There have been lots of rumors about an FFVII REMAKE and such and I have no clue whether any of them have any validity or not but I just wanted to pose the question - Why stop at FFVII???
I was an avid lover of the game and would love to see some sort of updated or remade version of it but there were so many other games that square made that could be good too.
I sat down tonight and decided to put FFVIII into my ps3 and it is sooo old. I still want to play it dont get me wrong, I love the stories that square gives us but look what, i think, eidos is doing with Tomb Raider: anniversary.
Square easily has the fan base to warrent at least an update to the graphics and maybe some voices for the older FF that lots of us know and love like the back of our hand.
Im sure some ppl dont care about FF but for me its kinda what I grew up with, its the games that I snuck outta bed as a kid to play so they are there in my memory and I think they should get some love so that we can actually see what the characters look like instead of grainy figures.
the funny thing is i remember thinking FFVIII was like the best thing I'd ever seen with all the 3d and the detail...
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