@esqueejy: I'm arguing the freedom of ALL people. Men and Women. You seem to want to cast judgement on others based on your own personal beliefs. My enemy is people pushing their values on others.
Why would a smaller iPad be appealing? i'd rather a smaller phone and bigger tablet. Although for the price, I really don't see a rational need for a tablet...
@esqueejy: So now, "all the employees were expected to attend" ???? Wow, changing the facts on the fly here. So, now they were nude as well? OMG LOL You'll say anything to try to fit your needs huh.
Dancers are not sex object like you want to think. The fact that you do think this, shows who has the real problem here. Maybe that's why I can look at this rationally and all you see is woman as sex objects. Dancing is not a sexualized environment. It's simply entertainment and building a fun atmosphere. Have you ever been to a party or a wedding where no one was dancing? Sometimes it takes some people to get it going. Creating the mood encourages people to let loose a little.
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