All I can say is wow. SOE, MS, and Nintendo should not even come up with new original games. Just port old AAA titles with minor tweaks so they can get their AAA scores. If people are really that stupid to buy old games for a new price, they deserve to be taken advantage of.darthogre
You will not find a better version of RE4 anywere,it has 16:9 support,gamecube graphics(better than the ps2 version) all the extra content of the ps2 version(bette rthan the gc version) and a unique control system that suits the game perfectly and keeps the game fresh(better than any previous version).All that for a bargain price.
Even if,like me,you played the GC version to death.. then this game is still worth buying just to experience the new aiming controls,the laser sight in previous versions did not allow total accuracy,the wii does.
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