I definatley think they should launch b4 ps3 but it sadlly does not seem like it will happen because we ae still missing final hardware specs, price point, and release date which are a huge deal to new comers at least.
Well to be honest the only reason i perfer home gaming these day's is because the games are much longer then portable games. Soon enough they will have a 64 bit portable and then i will play smash bros. till the end of time.
Actually if it's an exclusive game for playstation which it was they need to get approval from Sony whom pay extra to start with to Square Soft for an exclusive game, basiclly this approval is a pay check to Sony most of the time at least.
My Speech: Well I know I can honestly say that I have been a video game fan for a while and that I have indeed seen the evolution of Nintendo from the 8 bit graphics of the Nes to the 128 bit GC graphics. I also own literally every NES and Super Nes game out there so I could share a wealth of information to those looking to learn what made Nintendo so great over the years. Well that's about it vote 4 me and you will always get experience and I'll name my kids after you.
Well one of my greatest achievments in video games is Fox Hound Ranking in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, the qualfications include (Still impresses me as i write them) :
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