Can't wait for Fallout: New Vegas myself.
stonerwriter's forum posts
Oblivion, without a doubt... Thinking of starting it all over again and putting another couple hundred hours into it.
I'm sorry if this is an often-asked question.
Is it better for the xbox to install games and play them off the hard drive instead of spinning the disk?
I've had an xbox for about 3 years.
And I only have three games: Oblivion GOTY, Fallout 3, and Dragon Age: Origins.
Everything else I rent through gamefly. But these three titles I have deemed worthy of $60.
It would be an RPG. In fact, it would be basically an exact combination of Dragon Age; Origins, Oblivion, and the movie Pineapple Express.
It's hard to imagine, but it makes total sense to me.
From some rather dude off of CL. 120 for 20 GB drive, console, controller. I've probably put in 300 hours of my own play on it by now.
Every single gaming console I've bought in the last 5 years ahs been off of Craig's list. ANd not a single one of them has given me any trouble.
I THINK (again, I THINK) each character has a set formula for their level.
For example, hypothetically, a molerat is your level, or a raider is your level -2, or a boss is your level + 1. So I'm assuming each character has a formula that it followed. If, say, it's your level -2, when you meet them as level 30 they will be level 28.
I believe this is how Oblivion was and this is how Fallout 3 is.
I don't remember exactly... I mean, in all my 300 hours of Oblivion play, I never got kicked out of the mage's guild. Why can't you hold more than 5? What does it say? Are you sure you're not just over-encumbered??
I mean, Dragon's Tongue is not a particularly special ingredient...
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