Rather than blargh all over any and everything that I read and watched concerning E3 this year, I'm just going to boil it down by system:
PS2: There are still some great games coming up. I'm looking forward to getting my hands on Valkyrie Profile 2 and Disgaea 2, but beyond them and perhaps a few other (mostly Square Enix) titles, it looks like the PS2's days are numbered.
PS3: On the one hand, this system will undoubtedly have some games on it that I'll want to play, but on the other, I'm not willing to shell out $600 for a video game system. Especially not for a system from a company that has historically had an unfavorable number of defective consoles in the first year or two following launch. If I pay that much money for a console, I'd like to feel assured that it won't conk out on me if I give it a funny look. Beyond the price issue, however, I do think that Final Fantasy XIII and Metal Gear Solid 4 look great. My only other real concern for the system is that the backwards compatibility is as robust as the PS2's was for the PS1.
PSP: ...?
Xbox 360: Microsoft put on a solid showing, but I didn't really see anything that made my mouth water. Blue Dragon looks good, and I hope Ninety-Nine Nights lives up to its promise, but otherwise there's very little that I'm interested in at the moment. Still, I'll probably end up getting a 360 before a PS3 simply because the price is more affordable.
GameCube: Hey, what do you know? The old lunchbox still has some kick left. Super Paper Mario is the first game in the Paper series that actually interests me, and a few other titles like Zelda and Baten Kaitos II should be out by the end of the year, as well. There may not be much life left in it, but it's good to know that GameCube owners aren't completely high and dry until the Wii comes out. Speaking of which.
Wii: Woo! E3's just ended, and there are already more than enough games in line for the Wii that have me ready and willing to buy Nintendo's next console. It was great to see some actual game demonstrations for a variety of games, which really helps give me a better idea about how the whole Wiimote concept will work. Metroid Prime 3 looks great, and from the video I've seen, it should play great, as well. The system is even seeing some preliminary third party support from some of the big names, so the long-term future for the system will hopefully be better than the GameCube's. Plus, there's a new Fire Emblem coming. That, along with the perceived $200-$250 system price is enough to the system to me.
DS: Talk about night and day. While the PSP had very little that was new, original, or exciting in any way, the DS has a whole sea of upcoming titles that sound promising. Square Enix is finally getting Final Fantasy III into release later this year, Ouendan is coming in the form of Elite Beat Agents, there's a new Castlevania in the works, and Phoenix Wright, the coolest defense attourney since Matlock, is getting a well-deserved sequel. Hotel Dusk looks like a promising adventure game, but it had better be at least four times longer than Trace Memory. Seriously.
GBA: There's not much, but what little was shown has me interested enough to keep the GBA game slot in my DS ready and waiting. Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation and Yggdra Union are both games that I'd like to play.
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