They may be holding back announcing much before e3. Scorpio is around the corner and they need at least 1 launch title that sells that. It may be in the vault until the big announcement.
@sgtsaltnpepper: Crackdown looks incredible. Yes the Sony list is long... but very few of those games are remotely interesting to me. Horizon is by far my most anticipated 1st party title for either system. Then Crackdown3... but Red Dead Redemption2 trumps both of those by a mile.
@Thanatos2k: Did you know that Nintendo was the first to implement rumble? Analog thumbsticks? Motion controls? Thef*ck are you talking about?
I'd put Nintendo's library of first party titles against XBOX's or PS any day of the week. Wii U was a speedbump. Just as the game cube was.... but at least their trying to do something different.
@Thanatos2k: Nintendo has almost always made you rethink what a console and controllers should be. Their first party titles are almost always incredible. I always think it's funny when console owners think that they have a technical marvel in a small plastic case. Consoles are fun... but they shouldn't be measured by horse power. It's a childish dick measuring contest. Graphics are important to you build a PC. If you are looking for a unique experience that you can't get on PC.... buy a Nintendo console.
I have no interest in their VR or the PS4 Pro which to me seems like a minimal upgrade with barely any support. The controller still sucks. The interface is dated... but Uncharted was my favourite game from this year and there are plenty more on the 'Horizon' that make me glad I own one.
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