@cornbredx: You are the one throwing insults and calling names, lol. I made a comment about the industry with no hidden message or personal attack on you at all. I think you read too much in to it. Now your reply comes with even more insults and personal attacks. Perhaps the tone you are attaching to my comments says more about you than about me.
@cornbredx: Look everyone, he called me "kid" lol, am I supposed to go cowar in a corner now?
The fact is, there is no business that is guaranteed. Uncertainty is the norm. Bethesda is not new or small and, if smart, would have a good business plan to safeguard themselves from uncertainty. Not every game will be a hit, but this shouldn't collapse their entire business. They are doing just fine.
If you read the article above, there is a list of fixes that "significantly improves performance" (their words not mine). Don't you think that the people that bought the game at release deserve the best experience possible? All of these improvements could've/should've happened prior to release.
@magnusstorm: So, what's the point of buying Day 1 if you wait to play it anyways? Just wait for reviews, wait for the game to be polished and finished. Quit encouraging the release of buggy, unfinished, under tested games
straightcur's comments