@xfiles2099 i'll never understand that argument.. because it's in other agreements, it's ok????? No! we should be pushing for more laws to protect privacy. It's not only people that have stuff to hide that need to worry. It's about personal protection and protecting your family. The more information that is out and tied directly to you, the more you open yourself and your family to those looking to cause harm. This is even more important for a product that is marketed to minors. Please people, start thinking and stop just accepting dangerous policies as the norm.
@N1K0LA191 @IanNottinghamX and this makes it right?? just because you want to bend over, doesn't mean we all should. And also facebook is the worst company but Microsoft is gaining on them quickly. Ive never had a facebook account and never will. I also will never own and XboxOne
it's one thing to give your details to a company by choice, quite a different thing for that company to remove that choice from you and share YOUR personal information with another company. at what point in your life do you decide to give up any ethics you might have had at one time and go to work for microsoft
@djdan200 @straightcur Hey BRO.... I live in the west, there aren't cameras all over my city, and certainly none in my house. And honestly , it wouldn't be a huge deal if it wasn't with a company that has been proven to collude with government spying. are you really this naïve? do you not read the news? this is reality, and im sorry I wont bend over like you and just take whatever they want.
Besides, that wasn't the point of my original post, if you would read it BRO. I was just pointing out that if they would let people know of the smallest safe guards, then it would be good. why wont they tell us even that? are there even minimal safeguards? why is he dodging the question? and did you know , if it is connected to the net, any joe hacker can also turn it on, which is far more likely than the govt... all im asking, is what safeguards are in place.....
Sony shouldn't do anything about the pricing in Brazil. It's an internal matter, and if the people in Brazil aren't happy, they should be lobbying their gov't to reduce the ridiculous taxes.
straightcur's comments