@James_xeno: Ars comments is a case study in group think and silencing minority opinions. If you don't agree, f$#@ off is their motto. They only exist to reinforce the Ars staff's viewpoint.
Being able to play Red Dead Redemption again was a big selling point for me getting the XBox One S I have. As big as it being able to be my all in one 4K media device. I probably wouldn't have bought it without backwards compatibility.
Now is this class available before or after they take their naps in their safe space. You know if its before it could give them nightmares. That is no good.
I like the idea. Don't keep poor or even average performers. Keep investing your capital into new shows. Keep generating hits. They are aiming for greatness, not mediocrity like network TV.
@jdt532: They should do it in Syria. Let you play as a woman in a secular town that was largely the same as most Western countries, she has a job, shes educated, middle class. Then ISIS rolls. Then you as her have to fight to not end up a slave or dead, as her entire life is destroyed and everyone around her is killed or enslaved. With the player having to choose to join up with the Western back Islamists or the Russia backed Assad forces.
stm1185's comments