Exactlly always threw eggs, made a cameo appearence in one of the Super Mario Bros. tv episodes, and last she because she wore a hair bondana and well dinasours are pre historic, nice one ur turn.
Well my new recomendation for this week is amazinglly addictive Coolspot for the SNES this game is made by virgin and literally an add for 7up but it is so much fun plus the music kicks ass and still play's in my head from time to time.
Well this thread is for anyone whom wants to demonstrate his or her excellence in a specific game. Could be a lap time number of kills or anything you find perticularly astonishing in your video game playing career.
Allright i think we can finish another 300 after all you all know that all these reasons are straight out of your own personal life as much as that might possibly hurt your self esteem.
300. You always dream about the good old day's of video games and wish constantly for a new game that would bring that feeling.
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