So, his defense to making expensive games and taking too long, is that he makes expensive games and takes too long, but it's ok because it's planned. He also states that he always sticks to timelines and budgets but admits to being months late with MGS V...
This seems like a mobile game type gimmick to get you to sign on everyday. Just make a fun game and people will play. This one just seems worse the more we find out about it.
@metallinatus: What double standard? My PS4 was never broken. Also, I never said I wouldn't support Capcom ever again (which would be comparable to your scenario). If they release a finished game that is fully tested, I will give that game a fair shot. But too many times games are being released broken, unfinished and untested and people keep letting them get away with it. This just enables them to continue to release games in this state. Take a stand and force them to improve their practices or keep getting broken games.
straightcur's comments