tournament 2007 when it gets released sometime this winter. And this time, I am taking Unreal online and seeing how I fare against others.

 And the civilization building

 For those bored listening to my endless rants of bliss centred around Civilization IV, you can immediately stop reading and post a comment about the above two issues. For people who have nothing better to do, read on... Ok, if you're a PC gamer, and do not own this game, you must buy it, whatever your interest in RTS is, and however familiar you are with this remarkable series. I've finally found the most addictive game ever. During a particularly boring class today, I started drawing plans for my civilization in the back of my exercise book (nerdy, I know, but I was bored) I'm wedged in an Epic game on the solo mode, on Noble difficulty... and I'm going off to carry on with it right now. I don't even know where ToCA 3 ended up.

 See you guys later! Scott, signing off.

History as you know it... is history.

 Yup, for people who have the game, that's a quote featured in the huge instruction manual featured with Civilization IV. And that simple pun really establishes what I've been doing today - playing too much Civilization IV.

 Rather an ironic subject, really, seeing as that I think learning History in schools and colleges is about as pointless as watching a soap opera. I've had a couple of good solo games over the past few days, and I've finally ventured into the online aspect of things, resulted in my @$$ getting a severe kicking from Civilization IV aficionados.

 Today has been quite boring, apart from the endless warring with the Malinese. School was uneventful, really, and, again, I've been weighed down with homework. Most of it has not been done. :P I've started saving up for Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, because my new rig has made me pretty positive that I can run the game without my computer spontaneously depressurizing and spraying its internal components all over my bedroom. 

 And, in other news, I'm a Ring King now... I don't like this level, namely for the fact it makes me sound like a man-mountain with lots of muscle tissue. And I don't swear in every sentence either, or act incredibly hard all the time. I want to be a... what is it? Nobunaga's Ambition. 

 Scott signing off. See you guys tomorrow.  

Scott goes sentimental and finds much to be thankful for. *gasp*

 And, no, by that intriguing title :? I don't mean that I've finally found enjoyment in school, or I've finally found my feminine side. :lol: Read on.

 I've seen many blog posts like this. People saying "you guys are great" or "you guys PWN!" And I thankfully comment in the nice "post a comment" section. (Isn't that convenient? :roll: )

 But, over the past three months, I really have met some great mates on here. Hats off to the guys in the Unions I post in, you're all great. I can regularly talk to a lot of people on here, and we can have a laugh, or we can discuss, or we can do whatever.

 But GameSpot really has opened the gates for me to meet a lot of cool people. And minus the glitches, it really has been a great beginning to my membership in this community. And everyone I've made friends with, you're all fantastic. Every last one of you. 

 No attention-seeking here, this is not a pointless blog post. I just need to get across the fact you guys are all great. And, to some of the people I know better than others, thanks for putting up with me. :wink:  

 And now you can post your eye-rolling comments in the designated "comments section." And I'll just roll your eyes back, you'll probably need them. :p