Sadly, voter suppression really hurt Bernie tonight, not saying he would have won for sure, but it would have been much tighter. Really hate this corrupt country we live in.
I'd be interested in hearing more about this suppression if you will.
The other day, when AlexKidd said that Hillary is only winning because she's a "cheating b!tch," i asked for proof that she's cheating and he wasn't able to provide any. One of the moron's arguments was "Hillary probably hacked into Bernie's voter rolls."
It is possible that the DNC helped the clinton campaign see the sanders campaign voter database, remember when they restricted them from seeing there own database? that made zero sense. You are a fucking retard if you don't think with how much influence, and power they weild that they wouldn't rig the **** out of this election, and do everything in there power to keep sanders supporters from voting. There was even a politician who admitted to suppressing voting with bullshit photo ID laws.
You can call me the r-word (very classy!) until you're blue in the face, but unless you have evidence that Clinton cheated or "rigged" the election, it didn't happen.
I'm under the impression that his parents were part of the "give a kid a trophy for doing everything" ideology. He thinks everything he says and believes has some merit without actually having evidence to believe them.
I hope he can look inward and see that.
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