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sugarsplurge Blog

FEZ!!! (caps)

...Is the name of my new 7 week old kitten ^_^

...well, Fez has a middle name too: Lazy Bob XD

I'm so happy, he/she (we can't find out the gender yet :? ) is the cutest thing ever!

a bobtail, all black with white paws, neck and a little white line over its lip that looks like a mustache :lol:

Maybe I'll be able to show Fez to you sometime :)

Other than that.... I got nothing to say, Just wanted to share the news!



I love...

My life right now ^_^

I Have the internet again!!!!

(And I like the big font XD )

Yep, the comcast guy came and fixed it...

Turns out that it had 70,000 viruses :shock:

Go figure... anyways...

I'm updating lotsa stuff, including my bio and my icons... actually that's it :lol:

So Horray! I'm BACK!!!!

I missed you all so much! Thanks!


I think I'm gonna cry, I'm so happy!!!!!!

HEY!!!!! ^_^

I missed you all sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much! Oh man, I'm so sorry I up and left like that, but:


Ugh, and, I still don't T_T I'm using/been using my friend's and grandparent's comps. Tres Tragic, no?

*sigh* Anyways, I'll be on a bit longer, but I just wanted to check in after a long and unexplained absense.

My apologies again!

Oh, and I've been obsessing with a lot of Bravo shows, so look for me on the forums!

Lotsa love, Thanks!


Ugh... I didn't think this would happen so soon

So... when I went to Florida, I missed a few days of school. And while my trip was super fun, it's the make-up school work that's a pain in the neck. And I didn't think I'd need to take another leave-of-absence from the site, but sadly, I do.

Apparently, I missed 4 tests and a bunch of cla$swork in between. I'm actually staying after everyday this week except for Friday and then 3 more days next week :cry:

And with the next State-wide test fastly-approaching, I'll need all the help I can get :(

I'll be back as soon as I possibly can, and I'll even be getting back into the forums, mainly Naruto, though I haven't been keeping up with the series as much as I should (since it's all filler eps. now) so it'll most likely all be spam :P

Anyways, I'll be back much sooner than before, but school, unfortunately comes first, so I'll see you all soon!



I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaaccck!!!! ^_^

Hello!!! I missed you all sooooo much! :oops: I'm finally back (took long enough, huh?) hahaha, ok, I guess I've got some explaining to do for my absence:

First was that state-wide test I mentioned in the last blog (what was that, like, a month ago?) The english portion, and I think I did pretty well on it... it's the math portion I'm worried about, math is no my liking... But it's in May, so I'm still gonna be around for a month before I take a break again.

And that was over 3 weeks ago.

And here's where I feel bad for not coming back to the site sooner.

Projects, quizzes, tests, homework, and chorus rehersals, including a state-wide festival that I auditioned and was selected for! And all that dedication to school paid off, I got straight A's for 3rd term. :D

Then, junior year course selections. I'm in 4 AP/Honor cla$$es (there is a difference but not by much). So I'm probably going to be away for long chunks next school year.

And THEN, FLORIDA!!! Spring break started this week for me, but I left the state last Tuesday to come to Florida, which was loads of fun. Now I'm back home, unpaking and getting ready to enjoy the rest of my extended vacation... and make-up work I missed. :?

And I didn't even get a tan... :roll:

But I'm back, and can't wait to get back into the swing of things. So comment, PM, anything, I can't wait to talk to you all again! :)



Peace out

Yeah, so if you have or haven't noticed, I've been away for a good 2 weeks or so, and, as much as I really Really REALLY hate to write this, I'm leaving the site, for the rest of the month.

It's not that I 've lost interest in or any of the wonderful people in it, I just really need to focus on school and the upcoming MCAS test in about 2 weeks (MCAS= Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment (?) System, so in other words, it's like a state-wide test that determines whether I graduate or not... but no pressure :P )

I will be checking in every now and then, and hopefully be doing a blog again soon, but if school gets to me as much as it has been now, that probably won't happen. And if you haven't noticed, I made the decision to leave the site temporarily 2 weeks ago but was too busy to announce it!

Please don't take it personally if I don't accept friend requests, answer back to blogs, etc... I'll try to if I'm able and not buried with homework, I promise!

Before I go...:

-HAPPY (early) ST. PATRICK'S DAY (but I'm not Irish, so this holiday doesn't really apply to me :lol: )

-Happy birthday to my mom and ConairVader and DevilSlayer tomorrow! :)

-Bon Voyage to YoungLink89 (though I think he's left for Japan already) I hope you're doig well and have a wonderful life, my friend ^_^

-DevilSlayer... please add me back as a friend :D

-This blog is dedicated to DrunkSamurai and Unknownkitwo who were banned recently, and to Volman who's been suspended :( and just when I thought the madness ended...

-I'll be, luckily taking a break from my studies to go to Anime Boston, and will hopefully be posting some pics from there to share with you all!

Until April, I'll talk to you all later. Thanks for reading



This, I must warn you, is a random blog, and normally, I don't do blogs unless I have something to say, but since I realy don't, I'll say what I need to and then get to the randomness!

Ok so... I had to go back to school today after my week-long vacation, and I hated it. I mean, it was nice to see my friends again, but waking up at 6AM with snow on the ground (and I had to walk to my bus stop) is not my liking.

