I like the idea of the game, but it seems a bit silly. You clearly have a vehicle, and the weather looks good, why aren't you just driving to get help? Seems like there is a big story issue in that.
@129260: I can't stand trying to play a FPS with a controller. Contemplated getting the adapter for PS4, as I do have a Pro, but then I'd feel like I was cheating.
Though if the rumors of Scorpio supporting Keyboard Mouse turn out to be true, I might have to do that.
The only thing I really want DICE to do is put in effective client side Anti Cheat. This game is a joke on PC. No admins, no votebans or votekicks, and even reporting people requires going into Origin and filling out a poorly designed form. The solution to a cheater on your server should not be to either leave the server or join the cheater's team. Yet that is the only option in Battlefield.
Until that is fixed, what good is more maps or female avatars.
stm1185's comments