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sugarsplurge Blog


^_^ Merry Christmas everyone! ^_^

...Ok, so I guess I'm a bit late... I could only be online for a few minutes last night and didn't have time to make a Christmas blog :( But, I decided to keep the spirit going and throw a Christmas After Party! With Spam!

I'm feeling un-creative at the moment, so you can post whatever you'd like ^_^ In the meantime, I'll be posting some (late) Christmas anime pics that, hopefully, haven't been used on other blogs. Included are Christmassy Blood+, FMA, Death Note, Bleach, CardCaptors, Tsubasa, And, of Course, Naruto!

Blood20-20OP220-2001.jpg Haji and Christmas SnowGlobe image by Kikyo29

X__mas_for_hagaren_by_kiercat1999.jpg Christmas! image by queen_of_the_elephants

ened.jpg fma christmas image by rikku_sama_fma

fma06calendar6.jpg HOMUNCULI CHRISTMAS! image by cloudyshine

e394scd.jpg Death Note Christmas image by Vilinda

MerryChristmas-1.jpg Merry Christmas image by AmayaTazuniya

cg_88_1.jpg christmas cardcaptor sakura image by kawaiiotaku08

18806357_l-1.jpg Christmas image by Seishiro_Baiken

Gaara_Christmas.gif Naruto Christmas image by Ken-Chan07

gaaraandnaruto.jpg naruto and gaara christmas image by GaArAlUvEr-YeS

ChristmasMassacre.jpg Christmas Massacre image by prettykitty39

:? :lol:


Merry Christmas, 1000 posts, cancer update and GaaraOfTheFunk5!

So I've been on this site for over a year and only decided to post more and get higher level ranks a few months ago. I can't believe that I've posted over 1000! Yay! ^_^

If you may or may not have heard, GaaraOfTheFunk5 has decided to take a break from and the internet altogether :( (if you want more info, go onto his profile and read for yourself, I don't want to pass too much info out). And what better time to take a break than during winter vacation? Gaara, I hope you come back here soon, but also get the time off you need. The threads will be boring without you and I'll miss you! ^_^

As for my friend Christina, she saw the comments you all left for her and she and I are both very grateful for your hopes and prayers. She's doing better, but the recovery process will take a while, and she's still not cancer free. Still, thanks for your prayers! ^_^

Oh, and with Christmas coming up soon, I wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Unfortunately, I'm still in school until Friday, but the wait will be worth it, and I'll get the faster internet I want from Santa! :D

^_^ Merry Christmas everyone! ^_^

red and green, very popular colors this time of year...

(Oh, FireFox, if you're reading this, since GOTF5's taking his internet break, I'd be more than happy to look over the Couples Hurt and Heal thread for you whe you're away. Let me know!)


Please pray for her

I just found one of my good friends has cancer. She has a heart condition ever since she was little, so she's needed to go to the doctors to get pills and treatment a lot, and she went recently complaining of leg pains. After some tests, there were cancerous tumors found in her legs. Apparently, the tumors had been in her legs for a while, but didn't turn cancerous until recently.

She's taking Chemo pills in hopes that the tumors will shrink and Chemo therapy andan operation to remove them won't be needed. But because of her heart condition, she can't take as many as required for the treatment to work as fast, meaning it will take longer for her to recover, or it may not work at all. The tumors aren't deadly, but extremely painful for her, and she's been getting around in a wheelchair. She may also need to go through surgery to get them removed if it doesn't work.

She just entered her first year of college at BC, and she has to miss her courses to go through d treatment. We were also supposed to do a breakfast with Santa event together, but obviously, she can't make it.

So I'm asking for you to pray for my friend Christina, you don't have to comment, just keep her in your thoughts. Especially with the holidays coming up, please pray for her speedy recovery.

^_^ Thank you


I finally have a banner, Hinata from the waterfall ep. (can't remember the name..), kinda stretched out, but still... the pretty colors... :P

Thanks again Kametsou! ^_^



I'm a level 7??? Wow, I was just on this morning at a level 6 and I wasn't anywhere near level 7!! Ugh, I hope it's not another glitch, that's been bugging me as well: some of my posts won't show, some come up twice, some of my blog comments won't show up... ugh, it's a pain, I hope it gets fixed soon.

Til then, to level 7! ...Hopefully! :lol:

Is that my final answer?

So, my new icon is... the one you see now! :D

If you haven't already figured it out, it's from a recent Naruto ep. (can't remember the name of it...) in which Shikamaru gives Kiba and Naruto his plan to face the remaining Sound ninja: Chibi style! gotta luv the chibis!

^_^YAY CHIBIS!!! :lol:

Guess What?

I'm going to be non-specific with blog titles! :P

Oh, and I'm finally picking a new icon, I have a few that I like and I'll be trying them out and pick one later. If you like one of 'em, let me know! ^_^

Please help me! T_T

I want to make a profile banner, and I've tried to make one on the mybannermaker site... but there's one problem... I have dial-up! Ugh, it's a pain because I had the banner all done but it wouldn't upload the image on my computer. I know what image I want but I need help, if someone could help me out and make one for me you'd be my hero!

Oh, and (I feel like such a noob for asking this but...)on the profiles, you canput an image or a message right beforethe blogs are shown, wheredo you upload the image or message to make it appear on the profile???

Thanks! ^_^

Is it just me...

I noticed how bummed out everyone is lately... my friends are being depressed at school, saying that they don't feel important, or they feel used or that they don't know what's important in life and now there are posts of people talking about how sad they are. And I probably won't be on much, my 2 friends (^see above^) are really acting depressed and I need to help them in any wayI can, I'm very good friends with them and I don't want to see them go through this and do something stupid that they might regret.

Anyways, today's friday, so spread the joy of the upcoming weekend and give someone a hug! (*hugs anyone reading!*)^_^

So about these Aqua Dots...

(before you read, just know that this is just a little entry about aqua dots XD):

So, I have a little 6 year old cousin and I was looking through a ToysRus toy catalouge, and when I turned the page, it had a sale for.... Aquadots, the same Aquadots that contain the chemical close to the date rape drug that has sent at least 7 kids to the hospital, and here it is in the Nov.25-Dec.1 ToyRus catalouge! I mean, how much more clueless can you get? Check for yourself if you want... just something random I noticed. ^_^