@tempertress @straightcur It's a TERRIBLE "feature". It's not a benefit to the viewers to be automatically forwarded to some random video that; a) they already watched or b) they have no interest in viewing. Also quite disrespectful of your coworkers to cut you off like that!
Jess, Did you know that your face gets cut off at the end of your videos with a countdown to the next video that we will be sent to against our will........
hahahaaha. I don't know if this video is supposed to be serious or meant as a joke.
But basically the reason people believe there are conspiracies in game reviews is because game reviewers are the most unprofessional reviewers out there. there is no logic to the reviews, arbitrary scores. One game will get smashed for doing something , then the next game gets praised for the exact same thing. Seems like reviewers are nothing but fanboys that shape the review to match their prejudged opinion of the game or more importantly series they have grown to love or hate. But really when there is zero qualifications for a job, you get what you get.
straightcur's comments