@Salt_AU Yeah.... they were a little heavy handed out of the gate with the TV talk.... but so were the gamers who over reacted after that press conference. We all know it's still going to play great games. It almost goes without saying.
Yes... it's very risky putting out essentially the same game out for 6 years and making millions.... I'm not sure who is sticking their neck out more these clowns or EA Sports.
Great episode. I couldn't agree more. I'm all for a great debate on forums.... but people blindly slinging mud on consoles that aren't even out yet... without having experienced them first hand? Is what drives me crazy. People who hate a review score because the OPINION of the person reviewing the game didn't match their own. Funnier still 99% of the people posting hateful comments on the GTA review hadn't even played it yet.
@bndori Dude.... No... No it's not. If it weren't for MS your beloved PS 3 and 4 would be total garbage systems. MS forced them to innovate and learn from their PS3 launch which was every bit the laughing stock that the ONE launch is... if not worse.
@evil_snuggles Killzone is like a turd wrapped in really nice paper. It's nowhere near as good as other FPS. Infamous looks awesome and to me that will be the first truly great PS4 title.
@Ranma_X_basic I feel exactly the same way... I don't find MS being any more 'cocky' then Sony though. If you're lucky enough to be able to have both consoles then you're in for some great gaming.
stickybun's comments