I actually really enjoyed this movie. It probably helps that I saw nothing about it leading in to it. Best Terminator since T2. Looking forward to more.
@camou504: This one isn't anything like the frivolous lawsuit by Lohan. These characters were designed specifically to be these former players. It's even advertised that way. They have a legitimate case here.
@ltjohnnyrico: These characters didn't just happen to look like them by accident. They were intentionally designed to be a digital representation of them. This is one of the few cases where they have good reason to sue.
Sucks. But it is to be expected when you completely botch the release of what was supposed the be a flagship IP on their shiny new console. I hope this is a learning experience for all involved and that they eventually land on their feet.
This benefits Xbox far more than PS. In online multiplayer games, most people will go to the console with the biggest potential player pool. In this case PS. If they could play on Xbox and still have access to the entire player pool, then Xbox just succeeded in evaporation PS's advantage.
I'm not saying I'm against this, just stating a fact here.
@flames325: Um..... Xbox more mature??? Really? I think PS has definitely lowered it's standard with the PS4 probably due to so many kids crossing brands this gen. But the 360 vs PS3 era, PS was more mature by a long shot. You couldn't play a game online on 360 without being bombarded with screaming racist vulgar raging kids in your ear.
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