@JustWingin_IT @stickybun @m_bd89 They only console that has actually screwed me over in terms of security... is Sony. (so far). Sooooo.... If I'm going on past experience....
@JustWingin_IT You can unplug it. They aren't forcing you to use anything. You are also accusing them of something that is unfounded speculation based on paranoia. Do you think MS would honestly risk a lawsuit of that magnitude? My point was people like to come at MS with both barrels blazing because they're an easy target. For some reason Sony can do no wrong even though they have a horrible track record with PSN security and blackouts.
@JustWingin_IT @stickybun @m_bd89 You're right.... I guess fanboys like to give free passes to Sony and Nintendo... as if they aren't guilty of everything you just listed.
Yes... Yes it does. That's ok. Rockstar makes games. Their role is not to be a parent and or teach morality. I had good parents that taught me empathy and talked about the games I played and music I listened to. The taught me the difference between Reality and Fantasy... something that is sorely lacking. It's not Rockstar's fault that some kids are dumb.
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