@m_bd89 @stickybun How are the f'ing me exactly? The kinect as a spying device is completely unfounded paranoia. MS has given me 2 great consoles and I suspect the ONE will be no different.
Also... PSN has a terrible reputation for breaches and blackouts... yet I presume your going to buy a PS4? So am I because that system has games that I also want to play.
There is far to much focus on utter garbage and little focus on the games and what makes a system great in the first place.
I'm more or less sick of the NSA Kinect thing. It's such a retarded thing to pick at. Your cellphone and laptop are far more likely to be used to spy on you and no one even talks about that. I'm buying a ONE. It appeals to me because I love my 360 and the XBOX before that. I will buy a PS4 as well. I love playing games at the end of the day... and that's what I focus on. Games.
I really hope this is great when it finally does come out.... I'm so hungry for a new game experience.... If I play another sequel of a sequel I'm going to jump off a bridge. The industry is getting so stale.
It shows that they did a horrible job explaining why they implemented their DRM changes and then back peddled when it was too late. The always on thing was a horrible idea.
@Fonzi8877 @stickybun Knack looks like ass. I'll definitely get Killzone but there are far better shooters out there. Infamous is at least 6 months away isn't it? Indie games are usually terrible. Third Party games look good but they're on both systems. I couldn't give a crap about exclusive content because it's usually garbage.
stickybun's comments