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#1 styphin
Member since 2003 • 942 Posts

Never mind, I'm dumb.

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#2 styphin
Member since 2003 • 942 Posts

I'm in the huge hanger, and there's an area up a set of stairs in one of the far corners that has an undropped emergency ladder going up to it. A blue marker points to something in the room up there, but I can't find a way up into it. The ladder won't drop, and any alternate route up there isn't obvious. Any help would be appreciated.

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#3 styphin
Member since 2003 • 942 Posts

So I got a PS3, and I'm having trouble getting 5.1 surround sound from my PS3. I have the connection going from the PS3 through HDMI to my relatively new sony reciever, then HDMI out from the reciever to my plasma. When I output Linear PCM through HDMI, however, my reciever wants to display audio in a 2-channel output, despite the fact that the reciever SAYS it is getting "Linear PCM 5.1."

Of course, if I change my settings to Bitstream output, I get the glorius 5.1 surround I want, except certain games and a couple discs I have ONLY have Linear PCM audio, and during these instances I don't hear center or surround speakers, which makes for a heady experience since all I hear is the SFX tracks on the L and R speakers.

Is it a setting in my PS3, or a setting on my reciever? Keep in mind it's a Sony reciever, less than a year old. Any help would be great.


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#4 styphin
Member since 2003 • 942 Posts

Some of you are half right - component cables CAN do 1080p, but on the Xbox 360, it is NOT ALLOWED. The same goes for most HD DVD players and even most televisions won't accept 1080p through component. I believe the reason for this stems from copyright protection laws, but I'm not exactly sure.

In any case, you CANNOT get 1080p picture with your component cables using your old Xbox. Sorry, but you can't. Personally, I can barely tell the difference between 1080p and 1080i, so spending $100-$200 bucks for that sole reason doesn't sound appealing to me. If you're a video enthusiast, though, and MUST HAVE the best possible picture, then go for it. Keep in mind, however, that only a select few games really have true 1080p picture (Bioshock, COD 4) and most will only do 1080i anyway. I say, if your TV is a high quality HDTV, 1080i will still look stunning, so no need to spend all that money for just a little bit of polish.

Oh yeah, if you're THAT hard up for cheap 1080p picture you CAN get 1080p with your old Xbox using a VGA cable, or a VGA to HDMI converter. However, be wary - VGA is known to shift color hues so it's possible (actually, quite likely) that your color phase will be a bit off. Not a huge deal, but I consider myself a videophile and I'm quite happy with my 1080i.

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#5 styphin
Member since 2003 • 942 Posts
I thought Fox McCloud was pretty cool. And the Goomba.
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#6 styphin
Member since 2003 • 942 Posts
Yeah I need to delete "Barbie's Rainbow Adventure" off my played games list but I can't!
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#7 styphin
Member since 2003 • 942 Posts

You're right. Probably woulda been a better place for this. Sorry. I guess I was BLINDED WITH RAGE!!! (Just kidding.)

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#8 styphin
Member since 2003 • 942 Posts

So maybe some of you have read the GameSpot article that PS3 sales have TRIPLED this last shopping weekend. I did, and despite the fact that I OWN a PS3 and LIKE my PS3, I couldn't resist posting a comment that read as follows:

"Wow! So Sony sold 9 PS3's?! That's awesome!"

Moments later, I got a TOS Violation Warning for this reason: "Intending solely to annoy and/or offend other users."

Okay. First of all, there must have been about 300 other people saying MUCH worse things about this article and TRASHING the PS3 in a manner that much more befits the description of "Intending to annoy and/or offend others." I mean, C'MON! What I said is funny! I like Sony, but I realize how badly their sales have been in the past, and if you can't laugh at yourself, then who can you laugh at?

Secondly, I did not intend to annoy and/or offend ANYONE. Who is GameSpot to say what my intentions were? They can't read my mind. And I seriously can't imagine any of you dear readers were annoyed or offended by "So Sony sold 9 PS3s?", are you?

But lastly, and perhaps most importantly, I began to think that the moderator who TOSed me is OBVIOUSLY a hardcore PS3 fan. Because in the past I've said a lot worse on comment boards about ALL systems and never been TOSed before. So this guy must have some personal grudge against anyone who might slander the PS3. If this is the case, this moderator should be fired for putting his personal views and opinions into his decisions to moderate people.

THEN I noticed, at the very top of the Gamespot page, is a HDNA SONY BLU-RAY PLAYER ad banner!!! NO WONDER! Sony is filling Gamespot's pockets with ad money, so could it be possible that any negative comments about Sony products are considered TOSable offences? Has Gamespot sold out to the corporations?! WILL I CONTINUE TO BE CENSORED WHEN I POST AN OPINION?!?! WILL THE GAMESPOT GESTAPO COME AND KILL ME IF I SAY SOMETHING BAD ABOUT ANY OF THEIR SPONSORS?!?! ARE WE LIVING IN A TOTALITARIAN SOCIETY?!?!?!

GAMESPOT!! STOP ENCROACHING ON MY RIGHTS TO FREE SPEECH! I did not use any vulgarities, I did not insult anyone directly or indirectly, and I believe this TOS Violation is REALLY a VIOLATION OF MY 1ST AMENDMENT RIGHTS!! And I demand the warning be withdrawn from my account. Cuz this is bulls***.

OK I'm done.

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#9 styphin
Member since 2003 • 942 Posts
Bioshock FTW. Also I agree the Orange Box artwork is the worst box art I have seen, possibly EVER. It looks like a Microsoft software box gone horribly wrong.
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#10 styphin
Member since 2003 • 942 Posts

Typically, LCDs are great for Hi-Def and have better chances of NOT getting burn in over plasma TVs, but most LCDs don't have a great re-fresh rate, and therefore you see a lot of "ghosting" or "trailing", especially with video games and sports events. However, I doubt this has much to do with your "choppyness", and is really an artifact of the games itself. Try playing Dead Rising. Man that game looks gorgeous in HD.

As an off-topic comment, Plasmas, which can be prone to burn-in or image retention after a long gaming session, have better refresh rates and in some cases make your games look better than an LCD. But again, it all has to do with the quality of the television. I support plasma, but i made the mistake of playing FFXII a little too long one saturday, and now I can still see everyone's HP level burned into the corner of the screen.

Edit: If you can afford it, I HIGHLY recommed getting a Pioneer Elite Plasma screen. They are easily the best HD TVs available. However, it's a little hard on the pocket book.