But, and here's where the randomness comes in, at lunch, our school's anime club (of which I am a member XD ) was selling candy to raise money for going to Anime Boston. So I bought a bag, and it had snickers, skittles, jelly beans, milky way and M&M's and ate it all... and that was all I had for lunch.

Not a good idea because now I'm sick to my stomach but on the most awesomest sugar hypes ever! But, despite that, I've decided that today is Sugar-Hype Awesome Anime AMV day!!! Or, for short, SHAAA day! :lol: so here are some of the best AMVs I have in my favorites in Youtube. Hope you enjoy ^_^ :

WARINING! 9/10 Random people on the street deemed these vids as RANDOM!


(this song's so bizarre...)

(once you think about it, this song is really meant for Kakashi!)

(This...Is...Naruto! Know the movie reference?)

FullMetal Alchemist:

(If anyone's seen this episode of FMA, then you must've thought about this too!)

(This has to be the most addicting song ever!)

(And let's finish things off with somethin' for the Envy lovers! :D )

Thanks for watching!

Oh, and if you couldn't already figure it out, I'm stuck at 99 percent and am using this to level up! :P Hope you enjoyed!


Decisions on Anime Boston

Hello ^_^ So I've decided to just do a little blog, for the fact that I am bored to almost-tears :P

I'm on vacation right now (thank you dead presidents!) and I've been super bored all week since all my friends decided to leave the state and go somewhere warm, like Florida, and I'm here, in 30 dergree weather. :(

Getting off that cold subject, I'm FINALLY pre-registered for Anime Boston! And, as against it as I am, I've decided (I've been deciding a lot in this blog, huh? :P ) that I'm cosplaying. *Gasp* Oh no, Sugarsplurge! Say it ain't so! *sigh* Yes, yes, 'tis true.

BUT! But, I'm not going over the top, I swear. If you will take a look at my new icon (yeah, I know, no more chibi's), after much deciding (there I go again XD ) on a new icon, I picked one on the person I'm cosplaying: Ritsuka Aoyagi, from an anime I've recently started watching called Loveless. Yes, it does have some shonen-ai moments in it, but it's an all-around good show and Ritsuka is so adorable! *ahem* sorry about that...

Oh, and if you are going to Anime Boston, please let me know, I'd love to meet some of you in person if you can go. ^_^

Well, that's all for now. Thanks for reading!


Oh, and I finally have 2,000 posts! 8)

Only I would celebrate V-day this late...

Ok, so I've been a bit... absent from the site for about a week, so let me do a quickie explination:

1- I was sick with a 102 degree fever from last weekend to about Tuesday.

2- We (my family and I) decided to miss the rest of school (Thurs. + Friday) to visit relatives in New Hampshire, and just got home today.

I've been checking in a couple of times since, thankfully, my relatives got the internet, which they didn't have last time we visited! :P

So HORRAY! I missed Valentine's day, and my ex-boyfriend, who apparently got me a gift :? Creepy, right?

So for those who are dating someone right now, I hope you had an awesome valentine's day. ;) For those who are like me, and single ( :cry: ) I hope you spent it with friends who care about you... and basked in singleness with you.

But a holiday's a holiday, right? And it's apparent that I'm a bit late for the V-day blogs and mounds of candy... hmm... I guess I'll have to make up for that, huh? :D


Heeeeere's some pics for ya!:

gallery_1_15_13137.jpg anime valentines day image by mathious_photos

(OMG, I love this one!)

XD.gif Naruto Valentines Day image by doodle555578

girls189.jpg Saint Valentines Day image by Emo_Alchemist

(I'll also be putting this pic up when the fillers really DO end! :P )

Valetinegag.jpg naruto valentines day image by lordmastersternbridge


NarutoComic50.jpg Naruto Valentines Day image by SakuraUzumaki95

Gaara4.png Valentines Day Gaara image by Mudpelt

BUT, to those who just want to skip right to the sugar, here you go!:

CANDY.gif CANDY image by michelleren_2007

cherries.jpg image by frostylaw

Reeses-Heart.jpg reese's heart image by acerbicgeoff

untitled4.jpg candy heart image by AngelinaM_dancer

Hope the real V-day was great, but feel free to enjoy the Belated Valentine's Day that I've created!

Thanks for reading!


Sorry Everyone!

Hello! I'm going to make this short, I promise!

I'm so sorry about dumping my personal problems all over my profile. It was completely unnecessay and not like me at all...I'm just going through so much, and I needed to vent it all out.

And yes, this is the only way I thought of doing so.

I won't delete any of my personal blogs, though, I don't really see the point. I'd rather keep them up, for me, it's like an online diary that others can comment on... though I won't be treating my blog entries like diary pages for a while... unless something happens, though hopefully it won't.

Anyways, I wanted to thank all of my friends here for being here for me, and the ones who commented left so many nice comments.

I really hope none of you think I'm becoming too...dramatic, I don't want that to be the case at all.

But I won't be on much, I've got a 5-page history essay on the California Gold Rush to do, and that's going to take all weekend - and I've got a singing audition on Saturday, so I've got a lot to keep me busy!

I'm in a very good state of mind currently and I'll be around to leave blog comments here and there, but I'd prefer that none of the things I wrote about my personal life in the past be brought up in comment form again.

Thanks for reading, everyone! *hugs*


Oh! And I'm a level 14 now! How cool is that? 8)